Wednesday Night Devotional Speakers

Dear Brother,

This letter is to inform you of the opportunity you have to speak or lead singing on an upcoming Wednesday evening. We are asking that all lessons be from the word of God and limited to about 5 to 7 minutes in length. If you are leading singing, you should have a song before the devotional thought and an invitation song. This devotional time should include offering an invitation to come to the Lord in baptism or to be restored.

Listed below are the dates, speakers, and song leaders. If, for some reason, you are unable to serve on this particular date, please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your service to the Lord. This listing will be posted to our website for your convenience.

In Christ,


Date Speaker Song Leader

Sept 3 Alvin Gumpert Davie Floyd

10 Tyler Floyd Sam Scogin

17 Sam Scogin Ted Timms

24 Tim Roush John Todd Sr.

Oct 1 Wayne Bentley Ken Amyx

8 Max Mallicote John Todd Jr.

15 Brian Bush Howard Killingsworth

22 Cleve Stafford Stan Amstutz

29 Claude Thompson Keith Floyd

Nov 5 Harold Pogue Charles Christian

12 Del Wyatt David Tarbet

19 Bill Coleman Tyler Floyd

26 Andy Floyd Ken Amyx