Hampshire Constabulary
Section 1. Force Overview and Context
1.1 Geographical description of force area
Hampshire Constabulary covers the two counties of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. There are two principal cities, Portsmouth and Southampton,together with many towns and villages. Both Portsmouth and Southampton have their own university and national football teams. Portsmouth is the home of the Royal Navy and is also a continental ferry port. Southampton is a major commercial port and situated nearby is one of the largest petrochemical refineries in Europe.
As well as the cities, the force area contrasts thriving modern towns and a tourist industry that has developed among the historic market towns and rural countryside. It hosts a number of annual events and festivals including the Farnborough Air Show, Homelands music and dance festival, Power in the Park (in Southampton) and the Isle of Wight Festival.
The two Counties have a significant motorway network and have some of the busiest roads in the country, particularly along the coast.
In 2005 Hampshire hosted several large events including the international fleet review and Trafalgar 200. Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have a vibrant tourist industry with many local areas of interest including the ancient Saxon city of Winchester.
The two counties have a significant military presence with a number of Army, Navy and Air Force establishments
1.2 Demographic description of force area
Hampshire Constabulary is the second largest non-metropolitan police service in England and Wales and polices the counties of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, covering an area of 418,000 hectares and serving a population of 1.8 millionin 730,000 households. Approximately 411,000 persons live in the two main cities; about 135,000 persons live upon the Isle of Wight.
The county has a lower than national average ethnic population. Although average earnings in Hampshire are higher than the national average there are areas of deprivation. Hampshire reflects the national picture regarding traffic congestion, green belt urbanisation, an aging population and social pressures in areas that lack housing.
1.3 Structural description of force including staff changes at Chief Officer Level
Hampshire currently operates 10 territorial BCUs although from April 06 these will be reduced to six larger OCUs. The force headquarters is at Winchester and houses the chief officer team comprising the Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable (DCC), two Assistant Chief Constables (ACCs), Director of Finance and Director of Personnel.
The Chief Constable, Paul Kernaghan, has been in post for 6½ years. The DCC has been in post for 6 years. ACC Territorial Operations (TO) has been in post for 2½ years, and ACC Specialist Operations (SO) has been in post for 10 months. The Director of Finance has been in post for 10 years. The Director of Personnel has been in post for 12 years.
Support headquarters is based at Netley and houses many departments including scientific services, specialist investigation, firearms and public order as well as being the primary training site for the organisation.
Hampshire Constabulary employs 3812 police officers (155 of whom are part time); 2356 police staff(457 of who are part time); 30 police community support officers (PCSOs) and 12 traffic wardens, and is assisted by 394 special constables.
1.4 Strategic priorities
Force Strategic Priorities 2005-06
  • Reduce Crime and Anti Social Behaviour
  • Combat Serious and Organised Crime
  • Improve Road Safety
  • Reduce Fear of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour
  • Improve Citizen Focus and Customer Service
  • Detect a Higher Proportion of Crime
In January 2006 the Force adopted a NIM based integrated planning process. The Control Strategy was set for the period January to June 2006 which provides the strategic priorities for the coming year:
Service Delivery
  • Neighbourhood Policing, Reassurance and Citizen Focus
  • Making Best Use of Resources
  • Bring More Offences to Justice
Crime Reduction
  • Reduce Overall Crime by 15% by 07/08
Class A Drugs
Acquisitive Crime
Counter Terrorism and Domestic Extremism
Roads Policing
Tackle Serious and Organised Crime
Violent Crime
1.5 Impact of workforce modernisation and strategic force development
Community Support Officers
Hampshire Constabulary currently employs 30 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs); one is funded by Welcome Break at Fleet Services. A further 36 PCSOs will be employed to be deployed at Portsmouth BCU, which is the pathfinder BCU for Neighbourhood Policing; these PCSOs will commence in May 2006. By April 2008 a total of 539 PCSOs will be employed by Hampshire Constabulary, who will be deployed Forcewide.
In addition to the accredited Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) staff (currently 5), Hampshire Constabulary have 34 Accredited Community Safety Officers (ACSOs) employed by Hampshire County Council (HCC), who are working in four areas of the force. There is a possibility that HCC will expand this scheme further. Southampton City Council has 21 ACSOs (known as the City Patrol) who are already deployed by the Force Control Room to incidents. Portsmouth City Council has 25 accredited wardens. Two further local authorities have expressed an interest in accreditation under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme, these being Rushmoor Borough Council and Fareham Borough Council.
Wider use of Police staff
There are 90 Detention Officers and 118 Station Enquiry Officers employed across the 10 BCUs. There are 169 Controllers based in the Force Control Room. There are 11 Investigating Officers of which 6 are based in the Major Crime Dept., 3 in Financial Investigation and 2 as Forensic Computer Investigators.
The Roads Policing Enquiry Team is civilianising 10 constable posts (3 at Farnborough, 3 at Cosham and 4 at Totton) in April 2006.
Strategic Force Development
Officers, Staff and Police Authority representatives worked collaboratively over three months to respond to the Home Office requirements emanating from the Closing the Gap report. The team concluded that Hampshire had invested significantly more in protective services over the last five years than any of its neighbouring forces. This investment and the final phase of a Force Review process has ensured that resources are already secured to deliver strong level 1 performance and protective services to National Standards.
On 20 March 2006 the Home Secretary announced that Hampshire Constabulary will stand alone as a 'Strategic Force'. This decision is an endorsement of previous command decisions to invest in protective services in Hampshire over a prolonged period of time. It also proves that the business proposals under the current in force re-structuring project 'Forward Together' have been accepted by the Home Office in terms of their ability to protect the communities of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight whilst also delivering strong neighbourhood policing.
1.6 Major achievements
International and National
  • Hampshire Constabulary has led the way in relation to supporting the new Iraqi Police Service. In addition to the Chief Constable’s advisory role, officers of all ranks (including HPDS personnel) have been deployed for prolonged periods of time. The Force has contributed expertise far in excess of the national norm.
  • Introduction of the Schengen Information System (SIS) to the UK is led by the Chief Constable on behalf of ACPO.
  • Hampshire leads for the national implementation of the Freedom of Information Act, Mobile Data, National Call Handling Standards and the Single Non Emergency Number
  • Hampshire is the national lead on the violent crime review
  • PRIME (Problem Resolution In a Multi-Agency Environment) was subject of a keynote address at the national problem solving conference
  • Hampshire is the national lead on crime statistics (submission to the statistics commission)
  • The DCC is force representative on the Impact Programme Board which has put in place Exceptional Case Reviews.
  • PLOD (Police link officers for deaf people).A commitment to give equality of access to our services to deaf people as shown by being runners up in Jane’s Police Review Gala Awards November 2005
  • The Force was judged as 15th in the Stonewall Index (Gay Friendly Employer) and received second place for the Police Link Officer for the Deaf and have had our status as a ‘Two Ticks’ employer agreed with formal presentation due in March 06.
  • Statutory Charging Scheme – first non priority Force to pass the inspection and move to the scheme.
  • ‘Pride of Place’ Project in Havant – won Local Government Chronicle/Defra national sustainable community award for 2006 (see case study)
  • Hampshire leads on police Pension Scheme contract procurement.
  • Hampshire was nominated for Environmental Fleet Award April 2006, Individual Fleet Environmental merit award April 2006, and awarded Fleet Manager of the Year (401+ vehicles category) by Fleet News (March 2006).
  • Highlighted by Gallagher Basset as the highest scoring organisation for Risk Management of a Vehicle Fleet operation.
  • Invited to provide consultancy in fleet management to States of Jersey Police
  • ALARM Awards finalist (Business Continuity Planning).
  • Nationaltransport consultancy in respect of the ‘Cyclamen’ Project
  • Lead role in creation of the national procurement centre (PEPs), acting as “employer” for its staff and providing financial management services
  • Of six letters sent by Stephen Rimmer nationally praising the performance of BCUs three went to Hampshire BCUs
  • Prince Michael Award – Certificate of Commendation in relation to ‘Bikesafe’ which had resulted in a 70% reduction in motorcycle fatalities since the previous year.
  • Hampshire is the lead in relation to Deaths in Health Care Settings. National guidance regarding this is authored by ACC SO, who is also involved in developing a MOU between ACPO and the Health Service in relation to deaths in health care settings. Currently the force is undertaking a project to publish practitioner guidance on investigation in this complex area.
  • Hampshire is the lead in relation to the Investigation of Work Related Deaths. National Guidance was written with the HSE into such investigations.
  • The Force leads in relation to DNA screening procedures and has authored National Guidance in this regard. This work has been taken up by NCPE and is also being promulgated as Best Practice across Europe.

Regional and Local
  • Policing the largest public event in Europe during 2005 – Trafalgar 200
  • Delivery of phase 1 of our records management system (RMS). A major change to our business processes involving the incorporation of our command and control system, crime recording system with other IT frameworks. This system is recognised as being one of the transcending IT systems available in the UK.
  • ‘Forward Together’ – Force Reorganisation Project.The review of all aspects of our structure to ensure it was fit for purpose and supported the delivery of an effective Police service to the two counties. One of the innovations to emerge from the review was the implementation of the critical incident cadre. This cadre will provide a professional level of tactical command to critical incidents.
  • Implementation of crime and environment weeks (CREW). A new initiative involving key agencies who work together to improve the environment, target offenders and install crime prevention techniques. Its objective is to help local people feel safer within their communities.
  • Murder Prevention Programme- A three year strategy looking at the causes of violent deaths. Its aim is to shift emphasis to a prevention approach to reduce the number of violent deaths in Hampshire. The plan looks into a wide range of issues from domestic violence to honour killings.
  • Operation Phoenix – A significant operation targeted at drug related crime in Southampton causing a major disruption to the class A drug supply network. A key part of the operation was consolidation to stop the created vacuum being immediately taken over. This was driven in the areas of education, treatment, community participation with an early and continued engagement with the local media, This has all attracted national attention and is to be evaluated by academics as good practice
  • Operation Market– The policing of football matches (Southampton v. Portsmouthin 2005).This has evolved into recognised good practice for policing football matches involving close liaison with the CPS. Hampshire officers will be taking these skills to the World Cup in Germany.
  • Significant restructure of Criminal Justice Department and the arrival of six joint CPS/Police Witness Care Units – to enhance service delivery to victims of, and witnesses to, crime.
  • High Tech Crime Unit (HTCU) Forensic Examination Suite – A major investment that delivered a purpose built building to house the HTCU who undertake forensic examinations and the retrieval of evidence or intelligence from computers, related media and digital devices.
  • Dedicated Interview Development Unit – Responsible for delivering professional training packages to improve our suspect and witness interview techniques. This is to implement the ACPO interview strategy
  • Efficiency Plan in excess of target – allowing successful budget process with Council Tax increase within capping limit and major growth in police officers, PCSOs and staff.
  • Substantial increase in use of collaborative procurement contracts (90% on previous year).
  • Funding secured for an Intelligence Unit in Specialist Investigations Unit – will make the unit NIM compliant.
  • Restructure of Roads Policing Unit (RPU) – to meet new OCU structure and ARV capability need.
  • Introduction of RPU Community Reassurance Teams on RPU Sectors to support Neighbourhood Policing model.
  • Reduction in sickness absence (expect this to reduce to c7.2 days per person for both officers and staff in 05-06).
  • Exceeded by 100% the target for recruitment of minority ethnic police officers.
  • Completion of ABC returns and use of ABC in budget setting and identifying potential efficiency improvements
  • Embedding of good corporate governance controls in to the organisation
  • Provision of financial management services to CBRN. We supervise the provision of financial services for the Home Office so that the efficient application of CBRN training and PPE procurement can flourish.
  • Solent Portal Maritime Security Group. One of only two such groups within the UK, and is a pioneering ACPO TAM Counter Terrorist Strategy, chaired by ACCSO. This is a multi agency group including the Military and private sectors operating along the coast of Hampshire including the Ports of Southampton and Portsmouth. It is focused on maximising CT preparedness across the Solent Portal and has collaboration arrangements in relation to resource deployment with Dorset and Sussex.
  • The Force has taken the lead in relation to the development of a regional CT investigative response drawing up contingency plans for multiple sites for CT attacks within the South East region and elsewhere
  • The Force has recently taken the lead in relation to the development of a Regional Command Structure for deployment in response to a multi site terrorist attack in the South East Region.

1.7 Major challenges for future
International and National
  • Management of Police Information (MOPI). Coupled with the IMPACT programme, we will endeavour to deliver the programme by the April 2007 deadline. We will aim to achieve a good grading or better in the threshold standards.
  • Implementation of the Children Act 2004. The development of a single strategic plan for the provision of local services to children and young adults. This is the children and young persons plan.
  • Initial Police Learning Development Programme (IPLDP) – including delivery of accommodation on time. Plans have been agreed in the short term to update existing Police buildings to house the anticipated increase in staff that require training.
Regional and Local
  • RMS Phase II. The continued roll out of our records management system with the introduction of integrated warrants, custody management and case file preparation.
  • Neighbourhood Policing – To successfully implement the model force wide by 2008. Portsmouth is our pathfinder OCU and all derived learning (both national and local) will be managed through the programme board. We are committed to raising the number of PCSOs to 539 over the next two years.
  • Re-configuration of Specialist Operations Department – to provide excellent protective services.
  • Review Estates Strategy and meet aspirations of the Force given funding limitations - We have undertaken to deliver two major estate projects, namely the delivery of a new Southampton OCU headquarters and the establishment of a new Police Headquarters. Both projects are showing tangible progress but may take a number of years to complete.

Section 3. Framework Summaries

Domain 1. Citizen Focus

1A. Fairness and Equality in Service Delivery
Hampshire Constabulary has invested heavily in service provision in relation to Diversity. This investment includes a dedicated and substantial budget that can be used to support the development of Diversity, both internally and externally. Services supporting public confidence are strong. The Force is now implementing the findings of a recent Public Protection Audit and is committed to significant investment over the next 2 years; this will include establishment of a team of hate crime investigators in each Operational Command Unit.
During the 12 months since the last Baseline Assessment the Diverse Communities Unit has expanded to include an officer specialising in disability issues. The Unit has also become a separate, specialist team with its own manager and is capable of advising the Force on matters as varied as Community Impact Assessment in relation to Counter Terrorism and access to policing services by deaf people.
Clear leadership provided in relation to Diversity issues by ACPO team
The Diverse Communities Unit provides a very effective reassurance and support service both internally and externally
Very pro-active approach to Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) issues, including Lesbian and Gay Liaison Officers (LAGLO) in each BCU
Well established community engagement forum via the Hampshire Constabulary Consultative Group (HCCG) with a specific remit to review Force Policy and Procedure
Well developed services for people who are deaf or hearing impaired
Comprehensive Public Protection Audit and ACPO support for recommendations.
Areas for Improvement