I have compiled a list of supplemental Social Studies materials that I am suggesting for purchase. I believe these materials would be most helpful to the Social Studies department to accommodate to students’ different learning styles.

Video Tapes

1. Supreme Court Decisions that Changed the Nation.

Examining the inner workings of the nation’s highest court and the evolution of American constitutional law, these programs use photographs and period artwork to assess the impact of eight landmark decisions. 105 minutes. Guidance Associates, 1986-89.

· Marbury vs. Madison

· McCulloch vs. Maryland

· The Dred Scott Decision

· Plessy vs. Ferguson

· Brown vs. the Board of Education

· Giddeon vs. Wainwright

· Miranda vs. Arizona

· Roe vs. Wade

· U.S. vs. Nixon

6 VHS videos $392.00

2. Miss Evers’ Boys

Macon County Alabama, 1932. The syphilis rate among the 97% black population in and around Tuskegee is soaring. When the United States Public Health Services intervenes, it is not to treat or contain the deadly disease, but to “study” it. The horror of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment presents dilemmas: duty vs. conscience, medical ethics vs. human experimentation, and science vs. racism. Mature students. 118 minutes. HBO, 1997.


3. Nightmare- the Immigration of Joachim and Rachael.

“Remain together no matter what. Don’t let the Nazis take you!” After their parents are arrested and “resettled,” 13 year-old Joachim and his younger sister Rachel struggle to survive in the Warsaw Ghetto. Saved by the Polish underground, they go to New York after the war and join their uncle. The accurate picture of Jewish children in the ghetto should help viewers empathize with the trauma of immigration. 24 minutes


4. World in the Balance.

How can the world strike a balance between the need of the Third World’s developing economies to expand and the global community’s need to preserve a healthy environment? Part 1 Looks at India and China to explore relationships among population growth, poverty, and development. Part 2 questions at what point the free market should leave off and government regulation should kick in. Part 3 investigates developer’s needs vs. environmental needs. Part 4 inspects local solutions for global problems.


Enrichment Reading Books

1. American Historical Fiction Library

This collection brings together several important works of fiction, some recent and some classics that give students added insight into important eras and issues in American History. Readability varies from easy (The Outsiders) to difficult (Moby Dick).

Complete set includes 43 paperbacks $295.00
Computer Programs/Software

1. The Great Depression. A thorough examination of the causes and events of the Great Depression, this program analyzes the background and conditions that led to economic chaos, explains the philosophy behind President Roosevelt’s measures, shows how ordinary citizens were affected and assess the impact of WWII in the ending crisis.

CD ROM for Mac/Windows $50.00

2. The Civil War: Two Views

Analyzes the impact of the Civil War on an industrialized, expanding North and on an agricultural, static South. Cover the two regions before the war, the events of the war, and the situation Southerners faced at the end of the war.

CD ROM for Mac/Windows $75.00
Games and Simulations

1. Jury Trials in the Classroom. Miss Clara Muffet sues her landlord over a spider infestation. Booth is tried for the murder of Lincoln. The Capulets sue Friar Lawrence in the wrongful death of their daughter, Juliet. Requiring critical evaluation of contradictory witness affidavits, this book outlines the U.S. court system, describes how to run a mock trial, and provides support material for staging three criminal and three civil rights trials that feature familiar characters from literature or history. Grades 5-8. Activity book with reproducible pages.


3. The Pacific Rim. By Connie Plantz and Janette Callis. Teams of student’s work together to research, prepare fact sheets, draw timelines, writhe short reports, and present information about 16 western Pacific Rim countries as they simulate a “race” from Japan to New Zealand. A 63-page teacher’s guide with reproducible pages included background notes, student activity sheets, game materials, and tests. Student guides provide each pupil with complete instructions and a “game board” (a map of the Pacific Rim). 20-35 players. Grades 5-8. Includes 35 student guides and one teacher guide.


Teaching and Learning Supplemental Books

1. Review Book – America History the Easy Way. The full sweep of American history is presented in a clearly written narrative. Covering events, trends, landmarks, and personalities form the arrival of aboriginal tribes across the Bering Strait to the Whitewater Special Investigation, this book is especially useful as a textbook supplement or self help reference book. Chapters begin with a discussion of historians’methods of gathering information to present a mosaic of the past. Grades 8 and up.

Paperback 1-4 copies $14.95 each/5copies $13.45 each

2. Primary Sources in U.S. History– the 1950’s: Primary Sources in the U.S. History. By reading letters, examining cartoons, and reviewing numerous other primary source documents, students investigate key periods in American history.

Consensus and Conformity – the 1950’s: Primary Sources in U.S. History. Topics include business and labor in the 1950’s, Sputnik and the space race, the age of the automobile, immigration from Mexico, Cold War brinkmanship, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, McCarthyism, Truman’s seizure of the steel mills, and return to religion.

Reproducible curriculum unit $27.95

Learning Activities

1. Transparencies - The Middle Ages. Through striking art and accurately detailed maps, this program provides a clear, chronological view of the Middle Ages from the rise of the Franks and flowering of the Carolingian Renaissance through the decline of feudalism and emergence of national states.

21 transparencies, 74 overlays $338.00

2. Cartoon Counterpoint. Is the death penalty just? Do welfare programs do more harm than good? Have environmentalists gone off the deep end? In this poster series, students use political cartoons to explore contrasting viewpoints on six hot button topics. Other topics include flag burning, immigration, family values. Grades 7-12.

6 posters, 6 guides $26.95

3. American History Plays for the Classroom. Edited by Sarah J. Glasscock. Highlights in American history are dramatized in brief reproducible plays suitable for readers theatre, or for simple staging. Background information, suggested readings, discussion questions, and activity suggestions accompany each play. Topics: Cabeza de Vaca, Pilgrim Thanksgiving, Boston Tea Party, Trail of Tears, Oregon Trail, Seneca Falls Convention, Emancipation, Ellis Island, Pearl Harbor, and Greensboro lunch counter sit-in. Grades 4-8. Scholastic, 1995.

Book with reproducible pages $12.95

Social Studies

Supplemental Budget Preparation

Pamela Goines

ED 439-01
