November Maple Hills Board Meeting

November 11, 2015

Present: Susie Smith, Kelly Walsh, Ken Lescher, Jerry Hendrickson, Rebecca Schwenk, Matthew Nepsa


Not present: Matthew McDonald, Pavel, Doug Babcock

Pool Report: Susie Smith

Power and pump at pool had been out. PSE found pump failed and needs to be replaced. Power is now back on. Replacement has been ordered for $2000 (Susie emailed estimate to Jerry and Greg for an okay), and will be delivered on November 19th.

Park Report: Ken Letcher

Improvements needed for the park: Ken brought rough estimates for: pool house roof ($15,000), tennis ($15,000) parking lot ($12,000), play area ($5,000), mower (14,000), picnic shelter ($2,000), total($65,000). Ken is hoping to fix mower this week and be able to sell it in the spring for $1000-$2000. Ken recommended securing loan by this spring. Septic system is near a tree that should be moved. Ken needs a schematic of where septic system is so he knows where to move the tree. Susie made suggestions for where septic tanks are likely located. Susie will check about where the septic tanks are located and get back to Ken about it.

Matt will be talking to sports teams before season starts up about field maintenance/ contract. Matt will look into the current state of contracts for the next board meeting.

Newsletter: Rebecca has been working on it. Still needed: president’s message, treasurer’s report from Greg (Rebecca will email him). Will reach out to John for traffic safety update. Would like a contact section. Upcoming events include Santa Breakfast (Dec 12), Polar Bear Swim (Jan 16th), church is working on starting an English service. Suggested to add Easter Egg Hunt (March 26th), Annual Board Meeting (June 11th). Rebecca will contact fire station about toy drive. Jerry suggested a section for thanking volunteers who have helped with events in the past.

Firefighter appreciation: Rebecca will talk to Karista about suggestions.

Jerry will email dates for upcoming events

Jerry suggested 10am for Annual Meeting on June 11th, and do breakfast ($250 about) instead of a BBQ to save money. Suggestion made to advertise issues that will be discussed before the meeting. Kelly suggested getting a vinyl sign to let people know events are a “Maple Hills” event. Kelly will look into prices for a vinyl sign. Remaining budget can be used for the Polar Bear Swim (hot chocolate, etc.).

Discussion about changing one of the tennis courts into a basketball court. Could be a good topic to discuss at annual meeting, or survey on Facebook before then, or advertise as a topic for the next board meeting.

Polar Bear swim: Susie will post a sign. Susie will organize hot cocoa and cookies. Kelly suggested posting videos on the website. Jerry will talk to Jason Ament about making the event bigger this year.

Doug emailed to say he has an injury and is okay with being replaced, unless the board would like to wait-out his recovery. Jason Ament has volunteered to take Matthew McDonald’s place. Jerry and Rebecca made a motion to accept Jason Ament as a board member, unanimous vote to accept motion.

Pavel and his wife are willing to organize Easter Egg hunt again this year.

National Night Out: Matt will be applying for the grant again this year. Kelly volunteered to help Matt organize the event. Hoping Katie Johnson will do the small business expo again. Could do outreach to the Moldovan church to see if they are interested in providing games for children. Spring newsletter can ask for volunteers to help out at NNO. Volunteer kick-off and pizza party date chosen by Matt.

4th of July: Kelly will organize.

5th of July (park clean up): Matt will organize clean-up event.

Volunteers: Darlene Weigle has asked what she can do to help, and has access to more volunteers. Jerry would like to reach out for volunteers through the newsletter and have specific chores for events that volunteers can help with. Jerry will talk with Rob about having a volunteer sign-up spot on the website.

Cindy: trying to get King Co road maintenance to come out and install some stop signs (on 205th, 206th, and another street). Also concerns about bushes growing into the streets. Cindy is looking into easement requirements and who is responsible for maintaining it. New rumble strips have been installed and seem to have helped somewhat. Suggestion to add more rumble strips at other high-speed areas (Cindy will talk to county about this). Also looking into lighted crosswalk sign (which would require a grant for the school). Right now people are volunteering to help at the crosswalk.