No. 2003-07G
“Leave No Trace”
Over the last 6 years, Walton County has made substantial progress in promoting and enforcing beach ordinance No. 2003-07G, which states that beach chairs, umbrellas, tents and other personal items left on the beach and around public beach accesses overnight (from one hour after dusk to one hour after sunrise) will be discarded, unless otherwise permitted. The beach ordinance was enacted due to the need to protect nesting sea turtles (May - November) and to allow emergency vehicles to navigate the beach more safely.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission are mandating to coastal counties that obstacles on the beach at night should be prohibited. Similar ordinances areeffect along other Florida beaches where they are being more strictly enforced because of the large decline of turtle nests being recorded in those areas.
The "Leave No Trace" effort is designed to educate residents and visitors of the need to respect the environment while enjoying the pristine beaches we all are proud of. The message seems to be gaining momentum over the past several years, with more people removing their personal items from the beach each night.
Following are internal procedures for marketing and enforcing this ordinance in the future:
1. Code Enforcement will remove items left on the beach in violation of this ordinancethat poses a safety risk to visitors or responders. Code Enforcement has the authority to tag Items left in violation of the ordinance if deemed necessary and allow 24 hours to remove their personal items from the beach. If items are tagged the tag will have the date and time the item was observed on the beach. At the time the item is tagged, a photo will be taken for use as proof should there be any subsequent dispute that the property owner received 24-hour warning of removal.
2. Items removed from the beach by Code Enforcement will be disposed of at a secure facility in dumpsters managed by the Tourist Development Council for disposal. Vendor Items that are removed will be stored at a secure location and returned to the vendor by request after a Notice of Violation is issued to the Vendor displayed on the permit. The purpose of the Notice of Violation is to track the number of violations the vendor is responsible for and that it may be referred to the County Administrator or his appointee for the purpose of enforcing the ordinance. Recurring offenses may result in non-renewal of vendor license.
3. Code Enforcement will issue permits for larger items and items that are bundled and placed at the toe of the dune. This will allow for storage of kayaks, volley ball nets, sail boats, and items used by beach vendors. Vendor items stored on the beach must be stored in boxes provided by the vendor placed on the property where the vendor is authorized to vend. The box may not exceed 6 feet wide by 4 feet tall by 12 feet long.
4. The TDC beach crew will continue to pick up items left near public walkovers and
trash receptacles without being tagged as this is county property.
5. The TDC will be responsible for educating visitors and residents about the ordinance and “Leave No Trace” campaign via consistent marketing efforts.
6. The TDC will continue to educate and be proactive in beach safety education and the “Leave No Trace” ordinance as well as other beach related ordinances through public relations opportunities. The Beach Ambassador and Code Enforcement Officer’s when practical will also educate the public by contacting them face to face on the beach during their daily duties. Information will also be provided to Bed tax collectors so they may communicate the message to their visitors as well.
7. All questions and complaints are referred to Code Enforcement at (850) 622-0000.
For more information visitors and partners may also view the code as written at and click ordinances link. Ordinance number 2010-05.