Ms. Brown
(845) 457 – 2400 ext. 19165
Basic Physics Course Syllabus
September 2015 – June 2016
Basic Physics is a one-year course designed to introduce students to the concepts of physics that are observed in our everyday lives. We will study the various ways we interact with our environment and learn about current events in the science community. Throughout this course students will become familiar with the world around them and learn how to think and correlate scientific concepts into their everyday lives.
This is a college preparatory course that will require students to complete assignments on a daily basis. This course is designed to challenge students and prepare them for what is to come next year. Even though the course is an elective it must be taken seriously and will require consistent effort and dedication to the content. This course requires a frequent application of mathematical skills to scientific principles. These skills will be briefly reviewed in the beginning of the course and will be consistently applied on a daily basis.
The concepts presented in this course will increase your knowledge of the physical world you live in. You must make an effort to observe the world around you throughout the year. Being observant outside the classroom as well as inside the classroom will help you understand the concepts and theories we will be studying. At the completion of this course students should be able to explain the world around them using the concepts covered throughout the year.
Course Materials: (Required, at the latest, by Tuesday, September 8)
It is expected that students will come to class prepared every day with the following items:
· Binder or folder specifically for this class (2 inch binder or multi-pocket folder)
· Loose leaf paper
· Blue or black pens and #2 pencils (We DO NOT provide pens/pencils!)
· Multi-pack of highlighters (yellow, pink, blue, green, purple, orange ~ be creative!)
· Basic Calculator (Cell phone calculators will not be allowed!)
· Ruler
· Protractor
· A positive attitude
· A willingness and excitement for learning
Tentative Topic Schedule:
Semester I[September 2, 2015 – January 25, 2013]
Unit I: Basic Concepts of Physics
Unit II: 1-D Motion
Unit III: 2-D Motion
Unit IV: Newton’s Laws of Motion
Unit V:: Momentum
Mid-Term Exam / Semester II
[February 1, 2015 – June 13, 2016]
Unit VI: Work, Power, and Energy
Unit VII: Electricity
Unit VIII: Waves
Unit: IX: Modern Physics
Final Exam
Grades will be based on a percentage system:
Tests: 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework: 15%
Do Now: 5%
Labs & Activities: 15%
Projects: 15%
All collected assignments must be handed in within five days of the initial due date. Assignments may be made up during post session within those five days. It is your responsibility to set aside time to complete any assignments. Class work, labs, activities and projects cannot be made up after the five day grace period and will not be accepted late. The final exam will count as 20% of your final grade. It is expected that students will do their utmost to complete all assignments in a timely and proficient manner. Participation and effort will affect your grade – doing your work and coming to class prepared will be a great asset to your grade. Not doing your work and being unprepared will have a detrimental affect on your grade -- it is a direct relationship!
Do-Now: Each class will begin with a Do-Now. You are expected to be in your seat by the time the 2nd bell rings with a pen or pencil and Do-Now sheet on your desk. Do-Now assignments should take no longer than five minutes to complete. Do Now sheets will be collected each week. If you miss the day’s Do-Now due to an unexcused lateness, a zero will be given for that day. If you miss the Do-Now due to an excused lateness or absence, you will be excused from the Do-Now with a teacher’s signature. It is your responsibility to obtain a teacher’s signature so you don’t lose credit for that day.
Homework: Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday. There will never be homework assigned over the weekend (YAY!) The majority of homework assignments will be checked in class and then gone over, which means they cannot be made up. Assignments must be fully completed to receive credit. No partial credit will be given. Most homework assignments will be to either complete worksheets and activities started in class, or practice a new concept presented in class that day. There may be a few collected homework assignments which must be handed in within five days of the initial due date.
Quizzes: There will be a quiz every Friday. The quiz will cover the material gone over that week. There may be unannounced quizzes as well. ALWAYS have your binder – sometimes the quizzes are open binder!
Tests: There will be at least two tests each quarter. Each test is based on the information we have covered in the unit and may be in multiple formats (multiple choice, fill in the blank, constructed response, etc.). You will have at least one weeks notice for all upcoming tests.
Corrections: Corrections can be made on all tests. Corrections must be made during post-session with me within five post-session days of the test being returned. When making test corrections, each incorrect question must be rewritten on a separate sheet of paper with all the correct work and correct answer. You may use your notes for all corrections.
Labs and Activities: There will be many labs and/or activities completed during class. Each lab or activity will require some sort of write-up or follow up questions to be answered. Class time will be given to complete these tasks as well. If the write-up or questions are not completed during the class period they must be handed in within five days of the due date. No late labs or activities will be accepted.
Projects: There will be several projects that will be completed during class time. These projects will take 1-2 weeks to complete and will culminate in a presentation. Projects are to be completed in pairs or groups of three. Specific directions as well as a rubric will be provided to students upon assignment of project. Projects must be ready to hand in and present on the assigned presentation date. No late projects will be accepted.
Class Rules:
1. Be on time! You should be in your seat and starting ‘Do Now’ assignment when the bell rings:
· ~ 3 lates = 1 detention
2. Bring all needed materials to class; binder, pens/pencils, calculator, homework, etc. You always need them – always bring them!! You CANNOT go to your locker!
3. Cell phones are not permitted to be used during class!
4. No eating or drinking in the classroom. Bottled water is o.k.
5. Do not speak when someone else is speaking
6. Be polite and respectful to all people at all times.
7. Respect other people’s property – if it’s not yours; don’t touch it!
8. All school rules apply; No cell phones, electronic gadgets of any kind, hats, inappropriate dress, etc.
“Thinking creates purpose, purpose leads to actions, actions form habits, habits decide character and character decides our destiny.”
~ Tryon Edwards
“The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.”
~Irving Langmuir
Possibly my favorite science quote:
~Sheldon Cooper