Department:Department of ASD, Hawkshead and Camden Campus


Reports to: Academic Registrar

Liaises with: Academic Support and Development Managers;

Academic staff; External Examiners; Invigilators

Objectives of the Post:

To lead the administrative development and operation of clinical and non-clinical examinations processes for the College.

To lead and manage the examinations team to achieve high professional standards in all work undertaken by the team.

To work with the key academic link for assessment in the development of the College’s examinations strategies and the implementation of cross college design and operational procedures and the pursuit of operational efficiency.

To advise on the development of assessment regulations.

Location:To be discussed, Hawkshead preferred.


1. To lead and implement the development of more streamlined examinations processes in relation to:results processing, results publication, communication of results to students, production of examination papers, invigilation.To liaise and work with the Head of Student Records in relation to results processing and publication.

2. To ensure the ongoing development of staff in relation to OSCE processing and other statistical techniques.

3. To ensure consistency of operation of all examinations staff in meeting specified College requirements in respect of marking processes, operation of Boards and ability to knowledgeably interpret and advise on existing regulations.

4. To review the work of the team and ensure operational efficiency in the calendar of operations and to minimise unnecessary repeats of work.

5.With the academic lead, to review the examinations content of courses to minimise duplication and over assessment of students.

6. To advise upon draft assessment and award regulations prior to their approval.

7. To ensure all procedures are documented and the documents kept up to date.

8. To ensure the team meets operational requirements including:

implementation of examinations procedures, as determined by relevant Boards and Committees.

Provision of advice to examination boards and academic staff on the interpretation of examination regulations.

Provision of the documentation, organisation, running and conduct of examinations and for the administration of assessment procedures and the publication of results for specified courses, including OSCE examinations.

The design and preparation of results sheets for specified courses to reflect the requirements of the marking schemes.

The preparation of the examinations timetable and its publication.

9. To take personal responsibility for the operation of one or two sets of assessments and associated Board of Examiners.