FY2018Continuing Education Grant Reimbursement and Final Report Form

Gather originalreceipts, complete this three page form, photocopy both the form and receipts for your records, attach receipts and conference program or workshop agenda to this form, and mail packet to:

Continuing Education Grants

Alaska State Library, P.O. Box 110571, Juneau, AK 99801

Approved reimbursements will be forwarded to the Alaska State Library in Juneau for payment with Library Services and Technology Act funds awarded to the State Library by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Applicant Name: Applicant Email:


(The reimbursement check will be made out to the library.)

Address for reimbursement check:



Registration or Tuition Fees (Attach original receipts for these costs. Please include $

a copy of the conference program or workshop agenda with this reimbursement claim.)

Supplies Required for CE Event (Attach original receipts)$

Cost of travel (Attach receipt or e-ticket showing total cost of ticket.) $


Mileage: Round-trip miles from home to training: _____ times 57.5 cents per mile = $

(Mileage start and stop total must be recorded on State of Alaska Mileage Form, available by

calling 269-6570. Traveler must live MORE than 50 miles from training city to claim mileage.)

Luggage (Attach receipt for one bag fee each way.)$

Lodging (Attach original hotel receipt for proof of lodging.)$

Meal Allowance (Number of days participant was at CE: ______times $60 per day =$

(Meal allowance will be pro-rated based on the time applicant was away from home. The State

of Alaska pays $60 per day for meals, regardless of meal allowance paid by applicant’s employer.)

Local ground transportation or parking (Attach receipts for these costs.) $


I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that this claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the Alaska State Library. I certify that it is a correct claim for expenses incurred by me and that no payment has been received on account thereof.

Applicant’s Signature ______Date______

FY2016 Continuing Education Grant Reimbursement and Final Report Form

Applicant Name:Title of CE Event:

Skills and Knowledge Gained Through Continuing Education Grants

Did you attend any conference sessions that enhanced your personal skills or increased your knowledge on the library topics listed below (check all that apply):


Your Personal Skills:

Using critical thinking

Solving problems

Being creative and innovative

Communicating clearly

Collaborating with others

Accessing, evaluating, using and managing

information (information literacy)

Analyzing, interpreting, or creating media

messages (media literacy)

Using computer & digital technologies to

access, manage, evaluate, or create

information (ICT literacy)

Being flexible when dealing with workplace

and life challenges

Adapting to change at work and in life

Showing initiative by setting goals and

working independently

Being a self‐directed learner by going beyondthe learning you need for life and work

Interacting effectively with other people

(social skills)

Respecting cultural and social differences at

work and in life (cross‐cultural skills)

Prioritizing, planning, and managing work to

meet goals (productivity)

Being accountable at work and in life

Using interpersonal and problem-solving skills to guide and lead others (leadership)

Being responsible to others

Library Technology and Connectivity Services:

Automating library catalogs

Community information centers

Computer hardware or software

Digitizing library collections

GIS (geographic information systems)

Interlibrary loan

Internet skills

Library Technology and Connectivity Services (Continued):

Negotiating licenses for commercial


Networking computers

Retrospective conversion of library catalogs

Technical training in library computer


Videoconferencing equipment and


Other library technology topics:

Services for Lifelong Learning:

24-7 Online reference services

After school programs

Babies and books programs

Computer literacy training

English as a second language

Homework help services

Information literacy training

Library program development techniques

Literacy for children, adults, and families

Online and distance education

Summer reading programs

Other lifelong learning topics:

Services to People Who Have Difficulty Using Libraries:


Computer van services

Outreach services

Services for migrant workers or non-English


Services to nursing homes and other


Services to people with disabilities

Talking book services

Other topics on serving special populations of patrons:


FY2018 Continuing Education Grant Reimbursement and Final Report Form

Applicant Name: Title of CE Event:

Impact of Continuing Education Grant on Applicant’s Library


  1. If you attended a conference with multiple sessions, please list the titles of the sessions you actually attended.
  1. Describe two changes or improvements you plan to make to operations at your library based on what you learned at this continuing education event. How will these changes or improvements impact the people who use your library? Please be specific.
  1. I learned something by participating in this library activity. (Circle one)

Strongly disagree/ Disagree/ Neither Agree nor Disagree/ Agree/ Strongly agree

  1. I am confident about using what I have learned.(Circle one)

Strongly disagree/ Disagree/ Neither Agree nor Disagree/ Agree/ Strongly agree

  1. I am likely to apply what I have learned.(Circle one)

Strongly disagree/ Disagree/ Neither Agree nor Disagree/ Agree/ Strongly agree

  1. Applying what I learned will help improve library services to the public.(Circle one)

Strongly disagree/ Disagree/ Neither Agree nor Disagree/ Agree/ Strongly agree

Share Impact of Your Continuing Education Grant

CE grant recipients are required to write a short (up to 250 words) Newspoke article about their conference attendance, sharing what they learned with other Alaska librarians. Save your article in a Word format and email it to Loretta Andress,

I certify that I submitted my article to Newspoke. ______Sign ______Date