SHAC MeetingAgenda 12.10.15
Student Health Advisory Committee/
Student Health Activities Club
What is SHAC?
The Student Health Advisory Committeeis a student group that assists and advises the Student Health Center by identifying campus health-related issues and expressing student perspectives. SHAC’s guidance and interactions help publicize and enhance the quality of Health Center services as well as the health and wellbeing of the campus community.
The Student Health Activities Club is also a student group that works to better the health of Sonoma State students and the surrounding community. The Activities Club members host events on campus with the goal of promoting the health and well-being of students. Members may also participate in group related volunteer work that can occur off campus to help members of the community.
SHAC webpage as a resource -
Examples of previous SHAC projects –
Stress Less Fair, Doggie Play Day, Marrow Drive, Condom Roses Open Forum, Articles in Newspaper, Survey, Outreach tabling about Health Center Services
Officers & Contact Information:
Chair/President – Austin Hartford
Vice President of Activities Club- Leticia Calderon
Advisory Committee Vice Chair- Matt
Treasurer – Briana Salazar
Secretary – Megan Humphrey
Events Coordinator- Angela
PR – Evan Morgan
Officer at Large –
Sub Committee Members
Nursing Rep- Shauna Fassino-
AS Rep- Bianca
Member at Large – Delilah Milner-
Ellie Sternfeld-
Erin Durflinger-
Mia Liu-
Sarah Molina- sarahmolina76@yaho
Welcome and Introductions
What is SHAC?
Some events already completed/in the works for this year: Doggy Play Day, Mental Health Awareness week, Free HIV testing, Blood Drive
Student Feedback to the Student Health Center – include health issues of potential interest or concern as well as feedback about Health Center services and operations.
Any interaction with Student Health Center?
What was your experience?
- Sign-up sheet: Blood/Marrow Drive Thursday January 28th!
- Tabling Monday-Wednesday 11:30am-1:pm
- 9am-3pm
- cheek swab for the bone marrow
- volunteers will restock table of snacks, handing cheek swab, check-ins, more info at
Be the Match
- Condom Rose/bears/Valentine sales in February
- Fundraiser - & educational outreach related to safer sex practices.
- Last year donated to DAC (they did free HIV testing), could buy more supplies, can’t use condoms from condom rose
- Next meeting will have sign-ups- will be selling on Friday Feb.12
- Feedback on: Free Anonymous HIV testing
- Good amount of people (about 15)
- Officer at Large/ co-events coordinator election February 4th
- Elections for both first meeting back
- SHAC Survey handed out by Austin seeking anonymous feedback from members about ways to enhance SHAC experience, etc.
AS Update
- Matt-Topics AS is addressing:
- SSU gonewild, noma gone wild, -students post videos& pictures of inappropriate things, word of mouth students tells other students to watch it. AS trying to find ways to discourage this.
- Additional resources to SSU Counseling & Psychological Services
- Member from AS Senate is trying to get rid of extra fees for lab classes (lab coat, etc.)
- Some majors with labs are more expensive to provide – discussion included comments that:
- Circumstances are more complex than “I don’t want to pay”
- Fees necessary to fund offering the classes vs fees a barrier for lower income students to take these classes.
- Where do fees go to?
- Pays grad students who are teaching labs
- Utility bills
- Lab equipment maintenance, reagents, etc.
- AS elections are coming up
- Sophomore standing needed to run for office.
- Bianca-More AS topics:
- Fridays 1-3 for AS meetings – encouraged other students to attend
- Need more students to join because they go off of student information
- Voting on the financial support issues for Dream Center?
- Dream Center would be a resource for undocumented students for support and advising for certain things, unique to their circumstance.
- SSU is allocating $25,000 a year for the Dream Center, but this may not be sufficient or may take funds from another student use.
- Asking to have parking price reduced or eliminated for reserved parking between 5pm-6am
- Briana T.
- On campus Ice-cream shop that will employ students has been proposed by SSU Enterprises in now vacant Student Center space.
Many students including many on AS feel there are better options for student friendly use of this space such as a small food market with healthy affordable food options:
- Trying to protest it
- Student signatures against ice cream option being sought by AS.
- “For Students by Students” motto for Student Center means students should have more of a say in decisions like this.
SSU SHAC Instagram is now up
- Send in photos you have on a phone, tag SSU SHAC
HealthCenterAnnouncementsNCHA Assessment starts mid-February, SHC Budget issues
- Accreditation visit went well. Waiting for final report – usually takes a few months.
- SHC budget planning challenges include the need for a healthy reserve for implementation of Electronic Health Records, disease outbreaks, risking health care costs, unfunded mandates, facility and equipment repairs and upgrades, reducing the need for future Student Health fee increases, lowering cost of on-site charges to students, etc. About 25% of mandatory student health fee revenue is directed away from SHC expenses related to service delivery to pay large chargebacks to SSU for facilities, utilities, indirect costs, supervision, IT, risk pool, etc. – above what typically is case on other CSU campuses (amount is now amount $550,000 per year. In addition SSU has taken away all state General Fund support from SHC and CAPS. Dr. Schwartz will be discussing SHC budget & funding issues in more detail with SHAC next semester and with AS VP of finance and AS president.
- Next Semester:
- Blood/Marrow Drive- Jan 28th
- Involvement Fair Feb 3rd (Wed. 11:30am to 1pm Seawolf Plaza. 11am set up)ADD to Agenda!
- First Meeting/election Feb-4th
- Election for officer at large
- Election for co-events coordinator
- Condom rose fundraiser- Feb 14th
- Stress Less-April 14th
- 2016-2017 elections- March 24th/April 28th
- Final Meeting Spring 16’ May 12th
Happy Holidays!!!! See you all on February 4th!
Semester Meetings are every other Thursday in the Student Health Center’s Conference Rm #175 at noon on Thursdays, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, 3/24, 4/14(Stress Less), 4/28, 5/12