EuTravel D2.1 Version 0.7
/ This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No 636148.D2.1: Technology Ecosystem Architecture
Project Title: Optimodal European Travel Ecosystem Acronym: EuTravel
Start date of project: 01/05/2015Duration: 30M
Due date of deliverable: 28/02/2016
Actual submission date:
Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: VLTN
Draft [v0.7]
Dissemination Level
PU / Public, fully open / CO / Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Grant Agreement to consortium members and the Commission Services. /
- Total length of deliverable: 80 pages (plus Appendices)
- Maximum size of each section: 10 pages
- The writing of each section should be undertaken by ICT-technically competent authors.
- Each section does not simply contain a survey of the respective area, but an abstraction, synthesis and highlight of the most salient futures, reflecting on the whole sector-not on a single organisation, that can be incorporated in a ‘universal’ architecture for the travel ecosystem.
- Technical language and diagrams for describing services and delivery frameworks (e.g. SOMA, SOMF, SML, UML,…) is preferred. OWL-2 preferred for semantic concepts. XML schema for schema specifications where necessary, however descriptions need to stay at a high level, hence a UML data model or similar view of the XML schema is preferred.
Schedule of activities
First draft: 15.01.16- Reviewed by CLMS
Final draft: 28.02.16- Reviewed by FGC, BMT
Peer Reviewing: FGC, BMT
Starting on 01.02.2016
Table of Contents
1Executive Summary (VLTN)
2Objectives of work-package and task (ILS)
3Methodology and Approach (ILS)
4High Level Architecture and Optimodality Framework Implementation (CLMS, ILS)
5Travel Services - Service Providers Perspective
5.1The Rail services provider perspective
5.1.1Intercity and cross countries rail services (Trenitalia)
5.1.2Suburban rail services (FGC)
5.2The Ferry services provider perspective (Brittany Ferries)
5.3The Coach services provider perspective (Eurolines)
6Travel Services - GDSs Perspective
6.1Amadeus (Amadeus)
6.2SilverRail (SilverRail)
6.3Travelport (Travelport)
6.4Pharos Datacom (optional)
7Travel services - The Travel User Perspective (EBOS)
8Data Services (NCSRD)
9Semantic Technologies for Travel Service Provision (STI)
10Security and privacy preserving Technologies for Travel Services (Business - E)
11Scenario-based Specification - Optimodal processes (VLTN, ILS)
11.1.1Travel Process and reference scenarios
11.1.2Scenario 1
11.1.3Scenario 2
11.1.4Scenario n
12Synthesis of results and Semantic Service APIs specification
12.1Consumer oriented API (VLTN)
12.2Service provider API (CLMS)
13Conclusions (VLTN)
Document Summary Information
Authors and contributors
Initials / Name / Organisation / RoleBK / Bill Karakostas / VLTN / Deliverable LEAD
Revision history (including peer reviewing)
Revision / Date / Who / CommentTOC
v0.1-0.7 / ΒΚ, IF / TOC
Quality control
Role / Who / DateDeliverable leader
Quality manager
Project manager
The content of the publication herein is the sole responsibility of the publishers and it does not necessarily represent the views expressed by the European Commission or its services.
While the information contained in the documents is believed to be accurate, the authors(s) or any other participant in the EuTravel consortium make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Neither the EuTravel Consortium nor any of its members, their officers, employees or agents shall be responsible or liable in negligence or otherwise howsoever in respect of any inaccuracy or omission herein.
Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing neither the EuTravel Consortium nor any of its members, their officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage caused by or arising from any information advice or inaccuracy or omission herein.
API / Application Programming InterfaceGDS / Global Distribution System
ITS / Intelligent Transport Systems
MMITS / Multimodal Information and Ticketing Systems
OTA / Online Travel Agent
PNR / Passenger Name Record
POS / Point of Sale
PT / Public Transportation
TAP / Telematics Applications for Passenger services
TAP-TSI / Telematics Applications for Passenger Services Technical Specifications for Interoperability
TMC / Travel Management Company
TSI / Technical Specification forInteroperability
SERA / Single European Rail Area
List of Figures
Figure 2: The steps of the travel process
List of Tables
Table 2 - Baseline reference scenarios for Optimodal Travel
1Executive Summary (VLTN)
2Objectives of work-package and task (ILS)
(As per DoW –Deliverable section to be revised)
ST2.1.1Specifythearchitectureusingindustrystandardmethodologiesforenterprisearchitectures(VLTNwithcontributionofILS,STI,EUL,TRP,AMD,FGC,BF,BMT,SR, TRI,NCSRD).
ST2.1.2Review merits of differentapproaches toservice descriptionsincludingBPELandOWL-S, andmorerecentapproaches such as USDLandLinked-USDL, but alsomorelightweightapproachessuchasSAWSDLandWSMO-LiteandWeb/RESTfulapproachessuchHydra.Alsotheschema.orgeffort(supportedby Google,Yahoo,Bing,Yandex) on describing actions is veryrelevant(STI).
ST2.1.4Specifyrequirementsforspeed, securityanddataqualityto makecommunicationsbetween nodes short, timelyandreliable(BSE,ILS) review (VLTN).
ILS / EUL / CLMS / TRP / AMD / FGC / EBOS / BF / STI / BMT / VLTN / BSE / SR / TRI / NCSRDP1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7 / P8 / P9 / P11 / P12 / P13 / P14 / P16 / P17
1,0 / 0,5 / 2,0 / 2,0 / 2,0 / 0,5 / 1,0 / 0,5 / 2,0 / 1,0 / 6,0 / 2,0 / 1,0 / 1,0 / 1,0
Brief description of deliverable (From TA):
D2.1 Architectural model of the Ecosystem and APIs architecture including a meta-API allowing the Ecosystem participants (content providers), to interact by publishing their service descriptions in industry standard or proprietary formats. Defines the framework interoperability semantics, semantic translation, mediation and conversion services that will facilitate intermodal travelling.
3Methodology and Approach (ILS)
4High Level Architecture and Optimodality Framework Implementation (CLMS, ILS)
Please see: EuTravel Scoping Document version 1.1
5Travel Services - Service ProvidersPerspective
This section describes services of transport/travel service providers that fall within the scope of EuTravel (travel informationsharing and management, booking, ticketing, payment,etc.). You only need to refer to those services that should be offered bythe Optimodal EuTravel Solution.You may use existing templates/descriptions/use cases or fill in the template in Annex 1.
5.1The Rail services provider perspective
5.1.1Intercityand cross countries rail services(Trenitalia)
5.1.2Suburban rail services(FGC)
5.2The Ferry services provider perspective (Brittany Ferries)
5.3The Coach services provider perspective (Eurolines)
6Travel Services- GDSsPerspective
This section describes services of travel service providers that fall within the scope of EuTravel (travel information management, booking, ticketing, payment). You only need to refer to those services that should be offered by the Optimodal EuTravel Solution (through existing or new APIs).You may use existing templates/descriptions/use cases or fill in the template in Annex 1.
6.1Amadeus (Amadeus)
6.2SilverRail (SilverRail)
6.3Travelport (Travelport)
6.4Pharos Datacom (optional)
There are no dedicated resources to this specific task for Pharos, but input to the deliverable is welcome.
7Travel services- The Travel User Perspective (EBOS)
Web and mobile interfaces for service delivery
8Data Services (NCSRD)
High Level Data Model Description (timetable formats etc.)
9SemanticTechnologies for Travel Service Provision (STI)
8-10 pages
10Security and privacy preserving Technologies for Travel Services (Business - E)
Security, Data Privacy etc. specification
8-10 pages
11Scenario-based Specification - Optimodal processes (VLTN, ILS)
11.1.1Travel Process and reference scenarios
The entire travel process has been divided into six discrete steps (Figure 2).Ajourneyis considered as a set of scheduled service legs (using the same or different modes) and transitions. An itinerary applies to the whole journey. EuTravel aims at reducing complexity of coordination and connecting travel and transportation stakeholders in a way that offers legs and transitions visible to end users.
Figure 2: The steps of the travel process
Table 2- Baseline reference scenarios for Optimodal Travel[IF1]
ServiceName / Scenario 1‐Optimodaltravel madeeasyEnd‐to‐end itinerary
planning / Travellercanchoosepreferredmodes;Onlineserviceprovidesoptimized end‐to‐enditineraries,e.g.quickest,cheapest,leastGreenhouseGas(GHG)modes.
monitoring / Onlineservicemonitorsexecutionofitineraryonallmodes,calculatesactualversusplannedservicequality,identifiesandnotifyserviceincidentsanddegradationas supportservices.
Continuouslyupdatedtraveltimeinformation / Serviceprovidescontinuousjourney/arrivaltimeestimatesbasedonrealreportedjourneytimes ofallconnectedtravellers.
Disrupted serviceassistant / Servicedetectsdisruptiontoanypartofplanneditinerary,identifiesandoffersbestalternativestotravellers.
Interchangeen routeassistance / Formulti‐modaltrips,providesspecificinformationandguidanceatmode‐to‐modeinterchanges,andduringeachleginformsaboutstops/stations,connectionsetc.
On‐the‐spotPOI tourism
Information / Duringthe journey,servicedeliversrelevantpoint‐of‐interest(POI)ortourisminformation,attherightspot.
Special‐needs travel
support / Servicefortravellerswithreducedmobility,guidingalongfullyaccessibletransportmeansandarrangingforreal‐timesupportasneeded,e.g.interchange.
Ticketlessmobilefarepayment / Onlineserviceofferssingleaccountpaymentformultiplejourneylegs,sononeedtopurchasetickets,especiallyvaluablefortouristsandoccasionalusers.Proofofpaymentprovidedviatraveller’shandset.
11.1.2Scenario 1
11.1.3Scenario 2
11.1.4Scenario n
12Synthesis of results and Semantic Service APIs specification
12.1Consumer oriented API (VLTN)
12.2Service provider API (CLMS)
13Conclusions (VLTN)
[1] All Ways Travelling ‘To develop and validate a European passenger transport information and booking system across transport modes’. All Ways Travelling Consortium, Final report, June 17th 2014
Annex 1
Business Service Specification Template
Business Service Specification for <SERVICE NAME>- Service Description
Please describe the purpose and intent of the Service
- Service Provider
Please detail the company/organisation/owner and responsibility (e.g. identify owner if outsourced)
- Service Level Agreements
Please detail the service level capacity, fault-tolerance, monitoring goals and capabilities of the service
- Dependencies
Please list dependent systems and resources – e.g. legacy systems, databases, …
- <Service Name
Interface / WSDL
Communication Protocol / HTTPS.JMS
Communication Method / SOAP
Message Format / XML
- Roles (Users/Actors)
Actor 1
Actor 2
[IF1]Reference Project - Instant Mobility