UbD Lesson Plan

By Erica Poulin and Suzanne Dixon

Unit # / Unit Title
Culinary Careers #4 / Principles of Nutrition
Expected Outcome
(Can use Course Frameworks Standard) / 08.01 Describe the purpose of the essential nutrients and list foods providing them
08.02 Describe the food groups on the MyPlate food guide and the nutrients contained within each group
Transfer Goal/Assessment How will you determine if students have successfully reached the Expected Outcome?) / MyPlate with Body poster Project – included in lesson plans
Essential Questions (What do students need to remember & use in 5 days, 5 months and 5 years) / What are essential nutrients for my body?
How are foods used in my body?
Which foods provide which nutrients?
How can I create a well-balanced meal?
Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills
Knowledge / Skills
  1. Essential Nutrients
  1. Select foods with specific nutrients

  1. Basics of MyPlate
  1. Diagram proper portion sizes
MAFS.7.EE.2.3 Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals), using tools strategically.
  1. Major body parts and organs
  1. Identify major body parts and organ systems

  1. Variety of Food sources
  1. Sort a plethora of food sources into MyPlate

  1. Decision making skills
  1. Design a meal on MyPlate

Daily Lesson Plans/Goals:
Content / Content
Day 1 / Jigsaw groups – Vitamins
Each group researches a specific nutrient
Create PP
Name, purpose, foods, body part, deficiencies / Day 8 / PowerPoint/Digital Story presentation on Portions then and Now – Portion Distortion
CTE03: Develop and apply electronic presentation skills using current technology.
Day 2 / Jigsaw groups – Vitamins continue
Groups present PP / Day 9 / Start My Body poster
  • In groups – trace one body
  • Draw in organs or body parts that are benefited by essential nutrients

Day 3 / Jigsaw groups – Minerals
Each group researches a specific nutrients
Create PP
Name, purpose, foods, body part, deficiencies / Day 10 / Complete My Body poster
  • Draw foods or cut and glue foods to the body part they benefit

Day 4 / Jigsaw groups – Minerals continue
Groups present PP / Day 11
Day 5 / MyPlate video
/ Day 12
Day 6 / Sort foods into MyPlate sections / Day 13
Day 7 / Create MyPlate poster
  • Make colored MyPlate sections on paper plate
  • Create a meal on your MyPlate using magazines or drawings
/ Day 14
Materials & Resources Needed:
computers / markers
/ Butcher paper
PowerPoint for Portion distortion / Paper plates
magazines / Construction paper
glue / scissors