Licensing Policy Agreements

The(WAC 388-148-1420 ABUSE, NEGLECT, EXPLOITATION) states:
Licensees shall protect persons, while in the licensee’s care, from child abuse or neglect as defined in RCW 26.44.020.(12).
The licensee shall immediately report to the persons indicated the following events:
To A Place Called Hope, responsible relative, and child’s placement worker (if any), death, or serious injuries which include, but are not limited to:Casting;Hospitalization of a child in care; or
Life-threatening illness.
To the department of social and health services, child protective services or law enforcement any instance where there is reasonable cause to believe that child abuse, neglect, or exploitation may have occurred. See chapter 26.44 RCW and WAC 388-148-1420.
To the local public health department any occurrence of food poisoning or communicable disease as required by the state board of health.
To A Place Called Hope or responsible relative the unauthorized absence of a child.
To the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children any child who is missing from care.
I have read WAC 388-148-1420 WHAT INCIDENTS MUST I REPORT?, 388-148-1425 WAT ARE MY REPORTING RESPONSIBILITES WHEN A CHILD IS MISSING FROM CARE, 388-148-1430 WHAT ARE OTHER REPORTING REQUIREMENTS? and will protect persons in my care from child abuse or neglect as defined in RCW 26.44.020 (12). I will report to the appropriate agency as appropriate.
The following protocol will be used when reporting incidents involving foster children:
In any situation requiring immediate medical attention or where there has been serious injury to a foster child/youth or others, it is mandatory that you call 911.
If possible, the next call should be to the APCH Case Manager, Case Manager Supervisoror Clinical Director, if after 5:00 pm and before 9:00 am, the On Call Case Manager. In all cases, notification, whether to Children’s Administration intake, DSHS social worker or APCH Case Manager or Director MUST BE MADE
The following document “Reporting Responsibilities for Foster Parents


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Licensing Policy Agreements

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:


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Licensing Policy Agreements

388-148-1420 | What incidents involving children must I report?

(1)You must report the following immediately and in no instance later than forty-eight hours after the incident to your local children's administration intake staff and the child's DSHS worker or child placing agency (CPA) case manager and child's tribal Indian child welfare (ICW) case manager as applicable:

(a)Death, serious illness or injury, or psychiatric care that requires medical treatment or hospitalization of a child in care;

(b)Any time you suspect or a child discloses physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child as required under chapter 26.44 RCW;

(c)Sexual contact between two or more children that is not considered typical play between preschool age children;

(d)Any disclosure by a child in care or sexual or physical abuse;

(e)Any child's suicide attempt that results in injury requiring medical treatment or hospitalization;

(f)Any use of physical restraint alleged to have been improperly applied or excessive;

(g)Physical assault between two or more children that results in injury requiring off-site medical attention or hospitalization;

(h)Physical assault of a foster parent, employee, volunteer, or others by a child in care that results in injury requiring off-site medical attention or hospitalization;

(i)Any medication given or consumed incorrectly that requires off-site medical attention; or

(j)Property damage that is a safety hazard and not immediately corrected or may affect the children’s health and safety.

(2)You must report the following incidents related to a child in care as soon as possible or in no instance later than forty- eight hours after the incident, to the child's DSHS worker or CPA case manager and the child’s tribal ICW case manager as applicable:

(a)Suicidal or homicidal thoughts, gestures, or attempts that do not require professional medical treatment;

(b)Unexpected health problems outside the usual range of reactions caused by medications, that do not require professional medical attention;

(c)Any incident of medication incorrectly administered or consumed;

(d)Any treatment by a medical professional for emergency medical or emergency psychiatric care;

(e)Physical assault between two or more children that results in injury but does not require professional medical treatment;

(f)Physical assault of a foster parent, employee, volunteer, or others by a child that results in injury but does not require professional medical treatment;

(g)Drug or alcohol use by a foster child;

(h)Any inappropriate sexual behavior by or toward a foster child; or

(i)Use of prohibited physical restraints for behavior management.

388-148-1425 | What are my reporting responsibilities when a child is missing from care?

(1)As soon as you have reason to believe a child in your care is missing as defined in WAC 388-148-1305 or has refused to return to or remain in your care, or whose whereabouts are otherwise unknown, you are required to notify the following:

(a)The child's assigned DSHS worker, as appropriate;

(b)CA Intake, if the DSHS worker is not available or it is after normal business hours;

(c)The case manager, if the child is placed by a child placing agency program.

(2)You are required to contact local law enforcement within six hours if the child is missing from care. You must contact law enforcement immediately in any of the following circumstances:

(a)The child is believed to have been taken from placement. This means the child's whereabouts are unknown, and it is believed that the child has been concealed, detained or removed by another person;

(b)The child is believed to have been lured from placement or has left placement under circumstances that indicate the child may be at risk of physical or sexual assault or exploitation;

(c)The child is age thirteen or younger;

(d)The child has one or more physical or mental health conditions that if not treated daily, will place the child at severe risk;

(e)The child is pregnant, or is parenting and the infant/child is believed to be with him or her;

(f)The child has severe emotional problems (e.g., suicidal thoughts) that if not treated, will place the child at severe risk;

(g)The child has an intellectual and developmental disability that impairs the child's ability to care for him/herself;

(h)The child has a serious alcohol and/or substance abuse problem; or

(i)The child is at risk due to circumstances unique to that child.

(3)After contacting local law enforcement, you must also contact the national center for missing and exploited children at 1 (800) 843-5678 and report the child missing from care.

(4)If the child leaves school or has an unauthorized absence from school, you should consult with the child's worker to assess the situation and determine when you should call law enforcement. If any of the factors listed in subsections (2) (a) through (i) of this section are present, you and the child's worker may decide it is appropriate to delay notification to law enforcement for up to four hours after the end of the school day to give the child the opportunity to return.

(5)You must provide the following information to law enforcement and to the child's DSHS worker when making a missing child report, if available:

(a)When the child left;

(b)Location the child left;

(c)What the child was wearing;

(d)Any known behaviors or interactions that may have caused the child's departure;

(e)Possible places where the child may go;

(f)Special physical or mental health conditions or medications that affect the child's safety;

(g)Known companions who may be aware or involved in the child's absence;

(h)Other professionals, relatives, significant adults or peers who may know where the child would go; and

(i)Recent photo of the child.

(6)You must ask law enforcement for the missing person report number and provide it to the child's DSHS worker or staff.

(7)At any time after making an initial report you learn of a missing child's whereabouts or the child returns to your home, you must report that information to the child's DSHS worker.

388-148-1430 | What are other reporting requirements?

(1)You must report to your licensor immediately if:

(a)Your address or telephone number changes;

(b)The structure of your home is damaged or you plan to make changes to the structure; or

(c)You have any changes to your original licensing application or you relocate your home.

(2)You must report to your licensor any significant changes regarding people in your home and your property including:

(a)A change in your marital status;

(b)A separation from your spouse or partner;

(c)An arrest of anyone on the premises or who has access to children;

If at any time, you have any questions or need assistance, please contact APCH or DCFS immediately.

Reporting phone numbers:

APCH Office: 253-857-5447

APCH after Hours (after 5:00 pm and before 9:00 am):

ON CALL (360) 620-1314

DCFS: CPS INTAKE: 1-800-562-5624

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: 1-800-843-5678

I agree to comply with the above reporting requirements.

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:

Babysitting Plan

We agree to the following Compliance Plan concerning the allowance of Foster Children to baby-sit.

  1. In order for any Foster Child placed in our home to do babysitting for our biological children or other Foster Children placed in our home, we must have the written approval from the Foster Child’s Social Worker to do so as well as the written approval from the Social Workers of any Foster Child whom babysitting would be provided for.
  1. Upon receiving written approval from the appropriate Social Workers for a Foster Child to baby-sit other children in our home, the Foster Child will receive compensation for his or her services. Babysitting will include anytime that a Foster Child provides care for another child. This is not dependent on the length of the service provided and will include watching children after school.
  1. If a Social Worker does not permit a Foster Child placed in my home to baby-sit, we will seek another babysitter.
  1. Any person that we have identified as a babysitter and are 16yrs-18yrs old who is going to provide care for Foster Children in our home, we will need to have the written approval of the Social Workers of the Foster Children. If approval is given, this person will need to have an authorized background clearance, first aid and CPR, and HIV/AIDS training if the babysitting is a regular arrangement.
  1. A babysitter must be at least 16yrs of age. If the babysitter is under 18yrs of age, the babysitter cannot be responsible for more than 3 children.
  1. No SAY children will be allowed to baby-sit other children at anytime.

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:


(1)Foster parents must be able to meet the child's basic needs and have the knowledge and skills

(a) Protect and nurture children in a safe, healthy environment with unconditional positive support;
(b) Support relationships among children and their parents, siblings, and kin;

(c) Meet the developmental needs of the child by:

(i) Helping the child cope with separation and loss;

(ii) Helping the child build positive attachments to appropriate adults;

(iii) Building self-esteem;

(iv) Giving positive guidance;

(v) Supporting cultural identity;

(vi) Using discipline appropriate to the child's age and stage of development;

(vii) Supporting intellectual and educational growth;

(viii) Encouraging and modeling positive social relationships and responsibilities; and

(ix) Helping the child gain age appropriate skills for independence.

(2) Foster parents must support the permanent placement plan for the child, focusing first on the

Birth family reuniting, and then, on options leading to a permanent placement.

(3) Foster parents are encouraged to participate as members of the child's treatment team.

It is my/our intent as foster parents to comply with the expectations as outlined in WAC 388-148-0505 to the best of my/our ability.

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:


1.I agree to support the cultural and identity needs of Native American children and comply with all state and federallaw of Native American children under mycare.

2.I agree to abide by all outlined culturally specific case plans for Native American children.

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:


  1. I agree to meet the child's basic needs and to support the child's cultural identity. If I receive a child into my carethat I do not have the knowledge and skills to support the child's cultural identity, I will request assistance from thechild's caseworker to gain these skills.

How will you support the cultural/identity needs of a child of a different ethnicity or culture than your own? (PLEASE WRITE YOUR RESPONSE)

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:


WAC 3881481600When may I use respite care?

(1) Foster families may arrange for respite (brief temporary relief) care with the consent of the child's social worker.

(2) Respite care may be arranged in advance or on an emergency basis.

(3) Respite care may be arranged to support the care a foster parent is providing or to provide substitute care in the absence of foster parents.

(4) Respite care given outside the foster parent's home must be provided by licensed providers.

(5) While providing respite, licensees must not exceed their licensed capacity and must maintain compliance with the licensing requirements


I understand that as a Respite Care Provider, respite care services whether “in home” or “out of home” shall include but are not limited to:

  1. Having a current and valid Foster Care License or Day Care License issued by DLR as required in WAC 388-148-0540 (4) or successor regulations, if respite care will be delivered in the home of the person providing the service; OR
  2. If the person providing respite care is not a licensed foster parent, that person must meet all of the following criteria to provide respite care:
  3. Have successfully completed foster parent pre-service training or respite curriculum based on either the National Foster Parents Association (NFPA) Respite model or the Casey Respite model; and
  4. Have completed and passed a criminal background check through DSHS and the Washington State Patrol (including FBI check, if applicable); and
  5. Have provided three (3) satisfactory references directly addressing child care capabilities and
  6. Have valid training certification in CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions, and TB Tine test.
  7. Establish a process for emergency medical treatment, in the event it may be necessary for the child during provision of respite services (Maintain a copy of the Safety Information Intake Sheet in a locked filing cabinet/box – all information on children are confidential).
  8. Ensuring protective supervision for the child at all times during respite services
  9. Documenting any unusual incidents that occur during the provision of respite services and notifying the social worker, primary caregiver & APCH case manager
  10. Ensure that the residence and respite provider holds a current and valid foster care license
  11. Respite provider must possess appropriate training, information and support to maintain the child’s health, safety and well being during provision of respite services

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:

Licensing Policy Agreements

Foster Agreement

WAC 388-148-1390 What children may child-placing agency foster homes accept?

As part of our requirements, foster homes that child-placing agencies certify as meeting our licensing requirements may accept children only from:

(1)The licensed child-placing agency that certified the foster home; or

(2)The department, as long as these conditions are met:

  1. The child is in the legal custody of, or is under the department’s supervision; and
  2. The child placements are approved in advance in writing by the child-placing agency responsible for supervising the foster home.

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date:


RCW 74.04.060

The agency, the department and its employees are prohibited from disclosing the contents of any records, files, papers, ad communication, except for purposes directly connected with the administration of the programs. Foster parents are subject to the same rules of confidentiality as paid department staff.

WAC 388-148-1410 What information may I share about a child or a child’s family?

(1)Information about a child or the child’s family is confidential and must only be shared with people directly involved in the case plan for a child.

(2)You may discuss information about the child, the child’s family and case plan only with:

  1. A representative of the department, including staff from DCFS and DLR; department of health and the office of the state fire marshal;
  2. The child-placing agency case manager assigned to the child;
  3. The child’s assigned guardian ad litem or court-appointed special advocate; or
  4. Others designated by the child’s social worker

(3)You may check with your child’s social worker for guidance about sharing information with the child’s teacher, counselor or doctor, respite care provider or any other professional.

(4)Child-placing agencies and the department must share with the child’s care provider any information about the child and child’s family related to the case plan.

I will confirm with the case manager and social worker if there are any safety reasons why unidentified photos of children placed in my home may not be posted on my social networking site (no names, identification of a child as a foster child or case specific information about the child or the child’s family).

Primary contact Signature:______Date:

Secondary contact Signature:______Date: