Pre-Screening Application for Greater Mankato Area United Way Funding
Thank you for your interest in Greater Mankato Area United Way Funding. Please complete the pre-screening application below. There is a narrative section with instructions on page 2.The application will be reviewed and an email notification will be sent to the email address you have provided. If approved, you will receive a link to the online funding application.If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Harstad, Director of Community Impact, at (507) 345-4551. This application can be submitted by mail to 127 South 2nd St. Suite #190, Mankato, MN 56001 or by email at
Organization Name:
Executive Director/CEO Name:
Application Contact Person:
Organization Address:
Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( )
Name of Program/Project:
Amount of Request: $
Community outcomes that the program will address:
Please read the descriptions and check one of the eight United Way impact areas listed below.
Emergency Services
Advancing the common good by providing basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and emergency services. / Supporting Individuals Families
Increasing self-sufficiency through building systems of support for individuals & families. / Success by Six
Building systems of support for parents young children to ensure that all children are ready for kindergarten. / Nurturing Children & Youth
Ensuring that youth in our communities have educational opportunities that promote healthy development. / Youth Outreach
Increasing independence through building systems of support for older individuals. / Supporting Older Adults
Increasing independence through building systems of support for older individuals. / Enhancing the Lives of People with Disabilities
Support for individuals with disabilities to live their lives fully engaged in our community. / Promoting Health and Wellness
Supporting vulnerable families and individuals by providing them
Narrative.Feel free to use another page to answer these questions, but please do not exceed two pages for the narrative section.
- Provide a brief summary of the program. What types of services will be / are provided? What is the target population/s?
- Why is this program needed in the community?
- What are the expected outcomes your program will achieve?
- What other community resources will you be leveraging to achieve the program outcomes?
- How will United Way funds be used (scholarships, supplies, staffing, etc.)?
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