BVPS – We’re going on a trip!

TRIP / The Sea Life Centre, Brighton / Date letter sent
Year & Class / Year 3– Ebony Class
Link to Learning / / As part of our ‘Rainforests’ topic we are heading to the Sea Life Centre to find out more about exotic bugs and aquatic life. We will be spending time in ‘Amazonia’ seeing which insects and creatures live in the Amazon Rainforest.
Day and Date / / Tuesday 18th October 2011
Time / / We will be departing Haywards Heath Train Station at 9:20am. All children must be at the main entrance to the train station by 8:50am to ensure we are on the platform in good time to catch the train.
Children will need to be collected from the main entrance to the station at 3pm. Please note that we will require children to be signed in and out for safeguarding reasons.
Travel Arrangements / / We are catching the train from Haywards Heath train station to keep the cost of the trip as low as possible. Children will need to be dropped off and picked up at the station from the times stated above.
Clothing/Money / / Children will need to wear school uniform, coats, and sensible shoes. They will not need any money.
Food / / All children are required to bring a snack and a packed lunch, preferably in a bag which can be thrown away after. Please note no fizzy drinks, sweets or glass bottles allowed.
Cost and Payment / £££ / The cost of this trip is £8. This includes the entry and travel cost and can be paid in instalments. Please note that if we do not receive enough voluntary contributions we may not be able to go. Please see Mrs Allen if you have any concerns about paying.
Volunteers / / Please let us know if you would like to help. We require three parent helpers to enable us to have the accurate adult:child ratios for a school trip. There will be a short briefing for volunteers in the week prior to the trip. Miss Waters will confirm as soon as possible who our parent helpers will be.
Website updates / WWW / We will put some photos on the website of our trip as well as some of our writing to explain what we did.
Permission slip returned to the office by / Friday 14th October 2011
Please ask your class teacher if you have any questions.



My child’s name
Permission / I give permission for my child to take part in this educational visit and to be given any medical treatment as required.
Emergency contact
Any medical information
I would like to help / Yes (please tick) / Signed

Please return this slip to the school office along with any voluntary contribution. Cheques are payable to BolnoreVillagePrimary School.