SAISD Private Non-Profit Schools Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Campus Name: / Address: / School Year:
Principal: / Date:
Enrollment: / Primary Contact:
Purpose: (purpose of CNA)

1. Teacher Quality: (Title II Part A) Area(s) of Focus/Need to improve teaching and learning:

Area(s) of Strength(s):

Professional Learning Strategies/Activities for Improving Areas of Need:

Reading/Language Arts
Social Studies

SAISD Title II Part A Handbook-Private Non-Profit Schools-10-25-12Page 3

NCLB Monitoring System

Private Non-Public
School Name: / 2012-2013
Continuous Improvement Plan / Submittal Date:
Desired results/goal identified in the NCLB continuous improvement plan should be integrated, as appropriate, into the Private Non-Profit (PNP) campus improvement planning processes. The PNP must ensure that staff members on each campus have a clear understanding of the PNP’s CIP activities. Campus principals must disseminate the CIP to all faculty members and conduct training regarding implementation of CIP activities, including individual staff responsibilities for implementation and evaluation. The PNP must also conduct monitoring to determine the progress of implementation of CIP activities and evaluate completed activities to determine results related to student performance. SAISD is accountable to TEA regarding the implementation of regulations in the expenditures of federal funding.
DESIRED RESULT Goal(s) that address each identified area of improvement, including necessary correction of noncompliance / MEASURABLE EVIDENCE OF CHANGE Qualitative and/or quantitative measures of student performance/ program improvement / ACTIVITIES Describe the new strategies, initiative, and/or redesign activities that will be implemented to improve program components and systems to attain the desired result / RESOURCES
Title I, only
Title II, only Professional Development, Materials,
Activities / TIMELINES Initial (beginning) Interim (formative) and Final (summative) for evaluation purposes
DESIRED RESULT Goal(s) that address each identified area of improvement, including necessary correction of noncompliance / MEASURABLE EVIDENCE OF CHANGE Qualitative and/or quantitative measures of student performance/ program improvement / ACTIVITIES Describe the new strategies, initiative, and/or redesign activities that will be implemented to improve program components and systems to attain the desired result / RESOURCES
Title I, only
Title II, only Professional Development Materials/
Activities / TIMELINES Initial (beginning) Interim (formative) and Final (summative) for evaluation purposes
Follow-Up Activities After the interim benchmark for evaluation, what will we do if the initial plan isn't working?

SAISD Title II Part A Handbook-Private Non-Profit Schools-10-25-12Page 3

SAISD Title II Part A Handbook-Private Non-Profit Schools-10-25-12Page 3