Mathematics 112/111 Geometry and Applications
Math 112/111
Prerequisite - Math 10
Unit 1: Circle Geometry (55 hours)
- review of basic definitions and theorems
- inductive and deductive reasoning
- converse of an argument
- chords, angles, tangents, and the properties of circles
- investigate and prove conjectures associated with chords, angles, and tangents to a circle
- use deductive arguments to write proofs
- formulas and applications involving distance and midpoint in geometric situations
- solve problems involving equations and characteristics of circles
- transformations of circles
- transformations of ellipses (level 1)
- examining the circle as a trigonometric function (level 1)
Unit 2: Probability (15 hours)
- consider all possible outcomes to a situation
- the Fundamental Counting Principle
- are the outcomes independent, dependent, mutually exclusive, or mutually inclusive?
- conditional probability (level 1)
- factorial notation
- combinations and permutations
- use combinations and permutations to calculate probability (level 1)
- Pascal’s triangle
- binomial expansion,
Unit 3: Algebra (10 hours)
- expanding polynomial expressions
- factoring trinomials
- simplify rational expressions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
Course Assessment: 45% - Summative Tests/Quizzes
15% - Summative Assignments
15% - Midterm Examination
25% - Final Examination
… see reverse
All Summative Assessments; including major tests /assignments/projects, midterms and exams must be completed. If a student misses any of the above assessments, it will be written upon the student’s return to school.
There will be Firm Deadlines for the previously mentioned Summative Assessments. If assessments are not passed in on the due date, the following consequence will result: students will be assessed a 10% penalty per day for the next four days and on the fifth day they will be given an Incomplete in the course. To this end, an individual Assessment and Grading Outline, indicating major Summative Assessments, will be included in the course syllabus. All other Summative Assessments, i.e. a Summative Quiz, will be assessed a 10% penalty per day for the next four days and on the fifth day the student will be given a Zero. A parent/guardian will be contacted prior to the implementation of the penalty process.
Saint Malachy’s Memorial High School