Claridge House Cooperative
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2012
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July 17, 2012
Board Members Present
Sean Connolly, President; Bearnice Friedlander, Vice President; Craig Birmingham, Treasurer; John Nargiso, Assistant Treasurer; Kathrin Halpern, Secretary; Erika Emery, Assistant Secretary; and Lori Rizzi, Member at Large.
Others Present
Pilar Juergenson, Building Manager; Aaron Rosenberg, Associate Manager; Johnny Constantino, Building Engineer; and Jacki Mowery, Recording Secretary, On the Record.
Call to Order
Mr. Connolly called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
(R)Ms. Halpern moved, and Ms. Rizzi seconded, to approve the June 19, 2012, Board of Director’s Meeting minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously without proclamation.
Management Report
Ms. Juergenson informed the Board that a tentative date of August 15 has been set to install the canopy. She stated that that Penthouse Rehab is scheduled to commence on July 23, and she expects to have a contract from the contractor by July 18.
Ms. Juergenson stated that the pool permits were obtained shortly after the June Board meeting. She informed the Board that Mr. Rosenberg is working diligently on collecting outstanding unit maintenance repair invoices and outstanding move-in fees.
Ms. Juergenson informed the Board that the new pool furniture arrived on July 10. They also received several new tables and tall chairs for the courtyard area.
Ms. Juergenson stated that a deposit was sent to OneSource Windows to commence work to replace the window hardware in 11 units in the South Building. The schedule for these repairs is pending.
Ms. Juergenson informed the Board that on July 11, the swimming pool pump was burned out and in need of replacement. High Sierra Pools installed a new Hayward I HP Super Pump that same day. The cost for the replacement was just under $800.
Ms. Juergenson informed the Board that she and Mr. Rosenberg have been reviewing the financial documents closely and continue to find accounting errors. She is planning on visiting Legum & Norman with Mr. Rosenberg to discuss the discrepancies that continue to appear on the monthly financial statements.
Mr. Rosenberg stated that he recently attended an orientation to become a Notary Public for the Claridge House. He is currently waiting on a follow up email from the Office of Notary Commissions & Authentications. He will need to obtain bond, supplies and take an oath to complete the process.
Mr. Rosenberg informed the Board that he is currently conducting an analysis of the utilities. He has requested copies of Pepco and Washington Gas invoices and will send them to Energy Pro for a complete analysis.
Mr. Birmingham inquired if management had received a draft of the financial audit. Ms. Juergenson stated that they have not yet received a draft of the financial audit.
Engineer’s Report
Mr. Constantino stated that boiler 1 and chillers 1 and 2 are all online. He informed the Board that when he recently started the chillers during the intense heat, they were not working so he charged them with 200 pounds of Freon. He stated that the chillers were not working properly again over the past weekend and they were charged with another 100 pounds of Freon.
Mr. Constantino informed the Board that the cooling tower malfunctioned on June 29th. He found that the frequency drive was not working properly, causing the ventilation fan to lose speed, which consequently caused the water to become hot. Mr. Constantino bypassed the system until he received a new part on July 7th. He stated that he completed the repair and the tower is now operating properly.
Mr. Constantino stated that 1027 North and 1003 North both had roof leaks from the recent weather. There were additional leaks under the pool in the South building in the stairwell.
Mr. Constantino informed the Board that there were two fire alarms. He stated that the alarms were triggered both times from people cooking in their units. Ms. Friedlander recommended that the Board draft a letter to the community to be more conscious when cooking. Ms. Juergenson stated that she would draft something for Ms. Halpern to review.
Mr. Constantino stated that he is concerned with the amount of energy the chillers are exerting. He informed the Board that he contacted their maintenance contractor to provide him with a quote for a new chiller and cooling tower. He will also send out additional requests for proposals.
Additional Points of Discussion
Mr. Nargiso inquired with the Board about the ability of the Board to approve the transfer of a sale within the Claridge House. Ms. Juergenson stated that she forwarded his inquiry along to the association’s attorney and has not yet received an answer. Ms. Juergenson stated that in the past, the paperwork is submitted to the Flynn Company, which is the Claridge House’s transfer agent. Part of the Claridge House’s requirements with the transfer of sale is a credit application, along with an interview of the buyer and signatures of four of the Board members. She indicated that there have not been problems in the past with this process.
Ms. Friedlander informed the Board about her concerns about the potential buyer. The Board discussed Ms. Friedlander’s concerns and the Board’s responsibility to its shareholders.
Ms. Juergenson informed the Board that Mr. Bobby Portigue gave his letter of resignation, effective July 25, 2012.
Ms. Rizzi informed the Board that her current tenant has complained about the smoke issues in the building. She inquired with management about the number of current leases in the building to determine when the smoke issues would be resolved. Ms. Juergenson stated that there are quite a few old leases in the building, as the tenants have tended to stay for several years. Mr. Birmingham recommended that management research odor-eliminating machines that could be used in the building to address the issue.
Unit Renovation Project
Mr. Connolly informed the Board that he and Ms. Halpern have taken ownership of the program and are finalizing the program documents. They expect to distribute these documents to the Board by the August meeting.
Mr. Connolly adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
DATE APPROVED: August 23, 2012
(Name) (Title)
(R) Resolution/Motion(A) Action
On the Record