Commission on Aging Page 2

November 11, 2008

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Commission on Aging

November 11, 2008

Members present: Rev. Lesley Munnik, Sharon Hanson, John Gallagher, Ray Faehling, Herb Tauchen, Marianne Phalen, John Granchay, Milt Marquardt, Bonnie Weyers, LuAnn Krajenka, and Holly Konitzer.

Members absent: T.L. Christen, Karen Kupper, Frank Schersing/BAAA, Richard Kane and Kristy Malone.

Location and Time: Fellman Center

607 E Elizabeth Street, Lundmark Room – 9:00 a.m.

Shawano, Wisconsin 54166

1. / Roll call was taken and the open meeting notice was properly posted.
2. / Approval of September 23, 2008 minutes. Faehling made a motion to approve the September 23, 2008 minutes; Gallagher seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
3. / Public comment. None.
4. / Adoption of Agenda. Granchay made a motion to adopt the agenda, seconded by Faehling. All aye, motion carried.
5. / Deviation from the Agenda. None.
6. / Nutrition Report. Copies were circulated of the MOA’s to allow the meal sites to continue to operate at existing locations. The Hutchins site may be moving to Marble Ave. apartments in Mattoon. Participants living at the Marble Ave. site are becoming frailer, making it more difficult for them to attend the Hutchins site. Approximately six seniors in the apartment building attend the site.
7. /

Transportation Report.

a. The 2006 Goshen bus has 69,966 miles on it as of November 10, 2008. A routine oil change was performed at Point Lube for $33.33. The 2008 GMC bus has 5,065 miles on it as of October 30, 2008. It gets approximately 9.4 miles per gallon. The bus was taken to Steve’s Service in Cecil for an oil change and routine maintenance. That vendor will be working on items under warranty. The 1997 Plymouth van has 112,837 miles as of November 7, 2008. Shawano Auto did an oil change, checked some noises and made adjustments to doors on the van. A bus driver training will be held in cooperation with Menominee Transportation System on December 6, 2008 in Keshena. The main topic is passenger assistance and sensitivity training. The Aging Unit currently has 23 active volunteer driver escorts in its program. The diesel bus was used for a Green Bay shopping trip and a Civic Center trip to Kaukauna. Tomorrow the bus will take riders shopping in Wausau. Two bus shopping trips to Appleton may be sponsored in December.
b. 85.21 Grant. The 2009 s. 85.21 transportation grant is in the sum of $116,709.00, with a county match of $23,342.00, for a total of $140,051.00. As in the past, three transportation projects are the focus: driver escort, mini-bus and user side subsidy (taxi ticket discount). A discount of $.75 per ride will be offered, and 14,000 tickets will be printed, up from the 12,000 printed for 2008. There was discussion on the taxi program in Shawano. A meeting will be held next Wednesday at City Hall to discuss the 2009 provider for the city.
c. City-County Transportation Committee. City Cab reports have reflected an increase in trip miles; however, the number of trips and revenue has declined compared to last year at this time. The Dept. of Community Programs also provided statistics to the committee. A grievance filed by KAP regarding City Cab procedures was referred to the state Dept. of Transportation.
8. / Aging Unit Director Report.
a. ADRC updates. The five entities that are working on the ADRC have begun holding meetings for stakeholders. The next meeting is on Friday, November 14, 2008. At this point, the group is on target to submit the grant by June 2009.
b. AARP MOU. Copies of the AARP MOU were distributed. The purpose of the $1,000.00 payment in 2008 is to keep the AARP computers running and to provide needed supplies, such as ink and paper for the machines available to seniors and the general public. Marquardt made a motion to approve the MOU; Hanson seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.
c. SHIP grant. The State of Wisconsin received a performance award for their SHIP data entry performance. SHIP is a data entry program where benefit specialists enter information on assistance they provide in the areas of Medicare, Medical Assistance, SeniorCare, and other health-related benefits. This has been offered as grants to counties that can use it to assist the benefit specialist in clerical and data entry duties. Shawano County has applied for and will receive funds to provide more clerical support for the benefit specialist.
d. A “Training Camp for Seniors” poster was routed to commission members and discussed. It will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2008, at Lambeau Field. The event is free to seniors, and Bart and Cheri Starr will attend the event.
9. /

District Reports.

AARP. The group held a potluck supper, at which Gary Tauchen and John Powers appeared and spoke on issues before the election. Three AARP members staffed a table at the Zion health fair. The Voter Express Van appeared at the Civic Center and also in Green Bay. Fourteen new AARP members have recently joined the chapter. Election of officers will be conducted on November 18, 2008. A speaker from Madison will talk about SeniorCare and Medicare Part D. Phalen will remain on the AARP board, though not as president. The Christmas party will be held on December 12, 2008, at Angie’s Diner. White elephant gifts will be exchanged. Any money raised will be donated to either Safe Haven or Safparc. A recent bake sale at M&I bank raised $189.00 for the AARP scholarship fund. Approximately 12 individuals attended the two-day class on defensive driving at the Fellman Center. Jim Peterson was the facilitator of this event.
Western District. The Christmas trip on December 13, 2008, to a Gaithers’ concert is three-quarters filled. Rev. Munnik plans to visit the western meal sites in the near future.
Central District. Granchay has been designated as volunteer ombudsman for Birch Hill Health Care Center. He was impressed with the resident council meetings he has attended, which address issues such as meals, laundry, maintenance, etc. Granchay also reported on a school board meeting and on budgets and expenditures that were compared to the 1970’s. No program is safe from being eliminated.
Advisory Council. Hanson reported that the BAAA will close its offices on December 31, 2008. At that time, a staff member will work part-time hours to take care of any outstanding office bills. The state office in Madison will assume duties of the area agencies on aging. Employees will receive severance packages.
BAAA. No report.
BAAA Board of Directors. What to do with the BAAA’s assets is being addressed by the board. Counties with available funding are urged to use those funds in 2008. There may be a meeting or two of the BAAA officers after January 1, 2009, to close out the business. Tauchen is a member of the executive committee. Five members of the BAAA staff received severance packages based on years of service. The money will be disbursed at the end of the year, per the advising attorney’s recommendation. There remains confusion on who aging units could contact with questions after January 1, 2009. A third state GWAAR staff member, who will be responsible for hiring the rest of the staff for the new organization, will be selected in mid-November.
Eastern District. No report.
10. / Per Diem Approval. Faehling made a motion to approve the per diem payments, seconded by Gallagher, of the following meetings: October 6, 2008 Nutrition Council, October 23, 2008 City-County Transportation meeting, October 30, 2008 BAAA Board of Directors and Advisory Council, and today’s Commission on Aging meeting. All aye, motion carried
11. / The next meeting will be held on January 13, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. at the Fellman Center.
12. / Adjournment. Granchay made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Hanson seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried and the meeting was adjourned by Tauchen.
Milton Marquardt, Secretary / Date
Shawano County Commission on Aging