Harassment of Rottweiler Group By Villarosa

Email to Villarosa December 10

Your threats to Nc Rottie Rescue need to stop, and stop sending them to me.

By the way, your new buddy's Paula and Michele have been added. ( Just keeping everyone in the loop here)

Joseph you send ranting emails out about me, Nc Rottie Rescue, Friends of Orange County, Callie Gerber and Professor Crammer on a regular basis, well here we all are. Address us together so we can all see what you say about the other one and what the response is. No reason to hide this behind secret emails anymore, get it out in the open for the last time and be done with it.

Paula and Michele, you want to open up our can of worms here? If so I'm game.. let's letthe truth come out on everything. I'm sick of you three hiding behind private emails, why not step up like an adult and come to the personyou keep talking about. I'm here with nothing to hide.


From: Joseph Villarosa [mailto:
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 11:09 PM
To: SD
Subject: Re: Request for Verification of Records from NCRR

One more things Diane
Thanks for letting me know your use a Blackberry
I love working with them
Also, thanks see if Sprint agrees with me
That you violated your terms of service
And your ISP/verizon
Lastly TRY, just TRY posting ONE WORD on your website
And I will contact 1&1 hosting
You will then
NOT have a phone
NOT have a websit
NOT have email
Oh, and if you think I’m kidding
I’m not...see below...
It’s only a matter of time before you have NO technology left
Thanks to YOUR disgusting language
And YOUR violation of terms of service!

From: Joseph Villarosa <>

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 00:01:48 -0500

To: Susan

Sue me Susan
I’m waiting
But first pay your Gerber law bill
Contact the FBI
I’m waiting
Confiscate my Macs
I’m waiting
ALL of your dirt is in a “cloud”
As is Cramer’s
As is NCRR’s
As is Gerber’s
Touch me
And it gets automatically released
I’m WAITING to unleash my own “nuclear attack”
I push one button I reveal the truth
JUST like Julian Assange
You met your match
Any questions?

From: Joseph Villarosa <>

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 00:04:16 -0500

To: Susan

See you in court
Let’s see who wins
The second rate old school professor
The fake redneck AR
Or the real ivy whiz kid who didn’t ever break the law

From: Joseph Villarosa <>

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 00:20:28 -0500

To: <

This is going to be fun ladies
Let’s see who is smarter
Me, who didn’t break the law
Who did and have a Junior College degree at best
OR the professor whose degree is 50 years old...
Ha ha

From: Joseph Villarosa <>

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 00:35:32 -0500


Sue me redneck
Sue me
Oh and that pot you have hidden in your BR dresser
I know about it
Ha ha!

From: Joseph Villarosa [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 11:01 AM
To: Susan

Have fun Ladies
See below
Here are some emails about Susan from Both Paula and Michelle
You know, the two women who said they had NO affiliation with me at all
Is that why they wrote me 16 emails — ALL about Barrett???
So Far I’ve caught every one of you in bold face lies
You should ALL be ashamed
Have fun

From: Joseph Villarosa [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 11:27 AM
To: ncrot

Class action?
You have been cursing and threatening in EVERY email
You broke like 20 laws with JUST Bella
You broke NC Solicitation laws LITERALLY back your inception
You broke USDA state transport laws
You breached your contract by not reimbursing me and REFUSING Bella training
You broke your TOS for Sprint, Verizon and gmail
And you are going to sue me?
Why not get Gerber to do it?
Or one of Cramer’s law school friends?
Ya know, the one he spoke to the other day...
Let’s see how far a class action goes
About as far as getting laughed out of the FBI office like happened to SB