Sample charge nurse interview questions

Question #1: In reviewing the new job description for this position, what stands out to you as some of the differences between this role and the role of the staff nurse?

The key words you should look for in a candidate’s response are

· accountability

· collaboration (with registration, etc.)

· responsibilities

Question #2: As an ED nurse here for ____ years, you have developed many wonderful relationships with other staff. What do you consider your greatest challenge when having to hold “friends” and coworkers accountable for unacceptable behaviors, such as noncompliance with a smoking policy, not carrying their share of the workload, and staff members using the Internet during down time instead of doing department-related functions?

Question #3: Present the candidate with the following scenario:

It is 0300 on a weekend shift. A staff member has been out of the department for more than 30 minutes and it is not a meal break time. When and how would you handle this situation?

Question #4: Present the candidate with the following scenario:

A patient or visitor informs you about a patient care-related concern that involves the ED physician on duty right now. Their complaint is that the “doctor was very abrupt with us and didn’t seem to care at all about what happened to my husband.” When and how would you handle this situation?

Question #5: The job description requires responsibilities related to registration and the switchboard. There will always be staff who “test the waters” and see how far you will let them go, and this is normal—although unacceptable—behavior. How would you respond to the following scenario? (Present candidate with the following scenario):

A registration staff person informs you that “I am sick and tired of covering the switchboard while she takes her fourth break for the day!”

Question #6: Present the candidate with the following scenario:

The department is not busy—there are several open beds. One nurse is working on a department project, one is out at triage, and another is working with a patient in the exam area. You noticed on the tracking board that triage is bringing a patient into a room assigned to the nurse working on a project. There is a nurse reading the paper at the desk. How would you handle this situation?

Question #7: What aspect of the job description for this new position do you feel will be the most challenging for you?

Question #8: What aspect of this job description excites and motivates you the most?

Question #9: With any change or new process, there will be needs for improvement and adjustments as well as ongoing clarification for all of the staff. What do you feel is the most effective method of helping staff adjust to this change?

Question #10: How do you see this role as being instrumental in improving the quality of patient care delivered in the emergency department?

Source: Core Skills for Nurse Managers: A Training Toolkit, ©2004 HCPro, Inc. To find out more about the book or to purchase a copy, visit