2016– 2020
1.0Organization’s OVERVIEW
2.2Our Vision:
2.3Mission Statement
1.1 The Process of Strategy Formulation
3.1Future Institutional Relations
3.2The SWOT Analysis
3.4Stakeholder Analysis
3.3Driving Forces
4.0Strategic Critical Issues, Objectives and Strategic Map
4.2Strategic Platforms
4.1Strategic Platforms and Outcomes
4.2Overall Strategic Objectives
4.6Strategy Implementation Plan
5.0Resource Mobilization
5.1Financial Resources
5.2Resource Gaps and Fund Raising Strategies
6.0Monitoring and Evaluation
Annex 1: Strategy Implementation Matrix (2012 –1017)
Strategic Platform 1: Public Health
Strategic Platform 2: ENVIRONMENT
Strategic Platform3: Human Rights
Strategic Platform 4: Socio-Economic Empowerment
Strategic Platform 5: Institutional Development
BCC / Behavioral Change and CommunicationBD / Board of Directors
BWF / Better Way Foundation
BOCAR / Building Organization Capacity for Results
CBO / Community Based Organization
CCAs / Community Change Agents
CHF / Community Health Funds
CSOs / Civil Society Organizations
C4EC / Champions for Early Childhood
ECD / Early Childhood Development
FBOs / Faith Based Organizations
FOF / Farmer of the Future
GBV / Gender Based Violence
GHR / Gerald and Henrietta Rauenhorst
HR / Human Resources
IEC / Information, Education and Communication
IPG / Implemented Partners Groups
IRS / Intermittent Residual Spray
ITNs / Insecticide Treated Nets
MARPs / Most at Risk Populations
MKUKUTA / Mkakati wa Kupunguza Umaskini na Kufufua Uchumi wa Tanzania
MVC / Most Vulnerable Children
MVCC / Most Vulnerable Children Committees
NGOs / Non Governmental Organization
PE / Peer Education
PEs / Peer Educators
PLWHA / People Living with HIV/AIDS
PMTCT / Prevention of Mother to Child to Child Transmission of HIV
RFE / Rapid Funding Envelope
TB / Tuberculosis
TOTs. / Trainer of Trainees
USD / US Dollars
VCT / Voluntary Counseling and Testing
WAD / World AIDS Day
YAGs / Youths Advisory Groups
The Civil society sector is facing a period of unprecedented turbulence. Non-Governmental Organizations are increasingly competing directly with one another, with divisions emerging between larger and smaller ones. At the same time, the boundaries between big civil society organizations and private-sector organizations are becoming increasingly blurred. The external context is changing too, with major changes to the welfare state causing increasing demands on the sector, particularly among charities dealing with people who are considered the hardest to reach like vulnerable children in early development. This changing environment is particularly challenging for locally based, small and medium-sized civil society organizations
In this world people are witnessing myriad changes happening in different spheres of life. There is an increased global change in social, economic, political and cultural spheres. The situation results various issues including the shifting of donor priorities, increased international and local conflicts and advances in information and communication technologies.
By and large, changes in one area dramatically affect other areas and Organizations including NGOs. More often CSOs and NGOs face difficulties of controlling the external environment and yet they are required to be accountable for the performance and sustainability of their organizations and communities they serve.
These leaders, therefore, need help to manage complexity and change and think and act strategically. Strategic planning provides some of the procedures, strategies and tools they need in addressing these changes. In the same vein, Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassionhave decided to develop this strategic plan with the aim of making fundamental and analytical decisions and actions for the next five years (2016-2020).
Strategic planning process needs ideas and inclusion of many different people with different thinking, attitudes and views on issues. This helps to get diverse participation and responsive planning.
The board and management of Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion would like to thank all those who participated in this process. This includes the blessing from the Organization Board for its close Supervision. To that extent, one reckons that many people have contributed to the making of this strategic plan document. Therefore, we would wish to express our thanks to all workshop participants who made this document come a reality.
We would like to recognize past Organization Capacity Assessment which have contributed to the input of this strategic plan. Thanks to Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion staff who tirelessly prepared the preliminary studies for use in the workshop. We recognize the challenges put in place by different donors which have ignited our thinking on the future of Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion.
Tanzania with an estimated population of about 7.6 million young children aged between 0-6 years is still struggling to address major challenges facing young children among them being; poor quality ECD services (SABER 2012). The challenges range from conception, birth and growth of the child up to the age of 13 years and all related to the child and mother’s health, nutrition, safety (before and after birth), protection from diseases (immunization), healthy environment, proper upbringing, recreation/playing facilities etc. (Child Development Policy, 2008).
Furthermore the challenges of providing food, energy, water and other human needs are growing along with the global population and rising consumer demands. Today’s decisions and planning will determine the wealth, health and very existence of forests, freshwater and other vital natural resources needed to sustain people and the planet.
In a response to these challenges, the government has put in place various policy frameworks which guide different service providers (government, CSOs, private sector, individuals) to implement strategies and plans in addressing these problems. Among the requirements of having an enabling environment for ECD are the macroeconomic frameworks that address underlying economic, social services and governance issues. The Tanzania Demographic Health Survey (TDHS 2010), provides an overview of the status and reality of life and development of young children.
Our strategic plan provides a clear blueprint for the Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion’s future. At its core, the plan shows the way toward building on our strengths as a nexus for innovation and the hub of development and sustainability of the community that Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion serves. It outlines a focused direction for maximizing our interventions.
This strategic plan aims to consolidate service delivery to the target group while ensuring sustainability of the organization itself. This is important as the target would need Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion services for many years to come. The implementation of the plan will much depend on staff commitment, type of partnerships formed, and resources mobilized and capitalizing on the opportunities that are available in the environment. The strategic plan is a result of a long term process which was achieved through different workshops. These include Muleba workshop which was conducted in February 2016 followed by another three days Workshop in Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion serves premises. These Two workshops were made to explore key information and issues for development of this Strategic plan.
The planning processes included a review of mission and vision statements as well formulation of Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion serves organization values. It also involved a new scan of Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion serves internal and external environment. This final document was prepared and produced with the support from GHR Foundation through Facilitation of Organization Learning and Development (FOLD) project to conduct workshops and finalize Strategic Plan. Moving forward, we remain committed to putting ideas into action that will solve the developmental challenges of today and tomorrow. We appreciate the generous support of all participants and supporters in funding our strategic planning process
Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was established in 1992 and registered in 1996 in the Ministry of Home Affairs with registration number 8933 and reregistered “Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization” in February 2016 with registration no 08413 to comply with NGOs registration Act no 24 of 2002.
The organization was established in order to assist needy orphans and vulnerable children particularly those affected by HIV/AIDS. The need to support orphans and poor women was emphasized through a baseline survey that was conducted in 1989 which revealed that children, especially orphans and women were the most negatively affected by the loss of parents and/ or spouses. The organization also implementing Early Childhood Development (ECD), programs through establishment of community based day care centers that provide kinder and preschool education using Montessori model, nutrition to young children and advocacy for ECD to Local Government Authorities and other community groups.
To date Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion runs 20 day care centers in Muleba District with 5,105 young children (3-6 yrs) of which 75% are orphans and other vulnerable children by supporting them with proper nutritious meals, Health services, kinder and pre-school education, opportunities to attend primary and secondary school. They also run a savings and credit scheme for women (HANURA) who are care takers of orphans and vulnerable children. In addition Tumaini Letu organizes scout camps for MVC and runs various social counseling activities.
The main purpose of Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization is to enhance development in totality and fight against the root cause of Vulnerability and its integrated effects.
Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization’s approaches are through participation of beneficiaries in the identification of their problems and look for solutions. Tumaini Letu has been running different interventions since 1992 with remarkable achievements and impacts. The organization has a proven record of accomplishing different projects through involvement and participation of community members.
1.2.Vision statement
Tumaini Letu Children Care and Women Support Compassion’s vision is “A healthier society in which all marginalized groups (Women and Children) are realizing their full potential.”
1.3.Mission statement
To be a leading NGO in which marginalized group (women and children) are accessing their rights, the well being of all people is a foundational commitment in all Tumaini Letu women and children development organization activities facilitate promotion of social, economic, cultural development and thus empower the community to organize and fight for their needs through utilizing locally available resources
The concept of practice carries underlying values that denote and promote both integrity and proficiency in any specific field of engagement. Such values need to be enacted and observed as a guide to activities and relationships. For its 2016 - 2020 strategic plans, claims and states its practice values to be characterized by the following behaviors and action:The organization shall have the following Core Values:
a) Transparency;
b) Accountability;
c) Mutual Respect;
d) Fair Dealing;
e) Equity and Gender Parity;
f) Participation;
g) Respect for Human Rights.
This interpretation is made pursuant to and subject to this Constitution. In the event of any conflict, the Constitution shall prevail.
Tumaini Letu shall at all times uphold as one of its core values, full openness to its members, beneficiaries and partners, with respect to its processes, operations, actions and outcomes.
Tumaini Letu shall at all times uphold as one of its core values accountability to its members, the intended beneficiaries and the donor community.
This means that in all its operations, the organization will ensure full financial and not-financial accountability for all resources that come into its possession or management.
Tumaini Letu shall at all times accord respect its members and partners and shall in turn expect reciprocal treatment from them.
Tumaini Letu is committed to the Value of fair dealing and will not be party to exploitative arrangements that do not take cognizance of this value and that do not respect the rights of all parties and their target communities.
Tumaini Letu is committed to the elimination of marginalization of individuals and people, due to their gender, origin or social status. It will at all times work towards the achievement of equity and gender parity in the designing of policies, programmes and in the allocation of resources.
Tumaini Letu shall at all times aspire towards full, equal and meaningful involvement of its members and beneficiaries in the designing, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Forum’s and programmes, at all levels of decision making.
Tumaini Letu shall at all times uphold and promote principle of human rights. In its dealing with members, its staff and the public at large, it shall respect their human rights. This will give it the moral right to expect it of its member organizations, its staff, the Government of Tanzania and its law enforcement organs, the international community and all other development partners.
1.5.Overall goal: The overall goal of Tumaini Letu Children Care and Women Support Compassion is tostrengthen the capacity of communities and local organizations to respond effectively to the needs of target groups including young children in Tanzania.
The objectives of Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion organizationare:
i)To increase community ownership and capacity to implement holistic ECD programs
ii)Improve the well-being of children 0-8 years through increased access to essential, age-appropriate services
iii)To strengthen the capacity of Local Government Authorities to respond to the needs of young children
iv)To improve ECD programs in Kagera Region, through use of information, research findings and critical learning.
v)Increase community and CSO capacity to provide and sustain positive care for young children in HIV/AIDS affected communities.
vi)To collaborate with individuals, organizations and the Government in the fight against HIV/AIDS and Gender Based Violence (GBV) issues among Key Vulnerable Populations
vii)Improve caregiver well-being and capacity to provide consistent, responsive care for children age 0-8 years
viii)Collaborate with public and private sector to increase technical, financial and material support to OVC and community support groups
ix)To improve institution and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) M&E systems for ECD services
x)To mobilize sufficient human and financial resources through different strategies towards sustainable delivery of services in order to achieve the rest of its objectives.
1.7.Expected Outcome
In five years to come Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion are expecting an Improved Access and Quality holistic Services for our target beneficiaries’ including Young Children in Tanzania
2.0. Nature and Stated Purpose as Strategy
The mission statements above were reviewed, and affirmed during the strategic planning process. While they capture the original intent in the initial statements, the members’ improved their formulation based on our increased awareness of the role of vision and mission statements guiding an organization’s strategy.
The core values and their enacted as values statements were derived from what was perceived to be the ethical basis of the transformational intent in the vision and mission statements stated above. The values statements are formulated in a way that will offer a more practical guide to Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization’s leadership, form and processes, i.e., in terms of both its internal governance, organizational processes and methodology in outreach activities to mainstream genderservices and use.
The values statements also compelTumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization to demonstrate the qualities of a civil society organization committed to promoting equitable development of all men and women, in organizations and communities. They provide a basis for effective management and sustainability of shared purpose, common understanding and in its relationships with various other partners.
Finally, the value statements reflect what Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization stands for. Our understanding and commitment to work with the surfaced values is the basis for sustaining effectiveness in Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization strategic direction, structure, work processes, mutually respectful relationships and activities. The activities and core processes on how Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion Organization principles and value base are determining its work and governance
3.0. Tumaini Letu’s status and accomplishment
Tumaini Letu- Children Care and Women Support Compassion is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was established in 1992 and registered in 1996 in the Ministry of Home Affairs with its ordinance number 8933. The organization was established in order to assist needy orphans and vulnerable children particularly those affected by HIV/AIDS. The need to support orphans and poor women was emphasized through a baseline survey that was conducted in 1989 which revealed that children, especially orphans and women were the most negatively affected by the loss of parents and/ or spouses. The organization promote Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs through establishment of community based day care centers that provides kinder and preschool education using Montessori model, nutrition to young children and advocacy for ECD to Local Government Authorities and other community groups.