Assessment Committee Minutes –12/04/2012
Assessment Committee12.4.2012 / 2:30 P.M. / LRC Room A
Meeting called by / Assessment
Type of meeting / Monthly Scheduled Meeting
Facilitator / Prof. Carr, Chair & R. Inwang, Vice-Chair
Secretary / Lavina Williams
Attendees / M. Carla Carr / Rosie Inwang+ / Cornelia Forrester / Lavina Williams
Elizabeth Whitehead / Veronica Jackson / Khalilah Watson / Dennis Given
SylvesterRoebuck / Joseph Craan / Cynthia Manns
Lori Ellens-Manuel / Dr. Addie -Davis Guest / Dan Malato Guest
Discussion / Coordinator of Assessment
Dr. Lori Ellen-Manuel will be stepping down from the assessment coordinator role. Initially, four non-tenured members of the committee were going to take on the task and divide the duties amongst the group. However, non-tenured members will not be able to fulfill the coordinator position.
Professor Barbara Brown has volunteered to take on assessment coordinator role.
The Vice President has suggested a meeting with the dean and Brown to discuss the coordinator role
The committee has not yet made a recommendation for Brown to assume the new role; however, a vote was made, and there was a shared agreement amongst members.
The Vice-Chair mentioned a meeting scheduled with the Dean and Brown to discuss the this issue.
Action Items / Deadline
The chair of the assessment committee, Professor Carla Carr, will bestepping down from her position in May2013.
During the first week of classes, spring semester, Professor Carr, Whitehead, and Inwang will give presentations on assessment, and workshops will be held.
The chair will be e-mailing the committee tentative dates for the workshops, and will ask for volunteers to serve as a main facilitators and assistants.
The committee and tentative coordinator are awaiting raw data that was gathered from the fall semester.
Committee members should expect a lot more data and larger sample size in the spring assessment cycle.]
The committee needs to review this data and make recommendations.
It would be very beneficial to have coverage from every department.
Agenda Topic
Those looking to take on additional roles with assessment should consider assisting with the assessment newsletter in the Spring 2013 or helping the new assessment coordinator when needed.
Those looking to take on additional roles with assessment should consider assisting with the assessment newsletter in the Spring 2013 or helping the new assessment coordinator when needed.
Conclusions / A motion to adjourn