Constancy of purpose model

In my previous paper I stated that the four essential elements to create constancy of purpose are,

  • to belong (belonging)
  • freedom
  • power
  • fun

I wish to expand the subject further and develop my abstract thoughts into a more tangible form of looking at constancy of purpose.

I have added the time factor, since the whole process is applied over a period of time and I have also given a numerical value of 0% being the least beneficial to constancy of purpose, whereas 100% the most, to each of the four elements. This gives a three dimensional plane to the model and one can also explore the relationship between the elements as their value varies.

As examples that helped me to decide on how to give levels, I chose to look at how famous and infamous personalities achieved their constancy of purpose, artists, politicians, soldiers, scientists,athletes etc. I will not name any as the lists are too long and one may easily draw his/her own but some of these persons have pushed each of the four elements to the limits, in some cases exceeding the limits, to achieve their constancy of purpose. In my humble opinion, in each case it was pure pursuit of goal, never letting go of their objective no matter what.

Putting a value to constancy of purpose

Going back to my model, the ideal level is obviously at 100%, as at this level, I presume that one is at his/her optimum level of performance. However as the 100% is never possible in any element, a cylinder of constancy of purpose is being formed as a result of the fact that at every instant of our activities to attain constancy of purpose are changing. We would not have it any other way until we either achieve our goal or give up, the two extremes of constancy of purpose.

This cylinder or more accurately the cross-sectional area (ellipse), is formed depending on the level of each element. Since there is a time factor involved and that the value of the elements diminishes and increase depending on the value of the element, a shift away or towards the ideal position is continuously occurring. Therefore a continuous struggle to achieve the ideal situation is in process. This will distort the cylinder’s shape (cross-sectional area) since the cylinder’s boundary is determined by the level of each element.

I think that to a great extent we all apply this model in one way or another. Each element is an asset as much as it is a liability and it is the result that counts in the end.

A hypothetic value for constancy of purpose

Since 100% benefit is achieved at the intersection of the axis it then follows that the cross sectional area of our cylinder ( for the ease of calculating I shall presume that this area is in the form of an ellipse ) is the amount of benefit towards constancy of purpose,

To determine the area of an ellipse we use the formula  * a * b

Where the longer side of the ellipse = 2a

And the shorter side of the ellipse = 2b

Therefore at 100% (perfection) for all of our elements we are exactly at the intersection of the axis. Since each element is at 100% this is equals to 1 since 100% = 100/100, therefore our ellipse which in this case is exactly a circle has its longer side = 2 and its “shorter” side=2. Using the above formula and applying the values for our “ellipse” we get,

3.142*1*1 = 3.142

Therefore in my model 3.142 is the maximum value of constancy of purpose.


Let us say that we have determined the values of our four elements, and they are as follows

Power 80%, Freedom 60%; Fun 75%,Belong 82%, our model will be like the figure below.

Again using the formula  * a * b we can determine that our level of constancy of purpose is as follows,

The longest side of the ellipse is

2a = 75/100 +82/100 = 0.75+0.82 = 1.57

therefore a = 0.785

The short side of the ellipse is

2b =80/100+60/100 = 0.8+ 0.6 = 1.4

therefore b=0.7

Therefore the level of constancy of purpose is

3.142*0.785*0.7 = 1.726


Since in my model the maximum level of constancy of purpose is 3.142, the level we have obtained for our example is 1.726/3.142 = 54.93% constancy of purpose.

Also the effort is coming more from the Power and Belong quadrant.

Real life constancy of purpose

I have had the privilege to interview persons for posts in quality related jobs and also have had the privilege to have played and coached team sports, namely basketball. In all cases the selection of the persons is crucial since each one has to fit in a team and each “player” has to concentrate their skills to the maximum benefit of the task ahead and also to the company as a whole.

  • Will the persons fit? I will look at their competence, qualifications, communication and personality.
  • Will the persons exert the authority they are given? They will have to be able to follow accurately the instructions they are given and act on the issues that they are responsible for in time and with the least of disruption.
  • Are they free to express themselves coherently, and able to develop their views positively to the benefit of the company? They will have to communicate clearly to other sections within the company and able to give a good judgment as a result of their findings.
  • Can they associate themselves and integrate in a group? They have to be ready to exchange ideas feel at ease with their fellow teammates.

As we are describing a model here, in real life things are quite different and very far from perfect, a million things can go wrong or affect our team’s performance. We have to accept the fact that there are limits or the levels as mentioned above in all that we do. As responsible persons for our team we have to make it work by constantly monitoring the progress of our team and finding alternative ways to help the team to meet or surpass these limitations and reach the goal which ultimately is our constancy of purpose.

Sal881vw 16.06.2004