Week 4

7th MATH

Monday Aug 21-25

Pg 795

Assets and liabilities

Assest are what you own

Liabilities is what dept you owe

Net worth is money – dept

Students are to decide what they want to be in life. Then research on the computer quickly what the salary is, then make a graphic organizer of items. Such as below

Then as a class we will discuss our results. Name of the game is not to bust your account in monthly bills. For the students who don’t finish must finish assignment for homework.

Tuesday Aug 22

5A pg 319 IXL X9—X12

Student’s understanding includes attention to the identification of common features (attributes), use of examples and non-examples, classifying or grouping items, naming or labeling the group, and using the concept in ongoing activities.

Students will identify corresponding sides and corresponding congruent angles of similar figures using the traditional notation of curved lines for the angles. Students will write proportions to express the relationships between the lengths of corresponding sides of similar figures (relationships between sides of similar figures and within sides of similar figures).

Students will:

One completed the students will glue the grid paper with similar triangles in their ISN. Then we will move on to similar figures pg 322
We will watch a video for tutorial

Wednesday Aug 23
Continue…guided practice pg 324 then independent pg 325. Once the students finish they will then THINK PAIR SHARE with each other. I will be sitting with students in a center who need guided help.
We as a class will get mini white boards, team up, and work on IXL X9-X12together.
Friday Aug 24
Continue with the IXL game and reteach


Monday 8/21/17 -Be more descriptive foldable

Tuesday 8/22/17-Continuation ofdescriptive word

Students will make 10 sentences using these descriptive words.

Wednesday 8/23/17-AGS Basic English Gram

Lesson 47 Making sentences. This is a review from week 2

These groups of words are not complete sentences. Add what is needed to each group to complete the sentence. Then write the complete sentence on the line. Use the correct capitalization and punctuation. After completing the independent work pair with your partners to see if your answers match. If they do not justify your answers and debate who will be correct. The last 15 min of class we will review.

Thursday 8/24/17-AGS-Lesson 48 Finding subjects This is a review from week 2

Circle the simple subject of each of the following sentences. Then underline the complete subject. After completing the independent work pair with your partners to see if your answers match. If they do not justify your answers and debate who will be correct. The last 15 min of class we will review.

Friday-8/25/17 FUNDAY

As a class, we will make index cards with descriptive words. The name of the game is to mix up all of the cards and then try to make a sentence. Once the students have a complete sentence they are to run up to the board and write it down before the other team finishes.


Play scrabble. Students are to make words and with that word they are to make sentences out of the word.

If the word is correct and a complete sentence then the students get the points.

7th/8th Reading

Monday 8/21/2017

PowerPoint intro to Drama

Tuesday 8/22/17

Continue PowerPoint. If we finish early move on to Wednesday.

Wednesday 8/23/2017

Anchor chart put in ISN

Thursday-8/24/2017 foldable


Students must identify parts from the foldable:

  • Theme–the central or universal idea of a piece of fiction or the main idea of a nonfiction essay
  • Myth–a body of traditional or sacred stories to explain a belief or a natural happening
  • Dialogue–the lines spoken between characters in fiction or a play. Dialogue in a play is the main way in which plot, character, and other elements are established.
  • Stage directions– a playwright’s descriptive comments that provide information about the dialogue, setting, and actions during the play.
  • Protagonist – a story’s main character
  • Antagonist – a character who opposes the protagonist

Friday-8/25/2017 LAB DAY Technology assignment


Commonlit.com TRIFLES and STORY OF AN HOUR. With both stories, a plot diagram will be used. Together we will discuss the story. Students must give:

  • Gist or picture for each paragraph
  • Analyze the illustration or picture and writing what they see
  • Underline unknown words in replace it with synonyms
  • Highlight vocabulary given change with synonyms
  • Text evidence-students must identify where they found the answer by underlining it then placing the question number next to it
  • After reading, determine what the reason for the title is
  • We will highlight the first and last sentence of every paragraph

8th Math

Monday Aug 21

pg 433 Students will take examples and put them in their ISN.

1st foldable

2nd examples in ISN

Tuesday Aug 22 IXL w1-w10IXL as a class with mini white boards. Each student will take a turn going up to the IWB and solving the problem. While the student is up there on the IWB others will be at their desk solving the problem on the mini white boards.

Wednesday Aug 23

Continue….. IXL as a class with mini white boards. Each student will take a turn going up to the IWB and solving the problem. While the student is up there on the IWB others will be at their desk solving the problem on the mini white boards.

HOMEWORK Independent work pg 437

Thursday Aug 24 IXL X1-X7

IXL as a class with mini white boards. Each student will take a turn going up to the IWB and solving the problem. While the student is up there on the IWB others will be at their desk solving the problem on the mini white boards.


Continue… IXL as a class with mini white boards. Each student will take a turn going up to the IWB and solving the problem. While the student is up there on the IWB others will be at their desk solving the problem on the mini white boards.

Once we are done discussing Functions as a class we will have guided practice pg 294. Then the students will attempt independent (thumb drive- bridge_to_algebra_pizzazz)