Central Office: “PRABHAT NIVAS” Regn. No.2037
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CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 27/110/2015/6 21st January, 2015
Dear Comrades,
Hyderabad Challo
We are sure that all our units are getting ready for the participation of the young delegates in our ensuing All India Youth Convention. There is enthusiastic response from most of the States including from far off States like Assam ( 22 delegates ), Tripura ( 12 delegates), etc. It is going to be a unique occasion because this would be the first exclusive All India Youth Convention being organised by AIBEA. In the recent years we have already observed the keen interest the young employees are taking in our trade union activities by participating in all the programmes like demonstrations, strikes, rallies, etc. We have seen them in our last AIBEA Conference in Kochi and in the recent All India Women Employees Convention wherein they not only participated but also articulated their views and suggestions effectively. In the State-level conventions also they have participated with lot of interest. Hence we look forward to a successful Convention with their enlarged participation in the programme. Hyderabad awaits to receive all of these young comrades.
Convention Schedule: The programme will commence at 10-00 am on 31st January, 2014 (Saturday) and end around 6-00 PM on 1st February, 2015.
31st Jan. 8-30 AM / Registration10-00 AM / Delegates’ Session
4-00 PM / Public Session
1st Feb. 9-30 AM / Delegates’ Session
6-00 PM / Conclusion
List of Delegates: All the State Federations should immediately send to us ( with copy to the hosts APBEF ) the list of the names of the Delegates to the Convention. This is very important as we have to keep the documents, Delegate Card, etc. ready for distribution on 31st morning.
Arrival/Departure details: All our State Federations should also clearly intimate to APBEF about the details of arrival and departure of the Delegates, train name, time/date of arrival-departure, etc. as the Reception Committee is making arrangements for transportation both for receiving the delegates on arrival and to see off at the time of departure.
Accommodation: Accommodation in hotel rooms is being arranged by the host unit – APBEF for all then participants who inform them in advance. It would be around Rs. 500/550 per head per day. The cost /rent for the accommodation will be borne by the participants/units. All our State Federations should immediately inform APBEF about their room requirement and also remit the amount to them. Booking rooms at the last minute would be very difficult.
IMPORTANT: Those who do not need accommodation to be booked by APBEF should immediately inform them because full advance rent is being paid to the hotels which would be non-refundable. If no information is received in this regard, APBEF will book the rooms for all the delegates from the concerned State and State Federations may have to pay for the same. Hence provide the information to APBEF urgently.
For all the women delegates from different States, rooms are being booked in one hotel in the interest of their safety, easy commutation the convention venue, etc.
Similarly, the check-out time would be 24 hours. Those who check-in on 31st morning and if they are leaving on 1st evening, they may choose to vacate the rooms on 1st morning and save one day rent. In that case, this information should be informed to APBEF so that booking can be done accordingly.
Special co-operation of our State Federations is requested in this regard.
With greetings,
Yours Comradely,