Vale of UskLEADER Programme

LEADER is a community led programme which aims to improve the quality of life and prosperity of the rural areas through the delivery of locally inspired and driven projects. Priority will be given to projects that are innovative, and present good value for money. LEADER is unable to support capital projects,eg the purchase of items more than £10,000, building projects and existing project activities and salaries, cannot be covered.We may be able to suggest alternative funding. Further details can be found here

1 / Name of project
2 / Group delivering project
(if this is known)
3 / Is the Group Constituted
Date Established
Is the Group: / YES / NO

Charity Social Enterprise CIC Ltd Co

Sole Trader Other ______
3 / Project Summary:
(Brief outline of project idea – max 200 words))
4 / What does the project hope to achieve?
5 / Where in Monmouthshire or Rural Newport will the project take place?
6 / Who will benefit from the project?
(Explain which community/ies; business/es or individual/s will directly benefit and how)
7 / What evidence have you to prove the need for the project?
(e.g has any research suggested that the project has support from the local community)
8 / Is there evidence that a similar project has been successful in another area?
8 / Which particular
RDP Theme(s) would project fit under?
(Can be more than one) /
Theme 1: Local identity; natural and cultural resources
Theme 2: Pre-commercial development; business partnerships and short supply chains
Theme 3: Providing non-statutory local services e.g. tourist information provision

Theme 4: Renewable Energy for community projects

Theme 5: Using Digital technology for - community benefit

Co-operation: A project that includes more than one RDP group
9 / Do you have any partners/groups who are involved with this project?
10 / How much money will the project cost or estimate?
Please say if quote or estimate.
11 / LEADER can only provide up to 80% of the total project cost. How will you fund the remaining 20%?
12 / When do you want to start and finish the project? / Start ______Finish ______

Project Contact:______

Contact Email:______

Contact Telephone:______

Please return your Project Idea Form via email to:or the relevant officer if known. Post to RDP LEADER Team, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Rhadyr,Usk, Monmouthshire, NP15 1GA

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 01633 748311