Base Chakra


Colour / Red
Element / Earth
Main issue / Survival
Sanskrit name & meaning / Muladhara = root
Location / Base of spine, Coccygeal Plexus
Purpose / Foundation
Right / To have & be here
Goals / Stability, Grounding, Prosperity, Physical health
Block/Threat / Fear


Ø  Good health

Ø  Vitality

Ø  Well Grounded

Ø  Comfortable in body

Ø  Sense of trust in the world

Ø  Feeling of safety and security

Ø  Ability to relax and be still

Ø  Stability

Ø  Prosperity

Ø  Right livelihood

Ø  Ability to accept change

Ø  Sense of belonging


Ø  Birth trauma, for mother or baby, premature birth

Ø  Abandonment

Ø  Physical neglect

Ø  Physical abuse or violent environment

Ø  Emotional neglect

Ø  Poor physical bonding with mother

Ø  Mal-nourishment, feeding difficulties, emotional state of mother/father when feeding (could include negative nurturing, strict parenting at the dining table)

Ø  Major illness or surgery

Ø  Inherited traumas

Ø  Death of parent or caregiver

Ø  Divorce of parents



Ø  Chronic lower back pain

Ø  Sciatica

Ø  Varicose veins

Ø  Depression

Ø  Immune-related disorders

Ø  Disorders of the bowel, anus, large intestine

Ø  Disorders of solid parts of body: bones, teeth

Ø  Issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, buttocks

Ø  Eating disorders

Ø  Depression, anxiety

Ø  Frequent illness


Ø  Physical body

Ø  Base of spine

Ø  Leg, bones

Ø  Feet

Ø  Rectum

Ø  Immune system – adrenal glands

Ø  Hormones – cortisol, adrenaline – nor-epinephrine, epinephrine


Ø  Physical family and group safety and security

Ø  Ability to provide for life’s necessities – safety, survival, emotional needs met, nurturing, food, nourishment, shelter

Ø  Ability to stand up for self – protection

Ø  Feeling of belonging – safety stability, foundation

Specific Emotions/behaviours

Ø  Insecurity/not feeling safe

Ø  Timidity

Ø  Feeling like a failure

Ø  Anxiety/fear

Ø  Greed

Ø  Hurried

Ø  Flight/fight/freeze response

Ø  Feeling stuck

Ø  Lack of support

Ø  Anger

Ø  Fear


Ø  Thoughts coming from social and familial law and order beliefs

Ø  Group identity, loyalty and duty

Ø  Group conditioning

Negative beliefs

Ø  I need to struggle to survive

Ø  My needs are never met

Ø  I feel unsafe

Ø  I need to change my body to be accepted

Ø  I don’t have a right to have everything I want

Ø  I have to deserve to have what I want

Ø  I don’t belong

Ø  I’m not allowed to ask for my needs

Ø  I am not enough, I have to be better

Ø  I am not certain everything will be alright

Ø  I can’t relax and be still


Ø  Feeling a connection to earth, nature

Ø  Connected to your physical body

Ø  Being at peace and feeling safe with your group

Ø  Feeling accepted as part of the human race

Ø  Feeling safe and supported

Ø  Surrendering to the flow of life’s events

Ø  Connection to abundance

Ø  Feeling gratitude


Ø  I belong

Ø  I am safe

Ø  I feel safe

Ø  I am accepted

Ø  I nurture myself

Ø  I nourish myself

Ø  I am grounded

Ø  I am courageous

Ø  I am comfortable in my body

Ø  I feel safe in the world

Ø  I am able to relax and be still

Ø  I am prosperous

Ø  I have good health

Ø  I am alive and well

Ø  I trust the world

Ø  I’m here and I’m real

Ø  I have the right to be here

Ø  I have the right to have my needs met

Sacral Chakra


Colour / Orange
Element / Water
Main issue / Sexuality, Emotions
Sanskrit name & meaning / Svadhisthana = Sweetness
Location / Lower abdomen
Purpose / Movement and connection
Right / To feel and have pleasure
Goals / Fluidity of movement, pleasure, connection
Block / Guilt


Ø  Graceful movement

Ø  Emotional intelligence

Ø  Ability to experience pleasure

Ø  Nurturance of self & others

Ø  Ability to change

Ø  Healthy boundaries

Ø  Able to give and receive

Ø  Healthy attitude to sex and sexuality


Ø  Emotional Abuse (being told not to feel what you feel, negates our fight to feel)

Ø  Volatile Situations (type of environment in the home, angry, sad, fearful etc)

Ø  Sexual Abuse (covert or overt)

Ø  Physical Abuse

Ø  Neglect, coldness, rejection (being shamed for your needs, grow up etc)

Ø  Denial of child’s feeling states and enmeshment (the child feels how the carers want I to feel it how they actually feel)

Ø  Restrictions on normal movement

Ø  Religious or moral severity (how was pleasure seen in the family)

Ø  Alcoholic families

Ø  Inherited issues – parents who have not worked out their own issues around sexuality, untreated incest or sexual abuse cases


Ø  Chronic lower back pain

Ø  Sciatica

Ø  Sexual organ problems

Ø  Pelvic/lower back pain

Ø  Sexual potency

Ø  Urinary problems

Ø  Knee trouble

Ø  Disorders of large intestine


Ø  Blame and guilt

Ø  Money and sex

Ø  Power and control

Ø  Creativity and flow of creativity

Ø  Ethics and honor in relationships

Ø  Boundaries

Ø  Intimacy

Ø  Fear of change

Ø  Emotionally reactive

Ø  Unable to let go

Ø  People pleasing

Ø  Desire and pleasure (suppression)


Ø  Selfishness

Ø  Guilt

Ø  Intimacy

Ø  Frigidity

Ø  Impatience

Ø  Feeling used

Ø  Suppression of pleasure

Ø  Confusion


Ø  Emotional beliefs about self and others

Ø  Beliefs about intimacy

Ø  Beliefs about being able to create

Negative beliefs

Ø  I need to say yes to everyone to be accepted

Ø  I don’t have a right to feel

Ø  I don’t have a right to pleasure

Ø  It is wrong for me to set boundaries with others

Ø  Life is not meant to be pleasurable

Ø  My desires are never met

Ø  I am disconnected from my feelings

Ø  My feelings are wrong


Ø  Connection to the creative aspect of Spirit/the Universe

Ø  Intimate relationship to Spirit/Universe

Ø  Intimate connection to Spirit with another (a spiritual connection with a partner)


Ø  I have the right to feel

Ø  I have the right to have pleasure

Ø  I am safe to express my emotions

Ø  I allow myself to express my emotions

Ø  I express my emotions

Ø  I create clear boundaries with others

Ø  I teach others how to treat me

Ø  I connect to myself and others

Ø  I am worthy of love

Ø  I am a creative being

Ø  I give and receive easily with others

Ø  I honour my body and treat myself respectfully

Ø  I move easily and effortlessly

Ø  I embrace and honour my sexuality

Ø  I feel light in my body

Solar Plexus Chakra


Colour / Yellow
Element / Fire
Main Issue / Power, energy
Sanskrit name & meaning / Manipura = Lustrous Gem
Location / Solar Plexus, between the navel & base of the sternum
Purpose / Transformation
Right / To act and be an individual
Goals / Vitality, strength of will, sense of purpose, effectiveness
Block/Threat / Shame


Ø  Responsible & reliable

Ø  Balanced, effective will

Ø  Good self-esteem, balanced ego

Ø  Warmth in personality

Ø  Confidence

Ø  Spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humour

Ø  Appropriate self-discipline

Ø  Sense of one’s personal power

Ø  Able to meet challenges


Ø  Shaming (constant criticism, told you are wrong, lack of praise)

Ø  Authoritarianism (wounds of autonomy and self esteem)

Ø  Domination of will (not allowed to make decisions, beliefs of our own badness)

Ø  Physical abuse, dangerous environment, fear of punishment (being controlled, robbing of will)

Ø  Age inappropriate responsibilities (biologically and emotionally too young to fulfill rolls, feels inadequate)

Ø  Inherited shame from parent


Ø  Arthritis

Ø  Gastric or duodenal ulcers

Ø  Colon/Intestinal problems

Ø  Pancreatitis/Diabetes/Hypoglycemia

Ø  Indigestion, Chronic or acute

Ø  Eating disorders

Ø  Disorders of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver

Ø  Chronic fatigue

Ø  Hypertension

Ø  Muscle spasms, muscular disorders


Ø  Trust

Ø  Fear and intimidation

Ø  Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect

Ø  Care of oneself and others

Ø  Responsibility for making decisions

Ø  Sensitivity to criticism

Ø  Personal honour

Ø  Confidence

Ø  Dominating, controlling

Ø  Need to be right

Ø  Arrogant, stubbornness, hyperactive

Ø  Need for recognition

Ø  Lack of self-empowerment

Specific Emotions/behaviours

Ø  Lacking/inadequate

Ø  Shame

Ø  Victim

Ø  Unworthiness

Ø  Willpower

Ø  Coldness/distant/aloofness

Ø  Joy


Ø  Belief in one’s ability to stand alone and be an individual

Ø  Belief in one’s ability to change oneself

Ø  Belief in one’s ability to express confidence and personal power

Ø  Belief in self

Mental attitudes (beliefs)

Ø  I cannot show my true self

Ø  I will not be accepted for myself

Ø  I am not good enough

Ø  I don’t have personal power

Ø  I am not worthy


Ø  Individuation – strong sense of self – knowing that you are enough

Ø  Personal power and autonomy to follow your higher self/what is right for you

Ø  Having the will to persevere

Ø  Trust in higher self and purpose


Ø  I am good enough

Ø  I am enough

Ø  I believe in myself

Ø  I know what is right for me

Ø  I have the right to be an individual

Ø  I accept myself

Ø  I am accepted for being me

Ø  I connect to myself and others

Ø  I am true to myself

Ø  I value my true self

Ø  I am worthy of being loved for being me

Ø  I am responsible and reliable

Ø  I am in charge of my life

Ø  I have will power

Ø  I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly

Ø  I let my light shine

Ø  I have personal power

Ø  I am confident

Heart Chakra


Colour / Green
Element / Air
Main Issue / Love, relationships
Sanskrit name & meaning / Anahata = Sound that is made without any two things striking, unstruck
Location / Heart, chest, cardiac plexus
Purpose / Love, Balance
Right / To love and be loved
Goals / Balance in relationships, compassion, self-acceptance, forgiveness
Block/Threat / Grief


Ø  Compassionate

Ø  Loving

Ø  Empathetic

Ø  Self-loving

Ø  Altruistic

Ø  Peaceful, balanced

Ø  Good immune system

Ø  Forgiving


Ø  Heart and circulatory system

Ø  Lungs

Ø  Shoulders and arms

Ø  Ribs/breasts

Ø  Diaphragm

Ø  Thymus gland


Ø  Disorders of heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms

Ø  Shortness of breath

Ø  Sunken chest

Ø  Circulatory problems

Ø  Asthma/allergy

Ø  Immune system deficiency

Ø  Tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest

Ø  Bronchial pneumonia

Ø  Tension in upper back and shoulders


Ø  Rejection, abandonment, loss

Ø  Shaming, constant criticism (told to grow up, ‘big girl now’)

Ø  Abuses to any other chakras, esp. lower chakras

Ø  Unacknowledged grief, including parent’s grief

Ø  Divorce, death of a loved one

Ø  Loveless, could environment

Ø  Conditional love (only got hugs when good)

Ø  Sexual or physical abuse

Ø  Betrayal

Ø  Love & hatred

Ø  Resentment & bitterness

Ø  Grief and anger

Ø  Self-centeredness

Ø  Forgiveness and compassion

Ø  Loneliness and compassion

Ø  Hope and trust

Ø  Antisocial, withdrawn, cold

Ø  Depression

Ø  Fear of intimacy and relationships

Ø  Lack of empathy

Ø  Narcissism

Ø  Co-dependency

Ø  Poor boundaries

Ø  Demanding, clinging, jealous

Ø  Overly sacrificing

Specific emotions/behaviours

Ø  Love – giving and receiving

Ø  Joy

Ø  Empathy

Ø  Forgiveness

Ø  Compassion

Ø  Content

Ø  Malice, hate

Ø  Resentment

Ø  Self-attacking

Ø  Guilt/grief

Ø  Judgmental

Ø  Heartlessness


Ø  Critical, judgmental, intolerant or self and others

Ø  Belief in unconditional love of self and others

Ø  Belief in self-love and love for another

Ø  Understanding unconditional acceptance of self and others

Ø  Ability to know how to give and receive unconditionally

Mental attitudes (beliefs)

Ø  I am unlovable

Ø  I am not loved

Ø  I am not worthy to be loved

Ø  I need love from another to be of value

Ø  I am unable to forgive

Ø  I need to protect my heart from being hurt

Ø  True love is unconditional

Ø  I cannot be loved for who I am

Ø  Love is scarce

Ø  There are conditions to giving and receiving


Ø  Connection to heart space/true self

Ø  Being in the present moment

Ø  Connection to the divine within/ Spirit/divine/ universe/self

Ø  Know that we are love – ‘I am love’


Ø  I am loved

Ø  I feel loved

Ø  I love myself

Ø  I am accepted

Ø  I accept myself

Ø  I am true to myself

Ø  I am worthy of love

Ø  I know what is right for me

Ø  I love myself enough to put myself first

Ø  I am joyful

Ø  I forgive myself

Ø  I forgive others

Ø  I am loveable

Ø  I value my true self

Ø  I nurture and nourish myself

Ø  I have empathy for myself and others