[Transcribed by Pamela Vojnovski, Sept. 2006]
Jonathan Robinson’s Will
In the name of God Amen, I Jonathan Robinson of the County of Gadsden and Territory of Florida, being of sound but weak and feeble in body knowing the uncertainty of life and im______ed with the solemn duty which is incumbent upon us all of settling our Earthly affairs, previous to the Great Change from time to Eternity, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling all others.
Imprimus I deme the whole of my Estate, with the exceptions if any hereinafter mentioned, to be left together until all of my just debts be paid out of the proceeds and ______thereof
Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved and only daughter Sarah Ann Lines, all my Estate both real and personal during her natural life with the exceptions and restrictions hereinafter mentioned, and at her death I hearby direct the same to be equally divided among her children, share and share alike - Provided however, nevertheless, that if my said daughter Sarah Ann Lines, shall intermarry subsequent to my death, then in that case, I desire all my Estate both real and personal, originally desired to here with the exceptions and restrictions hereinafter mentioned as aforesaid unto Joseph Austin and his heirs & in trust and for the use and behoof of my said daughter Sarah Ann Lines and her heirs to her own sole separate and exclusive use free from the power and control of her husband and not liable to his debts in manner or form whatsoever.
Item. Should either of my Grandsons arrive at the age of Twenty one years or any of my Granddaughters marry previous to the time of final distribution, viz before the death of my Daughter Sarah Ann Lines, then in that case, my will
And desire if That such Grandson arriving at the age of Twenty one years, or such Granddaughter so marrying as aforesaid shall receive a portion of the Estate as a Loan to have the management and receive the benefit of the same, until the final distribution shall take place, and then to return the same to be equally divided with the rest of my Estate.
Item. I do give and bequeath unto Miss Sarah Lowthorn(?) the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and do hearby authorize my Executors to pay over the same to her or her authorized agent
Item. My desire is that at my death my Executors will collect or cause to be collected, all my stock of cattle & dispose the same to the best advantage
Item. My will and desire is that my Boy George the carpenter shall be allowed to choose his own employer annually during his lifetime; such employer, paying the sum of one Dollar to my Executors.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Elizabeth Hills My Negro Boy Liberty about five years old, over and above her share of my Estate
Item. I do hearby appoint my Daughter Sarah Ann Lines and Joseph Austin Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament….. In Testimony of all which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19th of September Anno Domini 1828.
Signed Sealed & Published by TestatorJonathan Robinson
as his last will and Testament before us,{seal}
who have signed it, in his presence & in
the presence of each other
John W. Malone
Arthur J. Foreman
Ezekiah Hawley
S. B. Stephens
Territory of Florida, GadsdenCounty
Personally appeared before me David L. White, Esquire of the County Court for the County aforesaid John W Malone, one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who after being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he saw the Testator Jonathan Robinson, sign the same as for his last Will and Testament, that the signed the same a ______ph____to and also saw Arthur J. Foreman, Ezekiah Hawley and Sam. B. Stephens, sign the same as subscribing ______thereto
Sworn and subscribed before me this
15th day of Oct. A.D. 1838John W. Malone
David L. White Judge G.C.C.
Recorded this 15th day of Oct. 1838
Jno. G. Gunn, Clk.
By R. C. Lester. Dy Clk.
Territory of Florida
Whereas Jonathan Robinson dec(ease)d late of the County and Territory aforesaid, did by his last will & Testament, Nominate, Constitute & appoint Sarah A. Lines Executrix thereof
And whereas the said Sarah A. Lines has been duly qualified according to Law, Execut(or?) of the said last will and Testament of the S. Jonathan Robinson deceased…Therefore to the true intent that the said will may be well and truly performed, I David L. White, Judge of the County Court of Said County, in pursuance of an act of the Legislative Council of the Territory aforesaid do insue this probate—And do here by authorize & Empower the said Sarah A. Lines, executrix as aforesaid well & truly to Collect & Administer all & singular the Goods & Chattels, rights & Credits of the said Jonathan Robinson deceased in all Manner & things Concerning the same according to the true intent and Meaning of the said last will and Testament & according (& according) to Law. Hereby requiring the said Sarah Ann Lines, Executrix as aforesaid to make & render unto the said County Court, a true and Perfect inventory of the said goods & chattels, rights & Credits of said deceased & also to Make a just and true account of her Executrix _____ & render to the said Court agreeable to Law. Witness the Honorable David L. White Judge of said Court at Quincy this 19th Day of Oct. A.D. 1838.
David L. White, Judge G.C.C.
Territory of FloridaGadsdenCounty
The following Letters duly recorded in my office this 19th day of Oct. A.D. 1838.
Jno. G. Gunn Clk.
By R.C. Lester, Dy. Clk.