Surya Yoga Centre

Yoga Teacher Training

Instructor, Sylvia Nofsinger

200 Hours of Training:

  • 30 hours Philosophy & Ethics
  • 30 hours Anatomy & Physiology
  • 100 hours Techniques, Training & Practice
  • 30 hours Teaching Methodology
  • 10 hours Practicum

Yoga Philosophy/Lifestyle and Ethics 30 hours total

Raja Yoga/ Philosophy


Introduction to Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras, Yoga's arrival in the west. Learning Objectives

Learn the origin of yoga, legends and the Indus Valley civilization, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the introduction of yoga to the west. Introduction to Yoga Sutras Sutras Book 1: 1-16, 22-27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39-41; Book 2: 1-5, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46. Introduction to history of modern yoga including: Krishnamacharya, Indra Devi, K. Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar, Sri Swami Sivananda, Sri Swami Satchidananda, Dharma Mittra, Jivamukti.

Yoga Philosophy Paths of Yoga


Paths of yoga: bhakti, raja, jnana and karma.

Ethics of the yoga profession


Practicing Yama/ Niyama and living one's Dharma. Seva and Karma yoga assignment.

Learning Objectives

Student's will choose one yama/niyama and follow it for 24 hours to their best ability. Class discussion on living the yama/niyama and following one's dharma. Class karma yoga assignment. Learning to abide to the teachings of yoga in daily living 24/7.

Yoga on and off the mat


Yoga on and off the mat. How yoga practice on the mat reflects daily living and visa versa.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn to identify how habits and personality traits show up on the mat as well as in daily living. Students will learn to incorporate the yama, niyama in class and daily living.

Anatomy & Physiology 25 hours total

Anatomy- The skeleton and its bony landmarks


Anatomy of the skeleton and identification of prominent bony landmarks used in yoga alignment.

Learning Objectives

Learn the anatomy of the skeleton and identify key bony landmarks used in alignment of the yoga asanas. Identify differences in male/female skeletons, children and adults.

Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology



Muscles of the trunk, extremities, vocal cords, eye, pelvic floor, rotator cuff, muscles of respiration and core, organs, nervous system and digestive tract.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn anatomy of muscles of the trunk, extremities, vocal cords, eye, pelvic floor, rotator cuff and core and how these muscles are used in the asanas in dynamic and static poses for aspects of strengthening and flexibility. Students will learn the anatomy of the respiratory system, intro to the neuroendocrine system and digestive tract and the associated glands and organs. Students will learn the benefits of the asanas for these systems.

Anatomy/ kinesiology of joints


Anatomy/kinesiology of joints. Range of motion differences in individuals and stability of the joints.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn about key joints in the spine and extremities and how joints accommodate different ranges of motion in different individuals.

Anatomy of the energetic body


Nadis, chakras, koshas and doshas.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn the primary chakras and nadis. Intro to the koshas and doshas.

Techniques, Training and Practice 100 hours total

Hatha Yoga Level I class


Hatha I yoga class and meditation instructed by lead trainer. Learning Objectives

Learn how to practice a hatha I yoga class including: chants, netra vyayamam, surya namaskara, asana, yoga nidra, pranayama and meditation.

Guided meditation and pranayama


Guided meditation and pranayama. Silent meditation, Sanskrit chants and pranayama: kapalabhati, nadi suddhi, deergha svasam. Learning Objectives

Students learn tools for silent meditation and to practice pranayama: deergha svasam, kapalabhati, nadi suddhi.

Yoga nidra class


Yoga nidra class instructed by lead trainer. Learning Objectives

Learn to practice yoga nidra guided relaxation.

Hatha theory: Asana & neutral spine, standing, supine, prone, sidelying


Hatha theory: asana and neutral spine.

Learning Objectives

Learn the technique, alignment and practice of tadasana, dandasana, savasana, advasana, table and reclining Buddha pose. Find neutral spine in standing, supine, prone, quadruped and side-lying.

Hatha Theory forward bends


Hatha theory foward bends technique and alignment.

Learning Objectives

Learn technique and alignment of forward bends: janusirsasana, paschimottanasana, uttanasana, ardha uttanasana, supta padangusthasana.

Hatha theory backbends


Hatha theory backbends alignment and technique.

Learning Objectives

Learn the technique and alignment of the backbends: bhujangasana, ardha salabhasana, salabhasana, ardha dhanurasana, dhanurasana, utthita dhanurasana, purva navasana, urdhva mukha svanasana

Hatha Theory Surya Namaskara


Technique and alignment for Surya Namaskara in 12 positions with basic level variations.

Hatha theory inversions

Students will learn the proper execution of inversions, their contraindications and how to instruct them. Students will learn how to practice and teach alignment and technique for the asanas: setu bandha sarvangasana(backbend inversion), sarvangasana, leg lifts, viparita karani, dolphin, adho mukha svanaasana, puppy dog, prep for headstand.

Hatha theory twists


Technique and alignment of twists in standing, seated, supine poses. Students will learn to practice and instruct the asanas: ardha matsyendrasana, supta matsyendrasana.

Hatha Theory Kriyas


Instruction of the kriyas and their significance to the energetic and physical bodies. Neti, dhauti, nauli, kapalabhati, trataka.

Hatha Theory Pranayama


Hatha Theory Pranayama, deergha svasam, kapalabhati, nadi suddhi, bhramari, sitali, ujjayi, breath retention and bandhas.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn how to practice and teach pranayama: deergha svasam, kapalabhati, nadi suddhi, bhramari, sitali, ujjayi. Students will learn to count the breath beginning with a 1:1 ratio then 1:3 and eventually 10:20 inhalation to exhalation count. Breath retention and bandhas.

Hatha Theory mantras


Students will learn the following mantras to use in teaching and for their own practice: Hatha Theory mantras: Om, Om Shanti, Hari Om, Maha Mrithunjaya, Gayatri, Surya Gayatri, Lookah samastah suhkino bhavantu, sarvesam svastir bhavatu.

Hatha theory meditation


Hatha theory meditation. Students will learn dharna tools, silent meditation, walking meditation, Tratak, japa. Students will develop a solid meditation practice and be able to lead a meditation.

Hatha theory standing poses


Hatha theory standing poses: virabhadrasana I, II, vrksasana, natarajasana, trikonasana. Students will learn technique and alignment and how to instruct.

Hatha Theory floor poses


Instruction of floor asanas: gomukaasana, malasana, pavanamuktaasana, simhaasana, badraasana, balaasana, sukhaasana, vajraasana

Hatha Theory Core Optional Poses


Abdominal/core optional asana: navasana, kakasana, ustrasana, utkatasana

Hatha Theory Mudras and Bandhas


Students will learn to practice and instruct mudras and bandhas including: chin mudra, Visnu mudra, anjali mudra, yoga mudra, Ganesha mudra.

Teaching Methodology 35 hours total

Surya Namaskara for special populations


Students will learn how to teach modifications for special populations for the Surya Namaskara practice and how to cue the class using verbal, visual and tactile aid.

Special populations and inversions


Students will contraindications for inversions and how to instruct modifications and offer propping for special populations. Students will learn about pregnancy, injuries of the spine and shoulder and alternative poses and propping.

Special populations modifications for forward bends


Modifications for forward bends in special populations. Spine /disc injury, osteoporosis, pregnancy, limited flexibility and propping or alternative positions.

Students will learn about contraindications for forward bends and modifications to use for special populations. Students will learn how to teach alternate poses and offer propping to students with Spine /disc injury, osteoporosis, pregnancy and limited flexibility.

Special populations and backbends


Modifications and propping for backbends with injuries, pregnancy and the elderly.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn about contraindications for backbends and how to provide alternate poses and Modifications/propping for students with injuries, pregnancy and the elderly.

How to instruct and demonstrate using cues


How to instruct and demonstrate using verbal, visual, auditory and kinesthetic approaches and cues.

Time management and Prioritizing


Time management and prioritizing class content. Students will learn how to teach 45 min, 1 hour and up to 1.5 hr class strategizing timing and covering essential components.

Business 101 for the yoga teacher


Business 101 for the yoga teacher. Marketing, insurance, credentials, pay, volunteering. Students will create one promotional ad, business card, flyer or internet site for his/her business.

Designing a balanced class using counterposes


Designing a balanced class using counterposes. Warm up poses and cool down. Timing and placement of poses.

Mantras for meditation, Kirtan and daily living


How to direct the mantra through the energetic body during meditation practice. Kirtan style of chants.

Yoga in different settings, feng shui practice


Yoga in different settings, feng shui practice. Proper positioning of the altar, yoga mats and students. Cueing during class instruction to position students in correct directions.

Leading a guided relaxation, through the koshas


Leading a guided relaxation, through the koshas. Students will learn cues to guide the awareness through the koshas and how to bring awareness through the body, breath and mind to the true self. Students will learn appropriate cues both verbal, musical and energetic to promote relaxation during guided imagery and visualization.

Yogic diet, fasting practice


Yogic diet, fasting practice. Philosophy of diet and the vegetarian. Learning Objectives

Students will learn the principles of ahimsa and the vegetarian diet, fasting practices and pranic exchange.

Prana and harmonic flow, Mudras and Bandhas


Prana and harmonic flow, Mudras and Bandhas: The significance of the mudras and bandhas the energetic body.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn how mudras and bandhas work with the directional current in the energetic body and how to implement them during hatha class and meditation to enhance the flow of prana.

Practicum Practice teaching 10 hours total


Practice teaching a hatha class including chants, surya namaskara, asanas, yoga nidra, pranayama and meditation.

Learning Objectives

Students will practice teaching a component of the hatha yoga class(chants, surya namaskara, asana, yoga nidra, pranayama, meditation) as the lead instructor for 15 minutes during a hatha yoga class attended by the lead instructor and fellow students in the first quarter of training. By midterm students will lead teach for 45 minutes of a hatha yoga class attended by the lead instructor and fellow students. By 3/4 of the training students will practice teaching as the lead instructor for 1 hr. By the last quarter student's will lead teach two 1.5 hour classes, the last class will be instructed to the lead instructor and community as a requirement for graduation. The students will receive feedback from the lead instructor on instruction including: verbal, tactile and visual cues, appropriate timing, correct instruction of alignment and technique, pronunciation. Students will begin this learning objective by practice teaching each other during training as each element of the hatha class is covered. Students are encouraged to practice teaching friend's and family members in between sessions and can meet with the lead instructor for mentorship.