Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation


Contractor Instructions for the RFQ and 2014-2015 Program Expectations

Contractors desiring to participate in the program are strongly urged to attend the RFQ briefing session

Monday, September 15, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. in the PHDC Boardroom, 17th floor, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA.


Respondents must submit a total of two typed or neatly printed copies of their response package to the office of the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation, 1234 Market Street (17th Floor) Philadelphia, PA 19107, to the attention of Guy Porcella. Contractors must use RFQ package documents, as supplied by PHDC. The two copies are to be complete and collated for ease of review by PHDC staff. Please do not use paper clips, subdivisions, tables of contents, or add information not requested by the RFQ. Completeness of submissions is solely the responsibility of the submitting contractor. Scoring of submissions will be strictly on the basis of what contractors provide. Receipts will be provided on request. Packages are due no later than Thursday, September 18, 2014, at 4:30 PM. Late submissions will not be considered for the program. Contractors are encouraged to begin filling out RFQ packages as early as possible, due to the rapid response time required here and because some required documents may take time to obtain. RFQ packages will be made available September 11, 2014.


Please review your RFQ package and bring questions to the contractor briefing.


1.  KC-RFRP Program Description and RFQ Process Description

2.  Authorizations and Certifications Form

3.  RFQ Application Form and Checklist

4.  RFQ Attachment Forms (to be filled out and submitted with RFQ submissions)

a.  Contractor’s Certification of Compliance

b.  Workforce Needs / Manpower Utilization

c.  Contractor’s Section 3 Affirmative Action Plan

d.  Solicitation and Commitment Form

e.  Section 3 Certification

f.  Executive Order 2-95 Certification

g.  Economic Opportunity Plan

h.  Tax Status Certification

i.  Certificate of Insurancea

j.  Insurance policy endorsement

k.  Anti-Lobbying Certification

l.  Contractor Compliance Certification Form, Employer Summary

m.  Contractor Compliance Instructions and Individual Employee Form (2 pages)**

n.  W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

** This document must be filled out for each employee who is expected to take part in the BSRP.

a This is a sample insurance certification for illustration purposes only. An actual current certification with the required coverages and limits must be submitted by all contractors.

1. General Description

The Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) is seeking qualified general and specialty contractors to provide residential major and minor system repairs and façade improvements for the Keystone Communities-Residential Façade Repair Program (KC-RFRP).

Contracts will be offered for all or part of the period from October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015. Services will be provided to income-eligible homeowners from Philadelphia. Work orders using PHDC’s Work Item Price List will be issued during the term of the contract until funds are exhausted. Typical work orders to individual contractors range from $400 - $15,000. The KC-RFRP client grant limit is $20,000.

The number of contractors selected by PHDC will be limited to at most: 3 roofing contractors, 2 heating contractors, 1 asbestos contractor/consultant, 3 electrical contractors, 3 general contractors, 3 plumbing contractors, and 2 carpenters/masons.

2. Eligible Services

The purpose of the KC-RFRP is to provide residential major and minor systems building repairs and façade improvements in the Choice Neighborhoods North Central target area for income-eligible homeowners. PHDC will oversee client eligibility, with actual reviews performed and eligibility determinations provided by Rebuilding Together Philadelphia (RTP) and Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM). PHDC inspectors will visit applicant properties and determine which building problems are program-eligible. Program-eligible repairs will be detailed on specification work orders by these inspectors. Building conditions eligible for KC-RFRP services include:


Repairs are authorized for all roofs with significant leakage. Roofs will be treated as a whole, with no partial roof repairs permitted. Maintenance work is permitted. For example, if a roof is generally in good condition but minor repairs such as flashing work or repairs around chimneys are needed, these repairs are permissible. Roof coatings for the purpose of prolonging the lives of roofs are also permitted.

Electrical repairs are authorized when:

1.  A circuit shuts off and cannot be restored by the replacement of a fuse or the flipping of a circuit breaker.

2.  Overheating in the circuitry is enough to generate smoke or flames.

3.  Any exposed cable is cut or worn in such a way that residents are subject to electrical shock.

4.  Occupant usage is overloading circuits, as evidenced by numerous and/or lengthy extension cords.

5.  Broken switches, receptacles, and light fixtures are eligible repairs.

Heating repairs:

All necessary heating repairs are permissible in this program. Heaters may be replaced where there are cracked heat exchangers or when the overall condition of heaters is so deteriorated that it no longer is cost effective to continue making repairs.

Asbestos Removal:

The KC-RFRP does not provide asbestos removal per se. Asbestos will be removed where it is necessary in order to initiate other critical KC-RFRP repairs. Most commonly this means removing asbestos from old heaters and heating pipes.

Plumbing repairs are authorized when:

1.  There is a major break in any sewage pipe. Such problems normally occur either underground between the house and the street or under the bathroom floor.

2.  The sewage line is blocked.

3.  Any violation (other than for non-payment) is presented by the Water Department that results in the shut-off of the water supply to the house.

4.  Supply line leaks may be addressed.

5.  Minor repairs, such as dripping faucets, replacement of toilet tank parts, replacement of toilet bowl waxes, replacement of accessible sink traps, and the replacement of hot water tanks are all eligible items.

Carpentry/Masonry repairs are authorized when:

1.  Masonry walls bulge or move enough to cause concern about wall portions falling.

2.  Floors rot and break to the extent that there is a risk of stepping through the floor.

3.  Joists or wood framed walls are rotted and/or broken so they have fallen or are threatening to fall.

4.  A stairway has rotted and/or broken so that it is unstable.

5.  The replacement of doors and windows and other minor repairs are eligible as long as those components are in poor condition.

Façade Work

If major systems repairs have been addressed, as delineated above, and grant funds remain, additional work may be performed on façades. Façade work will be limited to the side of the house that faces the street or, in the case of a corner property, the two sides that face the two streets.

Examples of façade work are listed below are eligible, as long as the items represent significant improvement to the property. For example, while it may be desirable to replace all windows on the façade, if the existing windows are in good condition, this will not be considered a good investment of funds.

  1. Painting of woodwork
  2. Porch repair or replacement
  3. Step repair or replacement
  4. Railings
  5. Stucco
  6. Lighting
  7. Window replacement
  8. Door replacement
  9. Sidewalk replacement

Note also that a system of prioritization will be used in the program, such that critical repairs shall all be addressed prior to the inclusion of minor repairs, and minor repairs shall be addressed prior to façade work. In other words, the primary aim of the program is to provide building safety and function while if funding permits, building enhancements can also be included.

All work must be completed according to the OHCD/PHDC/PRA Small Buildings Specifications document, and guided by the PHDC Price Book. PHDC staff will make determinations in matters of interpretation and applicability. Technical Specifications and Price Books are available electronically. All work must be in compliance with all applicable codes.

Housing and Urban Development Title X regulations are applicable, with respect to lead paint disturbance. All contractors will be required to exercise appropriate care to contain dust, particularly wherever it is necessary to disturb paint. Additionally, all contractors must possess a Lead-Safe Firm certification from the Environmental Protection Agency, and shall have relevant jobs overseen by a certified Lead Renovator.

3. Work Management Procedures

a.  RTP & APM review client applications and approve clients with respect to client eligibility.

b.  RTP forwards approved clients to PHDC for specification preparation.

c.  PHDC assigns work, approved and prepared by PHDC staff, to contractors. Work orders expire 30 days from the proceed date. The work order will include specification sheet(s) with repair work detailed.

d.  Job site conferences are available to contractors, where deemed necessary by PHDC or individual contractors.

e.  Contractors and their employees shall be respectful of residents. Careful attention shall be given to the health and safety of workers and clients. Contractors shall contain dust while working and do a careful clean-up after work each day.

f.  PHDC will inspect all buried piping while repairs are in progress and before the piping is re-covered. Contractors must inform PHDC one day prior to any hole re-covering to allow for the inspection to take place.

g.  Asbestos contractors shall proceed with work according to local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Contractors shall be responsible for asbestos removal and for safety monitoring and quality assurance.

h.  If change orders are necessary, contractors will submit requests on the PHDC Change Order form. Change orders are valid after having been signed by a PHDC field supervisor or program manager.

i.  The contractor must schedule the final inspection with the client and PHDC’s field supervisory staff. The contractor must call PHDC or fax or email notification at least 24 hours before the final inspection appointment.

j.  Punch list items will be issued at the final inspection, if necessary. All work must be approved by PHDC before contractors submit billing.

k.  Contractors shall submit detailed specification sheets, certification sheets, permits and warranties within ten days of completing work. The receipt of these reports by PHDC will constitute a request for payment by the contractor.

l.  PHDC will endeavor to make payment for all work approved by its inspector within sixty days of the final document receipt date. Typical payment time frame is 35-45 days from the date of inspector approval.

Contractor Invoice Paperwork

a.  Certification sheet (signed by the client, inspector, authorizing PHDC agent, and contractor).

b.  Specifications (completely filled in with contractor billing request detail).

c.  Change orders (if any used).

d.  Permits (plumbing; electrical; building; warm air; roofs, where rip-offs are required).

e.  Plumbing opening inspection report (whenever pipes have been buried).

f.  Underwriter’s certificate for electrical work. (This may be submitted with the invoice or may be submitted up to 45 days subsequent to work completion.)

g.  Roof guarantee for roofs. Equipment guarantees for house and water heaters. House heater performance rating form. Manufacturer’s heater specifications.

4. Compensation The contractor shall invoice PHDC using the PHDC work order and certification forms, and the predetermined price list. PHDC’s Price Book is available electronically by request. PHDC reserves the right to change or adjust the price list throughout the term of the contract, as it deems necessary. All price changes will be clearly communicated to all contractors in writing as they occur.

5. Non-Discrimination

City of Philadelphia

Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)

Mayor’s Executive Order 03-12




This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is subject to the Mayor's Executive Order 03-12. The following instructions, forms and contract provisions, as well as Executive Order 03-12 (a copy of which may be obtained at the OEO Office) are hereby incorporated in and made a part of any contract resulting from this Request for Proposal.

Respondent is subject to the provisions of Mayoral Executive Order 03-12 and is required to respond to the ranges specified in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for participation by Minority Business Enterprises ("MBE"), Woman Business Enterprises ("WBE") and Disabled Business Enterprises DSBEs (collectively, (“M/W/DSBE”) as those terms are defined in Executive Order 03-12.

Respondent must submit a "Solicitation for Participation and Commitment Form” (S & C Form) identifying its solicitations and certifying that Respondent has met the ranges specified in this RFQ for M/W/DSBE participation in the contract; in the event that Respondent has not achieved the ranges, Respondent must respond to and submit, in addition to the S & C Form, a brief narrative explaining its reasons for not submitting a proposal within the projected range(s) (more fully discussed herein).

The S & C Form (and, in the event Respondent has not achieved the ranges, the brief narrative), must be submitted with the proposal, although the Compliance Department of the Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) reserves the right to request these documents as well as any additional or clarifying information at any time prior to contract award. The submission of a S & C Form and a narrative, if required, is an element of responsiveness to this RFQ and the failure to submit a S & C Form and narrative may result in the rejection of the proposal. Respondent hereby verifies that all forms, information and documentation submitted to the OHCD are true and correct and is notified that the submission of false information by Respondent is subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. Section 4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.


Under the authority of the Mayor’s Executive Order 03-12, the OEO has established the following MBE, WBE and DSBE participation range(s) for this Request for Proposal:

MBE - / 18% - 29%
WBE - / 7% - 15%

These participation ranges serve exclusively as a guide in determining Respondent responsibility. These ranges represent the percentage of MBE, WBE and DSBE participation that should be attained from business opportunities available in this RFP absent discrimination in the solicitation and selection of these businesses. These ranges are based upon an analysis of factors such as the size and scope of the contract and the availability of MBEs, WBEs and DSBEs to perform various elements of the contract.