Dharamraj – Chorus 2014-15
Chorus Spring Concert Contract
Dear Students and Parents:May , 2015
The Holiday season is under way. The Chorus students are preparing for the Chorus Winter Concert.
The Chorus Winter Concert will take place in the Paisley Auditorium on Tuesday, December at 6:00PM. All students are required to arrive by 5:30PM.
The concert is a 20% of your 2nd Quarter Grade and is mandatory. Although it would be great to have perfect attendance at the concert, situations do occur that disallow students from attending the concert.
Officially, all students will need to be invited to attend and participate in the concert. In order to attend the concert, students need to complete the following steps:
- Good Participation and following class rules and procedures.
- Attendance at all combined class rehearsals: Friday, Dec and Tuesday Dec.
- Complete this document with all required signatures and return it to Mr. Dharamraj by Friday, December 7. (I will not accept this document late)
- If a student is unable to attend the concert and would rather complete the written alternative assignment, the reason for the absence must be communicated by the parent/guardian by phone, email or in writing by Friday, December 7.
If any of the above the steps are not completed satisfactorily, Mr. Dharamraj will excuse the student from the concert and assign an alternative written assignment that will be due on Thursday, December 20, the last day before the holiday break.
Once the student is invited to the concert, the following concert day steps need to occur in order to fully receive credit:
- On time attendance and participation in the concert.
- Warm-up is at 5:30pm in Room 100 (Band Room)
- Concert starts at 6:00PM and is expected to be no longer than 45 minutes in length.
- Students must stay for the duration of the concert.
- Proper school concert dress code: any student not following the dress code will be dismissed from the concert and will be required to complete the alternative written assignment in order to earn credit.
- An unexcused absence to the concert will result in the student having to complete the alternative written assignment in order to earn credit.
- If there is a last minute emergency causing a students absence, parents are responsible to inform Mr. Dharamraj by phone, email or in writing at the earliest convenience: In that situation, the student will not be required to submit the alternative written assignment but instead will need to sing the concert songs by themselves in front of the whole class in order to earn credit.
Paisley Chorus Concert Dress Code: (No Exceptions)
- Gentlemen:White button down dress shirt, black dress pants with a belt, dark dress socks and dress shoes. No Jeans, No T-Shirts and No Athletic Shoes or flip-flops.
- Ladies:White dress Shirts or blouses with sleeves, black dress pants preferred or skirts that are knee length or lower, dark socks or stockings, dark dress shoes with low heels. No Jeans, No Sandals, flip-flops, or athletic shoes.
- If you are unsure about the dress code, take a picture of your concert dress and bring it to Mr. Dharamraj for approval.
If you have any questions: please contact me at:
- 336-240-1694
- Bring a written and signed letter
I look forward to a wonderful concert. Bring all your family and friends and come out and support your child and the Paisley Chorus program.
Fabrice Dharamraj
Chorus Director
Please RETURN to MR. DHARAMRAJ by FRIDAY, December 7th, 2012. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS will be accepted. If this document is not returned on time, the student will not be eligible to attend the Winter Concert on Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 and will need to complete the alternative assignment. This document will also be available on the Paisley chorus Website.
My child and I have read this document carefully and understand the required guidelines for the December 11th, 2012 Winter Concert at 6:00pm in the Paisley Auditorium.
Print Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Please check all of the following statements below that apply to you by placing an “X” on the blank line.
______My child plans on attending the Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 Winter Concert.
______My child is planning to stay after-school until the concert under the supervision of Mr. Dharamraj. The student must confirm that they will be picked up at the end of the concert at approximately 6:45PM. Students must bring their concert clothes to school that day. (If 10 or more students stay after school, Mr. Dharamraj will provide a pizza dinner for the students.
______My child will not attend the Winter Concert on December 11th, 2012 and will complete the alternative assignment by Thursday, December 20th, 2012. (The Parent/Guardian must notify Mr. Dharamraj the reason for the absence by phone: 336-240-1694, email: or in a written letter, signed and attached to this document)