Tips For Using Zellies Teeth System
These are some additional tips to increase your results using the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System.
- These products are very specifically chosen: the Chlor-sys kills the anaerobic bacteria in your mouth, the specific Crest toothpaste not only has the most finely-ground syllica of anything on the market (other syllica, or even worse, the chalk they use to replace the syllica, will damage your enamel) and it prepares and protects your teeth from the next step, which is the Listerine. Listerine kills off the rest of the bad bacterian in your mouth, but it’s very acidic, so if left on the teeth, will damage them. Which is why the specific ACT rinse is there — it removes the acidity from the teeth and seals them.
- For refills, the rinses and toothpaste are available at Walgreen’s (and probably other drug stores), and the mints are available from us or directly from We do not recommend substituting with other products — is the health of your teeth really worth it? And avoid those products with all the chemicals for teeth whitening, etc.
- The xylitol is 50% of the entire program. Doing only the rinses without using xylitol will only get you partial results and won’t allow your teeth to whiten or remineralize.
- The amount of xylitol needed is 12 mints per day or a couple of teaspoons of granulated xylitol (available at health food stores) per day, taken throughout the day. Keep a small bowl on your desk or counter to encourage use. We have economy-sized bags of mints for refill, or they are available at
- You can also dissolve some xylitol in water and use it as a rinse, or sip on it during the day, or even lick it off a spoon. Just be sure to use it.
- It is highly recommended that children use xylitol, especially after meals — you can dissolve xylitol in water and wipe some across a baby’s teeth to prevent teeth coming from getting cavities, and you can teach toddlers and young children to eat the mints after meals (there are also children’s xylitol chews available!) or lick it off a spoon. You’ll be amazed at the health of their teeth.
- Be sure to use a mint or xylitol rinse after meals, or drinking coffee or tea, as the xylitol will restore the correct pH to your mouth, and alkalinize it. Many drinks, including most water, is quite acidic.
- Mouth bacteria are shared between adults or other family members, by kissing, sharing toothbruses, or even by sharing food. It is for this reason that we find that it is more effective for the entire household to do the program.
- You do not have to rinse with water between steps — go directly from the Clo-Sys to the toothpaste, use the Listerine to rinse the toothpaste, and then go directly to the ACT.
- You will be thrilled to know that flossing is no longer necessary. This is a “liquid floss” and while you might still choose to floss if you have something between your teeth, this program is substantially more effective than simply flossing.
- Be sure to store your toothbrush at least 10 feet from the toilet as the plume from flushing will infect the brush.
- For this reason, IT IS VITAL to disinfect your toothbrush with Listerine (use a shot glass and leave in it for a minute or two) and then be sure to remove it and let air dry, preferably in another room. Air drying kills the bacteria. Many people find that it is helpful to do the program in the kitchen.
- As the bacteria in your mouth die off, some people may get staining on the bottom middle teeth. This is normal and will be removed at your next cleaning. This results often from re-infection, either from another individual or from toilet bacteria.
- FOR WHITENING: What causes staining is thin enamel; the thicker it is, the whiter the teeth. Whitening will only occur if the pH of the mouth is correct, and if the saliva is alkaline enough (has enough minerals) and is copious enough (dry mouth is a root cuase of many dental problems). Use the xylitol rinse described above along with the mints for faster results.
- If you have a concern about ingesting flouride, we have done the research for you. While drinking flouridated water has been shown many times over to be damaging to your health, rinsing with products that have some flouride in them has been shown to have no ill effects at all. In fact, the amount of flouride that your body absorbs in the few seconds of using the rinses is .01% of the total amount of flouride in the rinses.
So enjoy surprising your dentist and the clean feel and health of your teeth!
© Merritt Wellness Center 2012