

SMI System Administrator’s Guide to SMI Version 2.1


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

SMI System Admin Overview

What is an SMI System Administrator?


SMI Web Page Maintenance

Accessing the Web Page Maintenance Function

Creating a Web Page Definition

Updating a Web Page Definition

Deleting a Web Page Definition

Maintaining SMI Supported Country/Language

Accessing the Supported Country/Language Maintenance Function

Adding Country/Language for SMI

Deleting Country/Language from SMI

SMI System Admin Overview

What is an SMI System Administrator?

An SMI System Administrator is someone who is responsible for maintaining specific SMI features for current and future SMI application implementations and enhancements. Specifically, these features include:

  • Web Page Maintenance
  • SMI Supported Country and Language combinations

SMI release 2.0 includes functionality to facilitate the usage of the application globally and requires functionality to dynamically host text and data with language specific to a end user’s locale. The SMI application will allow a system administrator the ability to create and maintain web page definitions and enable specific country/language combinations via the application interface.

An SMI System Administrator will typically be someone in the IT realm because there are certain application considerations to address when a new OUS location is added to SMI, page definitions added or modified, etc. When these types of changes are made, the application will need to be reviewed for text and data formatting.


The intended purpose of this guide is to provide SMI System Administrators with a “how to” guide to performing the tasks expected of them.

SMI Web Page Maintenance

Accessing the Web Page Maintenance Function

After logging into the SMI application, SMI System Administrators will see an SMI System Admin menu option near the top of the displayed web page. Clicking on the SMI System Admin menu item will take the administrator to the main SMI System Admin page.

From here there will be a Web Page Maintenance menu option shown near the top of the page.

Clicking on this menu option will display the Web Page Maintenance page.

This page allows the SMI System Administrator to view, create, update and delete page definitions for the SMI application. The Select Page drop down provides a list of currently defined pages and the (New Page) selection is used to create a new web page definition for the application.

This page will only display web page information for the United States/English country and language combination. Web page definitions are maintained by SMI application support personnel and United States/English is the base definition for all SMI web pages. Local language translations are the responsibility of the SMI Administrator within a specific country/region.

Creating a Web Page Definition

Web page definitions include text labels and buttons making up the user interface. The text entered on this page will be the text viewed by the end user via the application user interface. This text will likely require local language translation by an SMI Administrator prior to deployment of any new application web pages.

To create a Web Page Definition:

  1. Select (New Page) from the Select Page drop down list. The page will refresh and initialize the text entry fields.
  2. Enter a Page Name. Note: Pages are listed in the Select Page drop down list by page name so it is important to ensure the page names are unique. Having more than one page with the same page name will make it difficult to maintain pages via this web page or the Page Label Maintenance web page.
  3. Enter text in the Label Text area and click the Add Label > button. The text entered will be moved to the label list to the right of the add button. This is the text displayed for the new web page labels, buttons and any other control requiring local language consideration. Note: There is a maximum label length of 1500 characters. Attempting to save label text having more than 1500 characters will produce an error message and the label producing the error will be marked with “***” and truncated to an appropriate number of characters. When dealing with local language translations, some language characters consume more space (bytes) than others. The 1500 character (byte) maximum applies mainly to the English language.
  4. When all the text entries have been added, click the Save button to save the new web page definition.

As stated earlier, the new web page definition is saved with the United States/English country and language combination. The application will replicate this base for all SMI supported country/language combinations. An SMI Administrator will need to perform any appropriate local language translations via the Page Label Maintenance web page.

Updating a Web Page Definition

To update a Web Page Definition:

  1. Select the desired page from the Select Page drop down list. The page will refresh and display all the current label text entries in the list to the right of the Add Label >, Update Label > and Remove Label buttons.
  2. To add a new label text entry, enter text in the Label Text area and click the Add Label > button. The new label entry will be added to the label list and a plus sign (+) will be appended to the text. Note: The plus sign will not actually show up on the page label when the application web page is displayed. This is merely a visual indicator identifying the label text as an addition to the web page definition.
  3. To update label text, enter the updated text in the Label Text area, select the desired label entry in the label text list and click the Update Label > button. The selected label text will change to the text entered in the Label Text area and a asterisk (*) will be appended to the end of the text. Note: The asterisk will not actually show up on the page label when the application web page is displayed. This is merely a visual indicator identifying the label text has been modified for the web page definition.
  4. To remove a label from the web page definition, select the label text from the label list and click the Remove Label button. The label text in the label list will be modified with a minus sign (-) appended to the text. Note: The minus sign will not actually show up on the page label when the application web page is displayed. This is merely a visual indicator identifying the label text will be removed from the web page definition.
  5. When all label updates have been completed, Click the Save button to save the updated web page definition.

Modifying the page labels will incur immediate changes to web pages displayed within the SMI application. Label text changes on this page will only affect the United States/English country and language combination. The label text for other supported SMI country/language combinations will merely be flagged for potential local language translations and the SMI Administrator for the OUS locations will have to review the English label text changes to determine if local language translation is needed.

Deleting a Web Page Definition

To delete a Web Page Definition:

  1. Select the desired page from the Select Page drop down list.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. A popup message will be displayed asking the Administrator to confirm the delete request. Click OK button to delete the Web Page Definition.
  4. The Web Page Definition will be deleted from the SMI database for all supported country and language combinations.

Removing a Web Page Definition should be done with care. Removing the wrong page definition could cause application page display issues if a user attempts to display a page with no labels.

All text on the web pages is stored in the SMI application database for the application web pages. Should the page and its corresponding text be deleted for a valid application page, the SMI application will fail and produce an error message. All users of the SMI application needing to view that page will be “locked” out from that page. SMI support staff will need to restore the page definition before SMI users can view the page again.

Maintaining SMI Supported Country/Language

Accessing the Supported Country/Language Maintenance Function

From the SMI System Admin main page click on the Supported Country-Language menu option to display the Supported Country/Language maintenance page.

This page displays lists of available countries and languages populated by 3M’s Global Codes country and language code sets. Also displayed on this page are lists of currently supported country and language combinations by the SMI application.

It is important to note that the list of countries and languages in the New Supported Country/Language section are mutually exclusive. There is no specific language relationship for a selected country. Conversely the country and language lists in the Remove Supported Country/Language section do reflect country and language relationships.

This page is used to maintain country and language combinations for the SMI application as supported country/language combinations. SMI requires languages to be assigned to countries to accurately support the local language translations for page label text and data transmitted to SMI.

Any country/language combination not found in the Remove Supported Country/Language section would be considered “Not Supported” by the SMI application. Once a country and language combination is added to this section, that country/language combination will be considered “Supported” by the SMI application.

Adding Country/Language for SMI

To add a country and language relationship to SMI:

  1. Select the desired country from the Country drop down list in the New Supported Country/Language section of the page.
  2. Select the desired language from the Language(s) list in the same section of the page.
  3. Click the Add SMI Country/Language button to add the selections to the lists Remove Supported Country/Language section of the page.

This procedure will replicate all page labels and application messages currently defined for SMI for the newly added country/language combination. This is done by copying the base United States/English combinations to the newly added country/language relationship.

Deleting Country/Language from SMI

To delete a country/language relationship from the currently supported country/language combinations:

  1. Select the desired country from the Country drop down list in the Remove Supported Country/Language section of the page. The page will be refreshed to list the languages currently assigned to the selected country.
  2. Select the desired language to remove from SMI.
  3. Click the Delete SMI Country/Language button.

This procedure will delete the supported country/language relationship, delete web page definitions for the selected country/language relationship, delete any page labels defined for the country/language relationship and delete any application messages for the selected country/language relationship from the SMI database.