Teacher: Mrs. R. Williams Date: 08/15-19/2016 Subject: Honor’s Chemistry/Chemistry Block: 1st, 4th, & 5th

Alabama COS Objectives and NGSS Eligible Content for Science and Engineering Practices
SEP # 3-Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
a.  Select appropriate tools to collect record, analyze, and evaluate data
b.  Make directional hypotheses that specify what happens to a dependent variable when an independent variable is manipulated
c.  Plan and conduct an investigation or test a design solution in a safe and ethical manner including considerations of environmental, social, and personal impacts.
SEP # 5- Using Mathematical and Computational Thinking
a.  Create and/or revise a computational model or simulation of a phenomenon, design devise, process or system
b.  Apply techniques of algebra and functions to represent and solve scientific and engineering problems.
c.  Apply ratios, rates, percentages and unit conversions in the context of complicated measurement problems involving quantities with derived or compound units.
4.) Plan and conduct an investigation to classify properties of matter as intensive (e.g., density, viscosity, specific heat, melting point, boiling point) or extensive (e.g., mass, volume, heat) and demonstrate how intensive properties can be used to identify a compound.
Technology Standards:
12. Use digital tools to publish curriculum-related content.
Examples: Web page authoring software, coding software, wikis, blogs, podcasts
13. Demonstrate collaborative skills using curriculum-related content in digital environments.
Examples: completing assignments online; interacting with experts and peers in a structured, online learning environment
15. Forecast technology innovations based on trends.
Reading Standards:
I-1 Identify supporting details
I-2 Determine sequence of event
I-3 Following Directions
II-2 Draw conclusions
II-3 Determine cause and effect
IV-1 Determine meaning of words
IV-2,3 Preview, Predict; Discern organizing patterns
Reading Literacy Standards:
1.  [RST.11-12.1] Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
2.  4. [RST.11-12.4] Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and topics.
3.  4. [WHST.11-12.4] Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
SAT-10 Standards
USA-Test Prep


KWL / Word Splash / Anticipation Guide / Lecture / Graphic Organizer/VLT / Poem, Rhymes, etc.
Survey / Possible Sentence / Think-Pair-Share / Reading / Pictograph / Acronyms/Word
First Word / Concept Map / Vocabulary Overview / Model / Diagram / Other: ______
Word Map / Frayer Model / Daily Language Practice (DLP)______/ Hands-on / Mind Map/Visual Guide
Engagement Strategies:
- Collaborative Group Work - Writing to Learn - Literacy Groups Other:______
- Questioning Techniques - Scaffolding Text -Classroom Talk
Technology Integration: Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Digital/ Video Camera Clickers ACCESS Computer Program:______Other:______
Assessment (formal or informal): class work notebook homework quizzes tests computer activities collaborative work project based Other:___

Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards Teacher Questions Student Summary Other:______.


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Essential Question / 1. How do scientists communicate all over the world?
2. Why do scientists communicate with each other?
3.What are the proper ways to handle laboratory equipment? / 1. How do scientists communicate all over the world?
2. Why do scientists communicate with each other?
3.What are the proper ways to handle laboratory equipment? / 1. How do scientists communicate all over the world?
2. Why do scientists communicate with each other?
3.What are the proper ways to handle laboratory equipment? / 1. How are scientific measurements converted from one unit to another? / 1.What are the five traditional areas of chemistry?
2. How do pure and applied chemistry differ from each other?
3. Why do we study chemistry?
Objective(s) / 1. To explain and model classroom rules and procedures
2. To explain and model expectations of the teacher / 1. To review classroom rules and procedures
2. To review the expectations of the teacher
3. To understand laboratory safety / 1. To identify the appropriate laboratory equipment.
2. Use appropriate measuring units
3. Convert metric measurements in the laboratory. / 1. To convert one measuring unit to another unit. / 1.Identify five traditional areas of study in chemistry
2. Relate pure chemistry to applied chemistry
3. Identify reasons to study chemistry.
(Before) / Bell Ringer/Review:
Students will complete their bell assignment in their bell assignment tablet as a response to question the board. When completed, teacher and students will answer and discuss in class.
Students and teacher will review material covered from the previous day/week. / Bell Ringer/Review:
Students will complete their bell assignment in their bell assignment tablet as a response to question the board. When completed, teacher and students will answer and discuss in class.
Students and teacher will review material covered from the previous day/week. / Bell Ringer/Review:
Students will complete their bell assignment in their bell assignment tablet as a response to question the board. When completed, teacher and students will answer and discuss in class.
Students and teacher will review material covered from the previous day/week. / Bell Ringer/Review:
Students will complete their bell assignment in their bell assignment tablet as a response to question the board. When completed, teacher and students will answer and discuss in class.
Students and teacher will review material covered from the previous day/week. / Bell Ringer/Review:
Students will complete their bell assignment in their bell assignment tablet as a response to question the board. When completed, teacher and students will answer and discuss in class.
Students and teacher will review material covered from the previous day/week.
(During) / Summarizing
Role Playing
I DO, We Do Ya'll Do, You Do,
T.W. I. R. L.
Teacher will review chapter vocabulary words.
Teacher will review Significant digits, converting SI units, and scientific notations.
Teacher will introduce the physics chapter to students using PowerPoint, lecture, and laboratory activities. / Summarizing
Role Playing
I DO, We Do Ya'll Do, You Do,
T.W. I. R. L.
Teacher will review chapter vocabulary words.
Teacher will review Significant digits, converting SI units, and scientific notations.
Teacher will introduce the physics chapter to students using PowerPoint, lecture, and laboratory activities. / Summarizing
Role Playing
I DO, We Do Ya'll Do, You Do,
T.W. I. R. L.
Teacher will review chapter vocabulary words, physics chapter to students using PowerPoint, lecture, and laboratory activities. / Summarizing
Role Playing
I DO, We Do Ya'll Do, You Do,
T.W. I. R. L.
Teacher will review chapter vocabulary words.
Teacher will introduce the physics chapter to students using PowerPoint, lecture, and laboratory activities. / Summarizing
Role Playing
I DO, We Do Ya'll Do, You Do,
T.W. I. R. L.
Teacher will review chapter vocabulary words.
Teacher will introduce the physics chapter to students using PowerPoint, lecture, and laboratory activities.
Complete Independent Activity:
1.  Students will complete the following worksheets “Matter and Change” on their own paper.
2.  Students will complete the following worksheet “Safety and Equipment Puzzle” on their own paper.
Teacher will be available while students complete this activity.
Students will complete exit slip on their exit slip sheet.
Students will be given the opportunity to write down anything they did not understand during today’s lesson / Complete Independent Activity:
1.  PPT and Discussion Ch. 1 Section 2
2.  Students will complete Ch.1 Sec. 2 and guided practice workbook activity using ipad on the following websites on the http//: my.hrw.com
Teacher will be available while students complete this activity.
Students will complete exit slip on their exit slip sheet.
Students will be given the opportunity to write down anything they did not understand during today’s lesson / Complete Independent Activity:
1.  Students will complete Ch. 1 Voc. Quiz
2.  Lab Equipment and Safety Test
3.  PPT and Discussion Ch. 1 Section 3
4.  Students will complete Ch.1 Sec. 3 and guided practice workbook activity using ipad on the following websites on the http//: my.hrw.com
Teacher will be available while students complete this activity.
Students will complete exit slip on their exit slip sheet.
Students will be given the opportunity to write down anything they did not understand during today’s lesson / Complete Independent Activity:
1.  Students will complete p. 27 Ch. 1 Review
2.  Students will complete Ch. 1 Review Worksheet
3.  Students will define Ch. 2 Vocabulary Words in their composition books
Teacher will be available while students complete this activity.
Students will complete exit slip on their exit slip sheet.
Students will be given the opportunity to write down anything they did not understand during today’s lesson / Complete Independent Activity:
1.  PPT and Discussion Ch. 2 Section 1
2.  Students will complete Ch.2 Sec. 1 and guided practice workbook activity using ipad on the following websites on the http//: my.hrw.com
Teacher will be available while students complete this activity.
Students will complete exit slip on their exit slip sheet.
Students will be given the opportunity to write down anything they did not understand during today’s lesson
(After) / Exit Slips
Written Reflection / Exit Slips
Written Reflection / Exit Slips
Written Reflection / Exit Slips
Written Reflection / Exit Slips
Written Reflection