St. Jude the Apostle
Hamburg, NJ
(Please PRINT clearly)
Family LAST Name ______
Street Address ______Apt # ___
City ______Zip ______
Mailing Address(if different)______
Date Registered: ______Date of Update: ______
Would you like Offertory Envelopes? Yes___ No___
Online Giving (Parish Pay) Yes ___ No ___
Phone (Primary) ______(Secondary) ______
E-Mail ______
Winter Residence in: _____ Months spent away each year: ______
(If you are away more than one month at a time, please use Parish Pay for donations, as envelopes cannot keep up with relocations.)
HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS (Please list all members living in your household; include parish (if NOT at St. Jude’s) & dates sacraments were received wherever possible)
Head(s) of HouseholdFirst Name Middle Initial / Status
(Circle one)
Married in Church
Married, Other
Separated / Sex
M/F / Date of Birth
MM/DD/YY / Religion / Baptism
& Parish / First Communion
& Parish / Confirmation
& Parish / Occupation / Ministry Interests
(See reverse)
Dependent Children Living at Home:
First Name Middle Initial Last (If different) / SexM
F / Date of Birth
MM/DD/YY / Religion / Baptism
MM/DD/YY / First Communion
MM/DD/YY / Confirmation
MM/DD/YY / School/Current Grade / Grades completed in CCD
Talents, abilities, expertise willing to share with the parish: ______
St. Jude’s provides a wide variety of opportunities for both adults and youngsters to be involved in parish life and in Christian service to our community.
Activity in ministries not only builds a strong spiritual life, but also models to our children the value of family and the fruits of faith. We encourage you to practice good stewardship by offering your services to our parish. Following is a list of the ministries offered through St. Jude the Apostle parish:
Please also let us know if anyone in your family has special needs (disabilities, learning difficulties, chronic illness, etc.) and of any ministerial needs you have.
Liturgical and Devotional Celebrations:
Holy Mass: Monday - Friday @ 8:45 a.m.; Saturday Vigil Mass @ 5:00 p.m.; Sunday @ 7:30, 9:00 & 11:30 a.m.
Holy Days of Obligation: (Vigil) 7:00 p.m.; 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.; Christmas and Easter: See seasonal schedule
Reconciliation: Every Saturday 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. and by appointment; Advent and Lent – Monday evenings 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Baptisms: First and Third Sundays at 1:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: First Fridays, 9:15-10:30; Third Tuesday of the month, 5:00p.m. – 7 p.m.
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Server: Fourth grade and older students serve at Mass.
Children’s Liturgy: Children from grades 1 to 4 celebrate a liturgy designed for the young child, where the readings are brought down to their level of understanding
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist: Serves at the altar to distribute Communion, and bring Communion to the sick.
Hospitality Minister: Greets and seats people, takes up collection.
Lector/Reader: Proclaims the Scripture readings at Mass.
Music Ministry: Sings and/or plays musical instruments at liturgical events.
Religious Education
Catechists: Obtain certification to teach students our Catholic faith.
Aides: Assist in the Religious Ed classroom as needed.
Adult Education: Small group programs enrich faith development in adults including Bible Study, seasonal (Advent/Lent) series, etc.
RCIA: Teaches adults entering or returning to the Church the fundamentals of faith, prepares converts for the sacraments of the Church.
Parish Administration
Education Committee: Helps to set policies, determine goals, plan programs and generally guide the education plans for children and adults for the good of the parish.
Finance Committee: Assessment of capital needs, current and future; propose and assist with fund-raising plans.
Liturgy Committee: Discuss and help plan the full range of the parish’s liturgical life, including decorating the church.
Parish Administration (continued)
Office Assistant: Volunteer help with typing, data entry, filing, phone calls and general office work.
Parish Council: Advise pastor regarding the needs and progress of the parish.
Plant Management: Assist with planning for physical upkeep and safety of facilities and grounds. All skills (i.e., computers, electrical, plumbing, heating, painting, gen. repairs, gardening, etc.) needed.
Spiritual Life Ministries
Arimathea Ministry: Helps prepare for funeral liturgy and assist with arrangements upon death of a family member.
Bereavement: Assists families with spiritual support following a loss of a loved one.
Knights of Columbus: Men’s spiritual, service and social organization.
Prayer Chain: Receives requests for prayers from parishioners.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Members knit or crochet shawls that are blessed and given to those needing spiritual support due to illness or other difficulties.
Rosary Makers: Members make rosaries to send to mission territories, as well as for parish use.
Rosary Society: Dedicated to the Blessed Mother, the women Rosarians pray the Rosary daily, meet monthly and plan fundraising activities, parish dinners, etc.
Youth Group: Youngsters from grades 7-10 organize and participate in spiritual, social and service events.
Social Justice Ministries
Angel Tree: Organize collection of gifts for the needy for Christmas
Food Pantry: Organize monthly collections from parishioners for our area food bank; prepare Thanksgiving food baskets for the needy.
Prolife Committee: Provide information on actions needed to protect the sanctity of life, organize prayer services for life.
Social Ministries:
Coffee & Sweets: Provides refreshments for fellowship gathering after 9 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Mass
Homebound Ministry: Pay a “sunshine” call to a shut-in, bring a meal, make a phone call, run errands, etc.
Welcoming Ministry: Reach out to new members in our parish, introduce them to various services we provide.
Super Bowl Sunday Pancake Breakfast
Parish Dinners/Picnic
Community Outreach:
Communications/Marketing/Graphic Design: Assist parish with design of collateral material to hand/mail out to the parish and public.Send notices about events to papers, prepare mailings to spread the good news of St. Jude’s ministry to the greater community.
Parish Nursing: Organizes annual blood drive, well checks and other health-related services.
St. Jude Seniors: Activity group for those in their “golden years”, the group plans outings and services.