GVSU Women’s Center

Internship/Practicum Information


The Grand Valley State University Women’s Center knows how important it is to gain career-related experience before graduation. Therefore, the Women’s Center have established an internship program that affords students the ability to gain useful skills while working in a supportive, fun, and challenging environment. Internships are available Fall/Winter Semester with a limited number available during the Spring/Summer Semester.

Students that have participated in our Internship/Practicum in the past have worked on the following projects/programs – Dating/Domestic Violence, Clothesline Project, Sexual Assault, Eating Disorders, Body Image, Pay Equity, Fund Development and community outreach programs such as Girls On The Run, Girl Scout’s STEM program, and Celebrating Girls In Sports. We would like to emphasize that the Women’s Center is always interested in new ideas and will work with students to create an internship plan that meets their needs as well as fits with the work of the Center.


While the Women’s Center internship is not paid, we are confident that students leave the internship with important mentoring relationships; invaluable communication and professional skills; and a sense that they have made a difference.

Earning Credit

If you are interested in obtaining college credit for your internship, look into the requirements and deadlines through the appropriate academic department. Hours for an internship generally range from 10 to 20 hours per week, depending on the desired number of credit hours. You will need to determine who the faculty advisor is to discuss your experience and sign off. Most GVSU majors offer an internship option (designated as a 490 course in the catalog). If your major doesn’t list an internship option, check with your academic department about receiving independent study credit.

Preparing for an Internship

We are excited that you are interested in doing an internship with us. To facilitate the process we ask that you:

1. Fill out the application form. In order to answer the questions, we encourage you to learn more about the Women’s Center by visiting our location, attending programs events, and/or reviewing our website at www.gvsu.edu/women_cen.

2. If you are seeking credit, attach a copy of any faculty/course requirements from your academic department



Name: _______________________________________________________________

Last First Middle Initial

Preferred Name (i.e. nickname) __________________ Preferred Pronoun (she/ze/he) ___________

G Number: __________________

School Address:_______________________________________________________

Apt/House # Street City Zip

Campus Phone #: ___________________ Cell Phone #:_______________________

E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________

Major area of study: ___________________ Minor: _________________________


In which semester would you like to complete your experience? (limited number of internship available during Spring/Summer)

Fall ___ Winter ___ Spring ___ Summer ___

Class Standing?

First Year ___ Sophomore ___ Junior ___ Senior ___

Graduate ___

How many credit hours completed thus far? ________

What is your cumulative G.P.A.? _________

(You must be in good standing at the university to qualify for an internship)


Do you plan on receiving credit for this internship? YES NO

If yes, for how many credits? _____

How many hours do you need to complete? ______

What is the name of your faculty supervisor? __________________________

Please provide faculty contact information:

E-mail: _________________________ Phone #: _________________________


Gender: Male ____ Female ____ Transgender ____ Age:__________

Race/Ethnicity (Please check all that apply):

White/Non Hispanic ____ Asian or Pacific Islander ____ Middle Eastern ____

Hispanic ____ African American ____ Multi-Racial ____

Native American ____ Other:________________

On a separate sheet of paper, please type your answers to the following questions:

A. Why did you choose the Women’s Center for your internship experience?

B. How will working with the Women’s Center fit with your personal and professional goals?

C. Please describe projects and/or your areas of interest in working with the Women’s Center? (You are encouraged to go to the Women’s Center website to get a sense of our programs and services if you need assistance answering this question: www.gvsu.edu/women_cen).

D. What does gender justice mean to you? How would you contribute to the Women’s Center creating an inclusive environment in which all people feel welcome?

E. Please include a proposed schedule (days & times) for your internship experience.

F. What other time commitments will you be balancing? (Work, class load, student organizations, volunteering, etc)

My application is complete:

o If I am interested in gaining credit for the internship, I have attached the faculty/course requirements.

o I have answered the questions on a separate sheet of paper and they are attached.


Student Signature



Internal Office Use Only

Date received: __________

Date reviewed: __________

Reviewed by: __________

Interview completed: __________

By whom: __________