Sequim School District No. 323
“All Students Will Experience Success”
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
April 22, 2013 – 7:00 PM Regular Board Meeting
President Virginia O’Neil called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:00pm with Directors Sarah Bedinger and Bev Horan present. Director Walt Johnson arrived a few minutes later. Vice-President John Bridge was excused. Student Board Representative Mollie Smith was present and Student Board Representative Joseph Landoni was excused. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
Director Bev Horan moved to approve the minutes from the April 8, 2013 Regular Board Meeting as presented. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
Director Bev Horan moved to approve the agenda as printed. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
· Director Bev Horan reported that the FFA students served at the recent Grange Breakfast, earning $930 for Trap Team expenses.
· Director Bev Horan announced that she will be running again for the At-Large School Director Position. Bev shared that she is excited about the direction the district is heading regarding facilities and student learning and would like to continue to be part of that process. President Virginia O’Neil thanked Bev for her service to the school district and for choosing to run for another term.
· President Virginia O’Neil commented that Mr. Spencer Marcy had shared an article with the board expressing concerns about Common Core, and that this was the second time a citizen had brought up concerns about Common Core, and that this may be a topic for discussion. The board agreed and Superintendent Kelly Shea said that a report could be given to answer the questions and concerns that had been presented.
· The auditors have completed their annual audit and an exit conference has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 23 at 2:00pm. Director Walt Johnson will represent the board at that meeting.
· A meeting is scheduled on Thursday, April 25 at 11am to meet with staff from Senator Patty Murray’s office.
· There will be a workshop before the next regular meeting on May 8. At that time there will be a report on what it means to be a charter school authorizer. President Virginia O’Neil suggested that board members can get lots of good information on charter schools at the Washington Charter School Resource Center (
· Amanda Larson and Randy Hogoboom, Engineering Tech students who competed at Skills USA state in Aberdeen and Renton, shared the results of the events they participated in and their impressions of the Skills USA competition. Bill Seabolt, High School Engineering Tech Instructor shared that Amanda Larson has now earned her certification in refrigeration. Randy Hogoboom earned his certification last year. Discussion followed.
· Student Board Representative Mollie Smith reported that the annual Senior/Staff basketball game is coming up on Thursday at 7pm. ASB class elections will be held soon at the high school and the Growl, SHS’s online newspaper took first place in the Murrow High School Journalism contest. All State Solo and Ensemble is coming up on April 25 to 27 and this year’s operetta, “Footloose” will open on Thursday, May 2. At the Middle School, science students will be launching their rockets on Tuesday, April 23.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication from those in attendance who wish to speak on items not included on the agenda. (Ref. Policy 1430, 4220 and 4220P)
· Marty Hogoboom, parent of Engineering Tech student Randy Hogoboom, urged the district to encourage participation in programs such as Skills USA. There are such advantageous opportunities for students and he feels that the participation rate seems to be quite low. Discussion followed.
CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
a. General Fund Voucher No. 178712 thru No. 178712 in the total amount of $3480.00 to replace voided General Fund Voucher No. 178708 in the total amount of $3,480.00; 178713 thru No. 178782 in the total amount of $164,651.00.
b. Capital Projects Fund Vouchers No. 2489 thru No. 2491 in the total amount of $5,391.72.
c. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 9417 thru No. 9441 in the total amount of $32,358.49.
d. Personnel - Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080.
1) Accept resignation of Pam Pillow, Helen Haller Elementary Learning Support, at the end of the 2012-2013 school year, for the purposes of retirement, as presented.
2) Accept resignation of Linda Crowley, High School teacher, effective July 1, 2013 for the purposes of retirement, as presented.
3) Accept request from Eloise Ware, Read Right tutor, to resign .2 of her contract, effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school year, as presented.
4) Accept resignation of Louise Lemley, Greywolf Elementary teacher, at the end of the 2012-2013 school year, for the purposes of retirement, as presented.
Director Walt Johnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items ‘a’ thru ‘d’ as presented. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
· Student Board Representative applications have been available at the High School. Director Sarah Bedinger was asked if a student who was currently a junior would be allowed to apply. As per policy, student board representatives serve a two-year term during their junior and senior years. Discussion followed. It was requested that policy committee review the policy and procedure and perhaps consider adding making the position open to current juniors, should no sophomore candidates apply.
· Director Bev Horan moved to adopt at second reading #3411 – Head Lice. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
· Director Sarah Bedinger moved to approve at second reading #3412 – Automated External Defibrillators (AED). Director Bev Horan seconded; vote taken; motion carried. President Virginia O’Neil commented that it was exciting for her to see this happening in our district. Discussion followed.
· Director Bev Horan moved to adopt at second reading #3413 – Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried
· Director Bev Horan moved to adopt at second reading #3416 – Medication at School. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried
· Director Walt Johnson moved to adopt at second reading #3419 – Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications. Director Sarah Bedinger seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
· Director Walt Johnson moved to adopt at second reading #3420 – Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response. Director Bev Horan seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
· Following a presentation by Steve Mahitka, FFA Advisor, Director Sarah Bedinger moved to approve overnight travel to Wenatchee, April 19 & 20 for the High School Trap Team to participate in State Competition, as presented. Director Bev Horan seconded, vote taken, motion carried. This request was previously approved by Superintendent Kelly Shea and the board was informed prior to the trip, due to miscommunication about the date of the board meeting, and through no fault of FFA Advisor Steve Mahitka. Discussion followed.
· Following a presentation by Steve Mahitka, FFA Advisor, Director Sarah Bedinger moved to approve overnight travel to Pullman, Washington May 8-12 for the State FFA Convention. Director Bev Horan seconded, vote taken, motion carried. Discussion followed. Mr. Mahitka announced that Vito Cibene and Megan Bekkevar were awarded the FFA American Degree, which is awarded to FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their Supervised Agricultural Experiences. Discussion followed.
· Patra Boots, High School CTE Director, gave an overview of all the Career and Technical Education programs, showing historical enrollment figures, historical levels of funding, challenges to the programs, requests for CTE classes for the 2013-2014 school year and more. Discussion followed. President Virginia O’Neil thanked Patra Boots for her informative and comprehensive update to the board. Discussion followed.
· District Business Manager Brian Lewis gave an update on the budget proposed by the Senate and what those numbers would mean for our district. Discussion followed.
· Superintendent Kelly Shea reported that the first meeting of the Citizens Facilities Planning Committee was very positive. The committee has representation from all area of the community and everyone seemed ready and eager to participate. BLRB would be in the district doing site surveys this week and next. The next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15 and BLRB will give their first update to the board in a workshop scheduled prior to the Regular Board Meeting on May 20. Discussion followed.
· It has caused some excitement that Sequim School District indicated that we would be applying to be an Authorizer of Charter Schools. Superintendent Kelly Shea explained to the board that we received late notification that we had only a few days to indicate whether we wished to be an Authorizer of Charter Schools. We did not have enough information at the time to make that decision, so we went ahead and said yes, as it did not obligate us in any way, but merely gave us more time to find out what that meant. There will be a workshop immediately preceding the next board meeting on May 8 to discuss the pros and cons of going forward with the application. Discussion followed.
· Superintendent Kelly Shea reported that a lively and thought-provoking discussion was held at the recent Policy Committee meeting regarding giving competency credit. He found out that nobody within our area is doing that yet. However, students already have the option to earn credit through an online credit retrieval program at the Alternative High School. The conversation will definitely continue regarding this topic. Discussion followed.
· The policy regarding AEDs was adopted at this meeting. Superintendent Kelly Shea shared that he hoped to be able to purchase and install AEDs in our district and get staff trained and ready to go by the time school starts in the Fall. Discussion followed.
President Virginia O’Neil drew board members’ attention to:
1. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
o Board Meeting on May 6 changed to May 8. Workshop on Charter Schools @ 6pm followed by the Regular Meeting @ 7pm
o May 20 – 6pm Workshop & Regular Board Meeting @ 7pm
2. Graduation Activities
o June 5 @ 6pm in Auditorium -- Scholarship Awards Ceremony
o June 9 @ 7pm – Baccalaureate
o June 14 @ 6pm in the Stadium -- High School Graduation
3. Superintendent Workshop in Chelan May 6-8
4. Enrollment report taken April 8, 2013
5. Free & Reduced Lunch percentages for April, 2013
At 8:55pm Director Sarah Bedinger moved to recess to Executive Session, as per RCW 42.30.110(g) for approximately 15 minutes in order to review the performance of a public employee, with no action anticipated. Director Walt Johnson seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
President Virginia O’Neil called for a short recess with the Executive Session to convene at approximately 9:00pm.
President Virginia O’Neil called the Executive Session to order at 9:05pm. At 9:20 Director Sarah Bedinger checked the hallway for any audience members waiting. Finding none, Director Sarah Bedinger moved to extend the Executive Session for another 10 minutes. Director Bev Horan seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
At 9:27pm Director Sarah Bedinger moved to close the Executive Session and return to Regular Session. Director Walt Johnson seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
At 9:29pm Director Walt Johnson moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Director Bev Horan seconded; vote taken; motion carried.
Virginia O’Neil, President Kelly Shea, Superintendent
Bev Horan, Director
Board Meeting Minutes April 22, 2013 3 of 5