Name ______

Date ______per ______

Creating a Superhero or Villain Character

Purpose: To create a superhero or villain element character. Your superhero or villain will have characteristics and an appearance associated with a chosen element.

Task: For this project you will need to research one of the elements in the periodic table. “When you write a character sketch, you are trying to introduce the reader to someone. You want the reader to have a strong mental image of the person, to know how the person talks, to know the person’s characteristic ways of doing things, to know something about the person’s value system. Character sketches only give snapshots of people; therefore, you should not try to write a history of the person.

Audience:Avengers Movie producers looking for new characters for the next movie.


  1. Select an element from the periodic table for your character.
  2. Research the properties and periodic table information for your element.
  3. Decide whether your character will be a superhero or a villain.
  4. Complete the information on the chart below.
  5. Create aposter of your character.
  6. Write a character description (3 Paragraphs) and do a comic strip pre-write.
  7. Present your superhero or villain to the class.

Is it a superhero or a villain?
What is your character’s name?
What element gives the power?
Periodic Table info: / Element name______Symbol ______
Atomic Number ______Atomic Mass ______
Properties (at least 3):
How is the element used? / Uses (at least 2):
Description ofhow your character acquired and lives with his/her power.
Powers-Strengths or weaknesses
Based on elemental properties
What does the character look like?
Think about the color and state of the element.
How old is he/she?
Why should your character be included in the next X-Men movie?

Name ______

Date ______Per ____

Rubric for Cartoon Superhero or Villain Character

1. Circle the grade you think you have earned (4, 3, 2 or 1) for each of the 7 parts of this project.

2. Record your total here: ______

3. Use the Grade Scale and Record what grade you think you deserve here: ______

A 28-25

B 24-22 Grade Scale

C 21-19

D 18-17

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Character / Clear identity. Powers are very appropriate. / Clear identity. Powers are appropriate. / Identified, but powers are too general. / Hard to tell who the characters are or what powers are present.
Periodic Table Information / No errors noted. / 1-3 errors noted. / 4-5 errors noted. / More than 5 errors.
Uses of Element / 3 or more noted. / 2 noted. / 1 noted. / 0 noted.
Content / Properties of the element are clearly explained. / Properties of the element are explained. / Properties of the element are partially explained. / Properties of the element are not explained.
Creativity / Outstanding display of concept. / Good display of concept. / Adequate display of concept. / Poor display of concept.
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar / No errors noted. / 1-3 errors noted / 4-5 errors noted. / More than 5 errors.
Poster, Doll or Dress Up / Clearly shows character and powers. / Shows character and powers. / Adequate display of character and powers. / Poor display of character and powers.