James Ronald Stanfield
February, 2005
Professor of Economics
Fort Collins, CO80523-1771, USA
Phone: (970) 491-6891
FAX: (970) 491-2925
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, Ph.D., Economics, 1972
University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, B.A., M.A., Economics, 1968, 1969
Major Fields
Comparative & Transitioning Economies
History of Economic Thought & Methodology
Heterodox Economics
Political Economy of the State & Public Finance
Selected Professional Offices
- International Advisory Board, Association for Social and Political Economics, 1998- present
- Executive Council, Western Social Science Association, 1994-97
- Guest Editor, Review of Social Economy, 1992 Associate Editor, Review of Social Economy, 1990- present
- Board of Directors, Association for EvolutionaryEconomics, 1981
- Executive Council, Association for Social Economics, 1980-82
- Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Issues, 1978-81
- Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator, Omicron Delta Epsilon, 1977-1983
- Thomas Divine Award for Lifetime Contributions, Association for Social Economics, 2002
- John H. Stern Distinguished Professor, College of Liberal Arts, 1999
- Nomura Foundation Plenary Speaker, Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, 1998
- President, Assoc. for Evolutionary Economics, 1998
- President, Assoc. for Institutional Thought, 1995
- President, Association for Social Economics, 1993
- ColoradoStateUniversity's Pennock Distinguished Service Award, 1988-89
- Fellow of the International Institute of Social Economics, Hull, England, 1979
- Semifinalist, Mitchell Prize Competition on Alternatives to Growth, 1977
- Helen C. Potter Award for Best Article in Review of Social Economy, 1975
- Omicron Delta Epsilon, 1969
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Association for Institutional Thought
Association for Social Economics
History of Economics Society
Professional Employment History
- Professor, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. Teaching and research, 1981-present.
- Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1982-1990 and 2000-2003.
- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. Teaching and research, 1976-1981.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. Teaching and research, 1974-1976.
- Assistant Research Environmental Economist, Center for Marine Affairs, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, California. Research, 1973-1974.
- Assistant Professor of Economics, IdahoStateUniversity, Pocatello, Idaho. Teaching and research, 1972-1973.
- Graduate Assistant, Economics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Teaching, 1969-1972.
- Graduate Assistant, Economics, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas. Teaching and research, 1968-1969.
- John Kenneth Galbraith. London: Macmillan, and New York: St. Martin's, 1996.
- Economics, Power, and Culture: Essays in the Development of Radical Institutionalism. London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's, 1995.
- The Economic Thought of Karl Polanyi: Lives and Livelihood. London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's, 1986.
- Economic Thought and Social Change. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern IllinoisUniversity Press, 1979.
- Il Surplus Economico e il Neo-Marxismo. Liquori Editore, 1978. [Translated republication]
- The Economic Surplus and Neo-Marxism. Lexington, MA.: D. C. Heath-Lexington Books, 1973.
- Interviews with John Kenneth Galbraith. University Press of Mississippi, 2004. (Co-edited)
- Economy and Society at the Close of the American Century. Review of Social Economy, 50, Winter, 1992.
- “Polanyi, Karl.” In G. Ritzer, ed. Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Blackwell: forthcoming 2006. (co-authored)
- “Polanyi, Karl.” In G. Ritzer, ed. Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell: forthcoming 2006. (co-authored)
- “Ayres, Clarence Edwin.” In John Shook, ed. Dictionary of American Philosophy. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, forthcoming, 2005. (co-authored)
- “The Protective Response and the Evolution of the CapitalistState.” In S. Pressman, ed., Alternative Views of the State. Ashgate: forthcoming, 2005. (co-authored)
- “The Useful Economist,” in M. Keaney, ed., Economist with a Public Purpose: Essays in Honour
- of John Kenneth Galbraith, Routledge, 2001, pp. 7-24.
- “The Significance of Clarence Ayres and the TexasSchool,” in F. Louca & M. Perlman, Is Economics an Evolutionary Science, Edward Elgar, 2000, pp. 83-94. (co-authored)
- "Ayres’s Contribution to Economic Reasoning." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 31-3.
- "Disembedded Economy." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 246-8.
- "Galbraith’s Contribution to Political Economy." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 430-2.
- "Radical Institutionalism." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 1080-2.
- "Welfare State." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 1411-4. (co-authored)
- The Theory of the Leisure Class in Relation to Feminist Thought.” Thorstein Veblen in the Twenty-First Century. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1998, pp. 170-86. (co-authored)
- "Polanyi, Karl." in J. B. Davis, D. W. Hands, and U. Maki, eds. The Handbook of Economic Methodology. Northhampton, MA: Elgar, 1998, pp. 366-8.
- "Reconstructing the Welfare State in the Aftermath of the Great Capitalist Restoration." In W.M. Dugger, ed. Inequality: Radical Institutionalist Views on Race, Gender, Class, and Nation. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996, pp. 127-39. (co-authored)
- "The Ayresian Legacy." In R.J. Phillips, ed. Economic Mavericks: The Texas Institutionalists. JAI Press, 1995, pp. 7-29. (co-authored)
- "Marc Tool's Social Value Theory and the Family." In C.M.A. Clark, ed. Institutional Economics and the Theory of Social Value: Essays in Honor of Marc Tool. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1995, pp. 209-19. (co-authored)
- "Karl Polanyi," in W. J. Samuels, et al., eds. The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1994, pp. 166-9.
- "Radical Institutionalism and the Theory of the State," in W. M. Dugger and W.T. Waller, Jr., eds.,The Stratified State: Radical Institutionalist Theories of Participation and Duality, Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1992, pp. 35-54.
- "The Fund for Social Change," in John B. Davis, ed., The Economic Surplus in Advanced Economies. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1992, pp. 130-48.
- "The Crisis of the Welfare State: Lessons From Karl Polanyi," in Marguerite Mendell and David Salee, eds., The Legacy of Karl Polanyi. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991, pp. 50-65. [Co- authored]
- "Karl Polanyi and Contemporary Economic Thought," in Kari Polanyi-Levitt, ed. The Life and Work of Karl Polanyi: A Budapest Celebration, Black Rose Books, 1990, pp. 195-207. [Republication]
- "Understanding the Welfare State: The Significance of Social Economics," in Mark Lutz, ed., Social Economics: Retrospect and Prospect, Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1990, 313-34.
- "The Institutional Economics of Karl Polanyi," in Warren J. Samuels, ed., Institutional Economics, Vol. 1, Edward Elgar, 1989, pp. 243-64. [Republication]
- "Recent U. S. Marxist Economics in Veblenian Perspective," in William M. Dugger, ed., Radical Institutionalism, Greenwood Press, 1989, pp. 83-104.
- "Of Paradigms and Discipline," in Warren J. Samuels, ed., Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 6, JAI Press, 1988, pp. 173-179.
- "John Kenneth Galbraith," in David Eggenberger, ed., Encyclopedia of World Biography, McGraw-Hill, 1987, pp. 8-11.
- "Social Reform and Economic Policy," Marc R. Tool, ed., An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, M. E. Sharpe, 1984, 19-44. [Republication]
- "A Revision of the Economic Surplus Concept," J. B. Foster and H. Szlajfer, eds., The Faltering Economy, Monthly Review Press, 1984, 251-261. [Republication]
- "Institutional Analysis: Toward Progress in Economic Knowledge," Alfred Eichner, ed., Why Economics is Not Yet a Science, M. E. Sharpe, 1983, 187-204.
- "Michael Harrington, 1928 - ," Contemporary Issues Criticism, Vol. 1, Gale Research Co., 1982, 313-14. [Republication]
- "Kuhnian Scientific Revolutions and the Keynesian Revolution," Warren J. Samuels, ed., The Methodology of the History of Economic Thought, Transaction Books, 1980, 284-96. [Republication]
- “Corporate Power, Legitimacy, and Heterodox Economics.” Journal of Economic Issues, 37, June, 2004. (co-authored)
- “The Role of the Press in Democracy: Heterodox Economics and the Propaganda Model.” Journal of Economic Issues, 37, June, 2004. (co-authored)
- “Social Capital, Karl Polanyi, and American Social and Institutional Economics,” Journal of Economic Issues, 37, June, 2003. (co-authored)
- “The Galbraithian Contribution to Political Economy,” Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics. 2002. 617-641.
- “The Instrumental Political Economy of Adolph Lowe,” Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, April-June, 2002, 270-83. (co-authored)
- “A Portfolio Allocation Approach to Sustainable Regional Development." Journal of Economic Issues, 35, June, 2001. (co-authored)
- "The Scope, Method, and Significance of Original Institutional Economics," Journal of Economic Issues, 33, June, 1999, 231-55.
- “The Place of Economy in Society With Some Notes on the Transitional Economies.” Kobe-Gakuin Economic Papers, December, 1998, 1-27.
- “The MonopolyCapitalSchool and Original Institutionalist Economics." Journal of Economic Issues, 31, June, 1997, 481-9. (co-authored)
- “The Grameen Bank as Progressive Institutional Adjustment." Journal of Economic Issues, 31, June, 1997, 359-66 . (co-authored)
- "Where Has Love Gone? Reciprocity, Redistribution, and the Nurturance Gap." Journal of Socio-Economics, 26, (April, 1997): 111-26. (co-authored)
- "Institutions and the Significance of Relative Prices." Journal of Economic Issues, 29, June, 1995, 459-66.
- "Learning from Japan about the Nurturance Gap in America." Review of Social Economy. 52, April, 1994, 2-19.
- "Underground Economics: A Review Article." Review of Social Economy. 52, April, 1994, 122-33.
- "Economy and Society at the Close of the American Century: Introduction," Review of Social Economy, 50, Winter, 1992, 366-73.
- "The Dichotomized State," Journal of Economic Issues, 25, September, 1991, 765-80.
- "Economic Power, Financial Instability, and the Cuomo Report," Journal of Economic Issues, 25, June, 1991, 347-54. [co-authored]
- "Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: A Review Article," Journal of Economic Issues, 24, December, 1990, 1139-46.
- "Veblenian and Neo-Marxian Perspectives on the Cultural Crisis of Late Capitalism," Journal of Economic Issues, 23, September, 1989, 717-734.
- "Karl Polanyi and Contemporary Economic Thought," Review of Social Economy, 47, Fall, 1989, 266-279.
- "Social Reform and Economic Policy," "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," Journal of Economic Issues, 18, March 1984, 19-44.
- "The Affluent Society After Twenty-Five Years," Journal of Economic Issues, September 1983, 589-607. [Lead article]
- "The Institutional Crisis of the Corporate-WelfareState," "Festschrift in Honour of George F. Rohrlich," International Journal of Social Economics, 10, 1983, 45-66.
- "Toward an Ecological Economics," International Journal of Social Economics, 10, 1983, 27-37.
- "Radical Economics and Resource Scarcity: A Comment," Review of Social Economy, 41, April 1983, 68-71.
- "Toward a New Value Standard in Economics," "Special Issue on Value Theory," Economic Forum, 13, Fall 1982, 67-85.
- "Learning from Primitive Economies," Journal of Economic Issues, 16, June 1982, 471-479.
- "The Instructive Vision Of John M. Clark," "The Social Economics of John Maurice Clark," Review of Social Economy, 39, December 1981, 279-287.
- "The Social Economics of Karl Polanyi," International Journal of Social Economics, 8, Winter 1981, 3-20. [Lead article]
- "The Institutional Economics of Karl Polanyi," Journal of Economic Issues, 14, September 1980, 593-614. [Lead article]
- "Institutional Economics and the Test of Anxiety," "Reflections on the Future of Institutionalism," Economic Forum, 11, Summer 1980.
- "Consumption in Contemporary Capitalism: The Backward Art of Living," Journal of Economic Issues, 14, June 1980, 437-451. (Co-authored)
- "Phenomena and Epiphenomena in Economics," "Methodology in Economics Symposium, Part I," Journal of Economic Issues, 13, December 1979, 885-898.
- "Marx's Social Economics: The Theory of Alienation," "Karl Marx: Social Economist," Review of Social Economy, 37, December 1979, 349-361.
- "The Neoclassical Synthesis in Crisis," International Journal of Social Economics, 6, Winter 1979, 3-17. [Lead article]
- "The Anguish of Affluence: A Comment," Forum for Social Economics, Fall 1979, 87-92.
- "On Social Economics," "Continuing Perspectives on the Nature of Social Economics," Review of Social Economy, 36, December 1978, 349-361.
- "Liberalism and Capitalism: A Reply," Review of Social Economy, 36, October 1978, 209-211.
- "On Teaching Social Economics," Forum for Social Economics, Summer 1978, 50-61.
- "Social Economics: A Place in the Sun," International Journal of Economic Issues, 5, Summer 1978, 112-123.
- "Radical Economics, Institutionalism, and Marxism," "Institutional Economics: The Quest for Relevance in the Economic Science," Social Science Journal, 14, January 1978, 47-54.
- "Institutional Economics and the Crises of Capitalism," Journal of Economic Issues, 11, June 1977.
- "Limited Capitalism, Institutionalism and Marxism," Journal of Economic Issues, 11, March 1977.
- "Capitalist Evolution and Soviet Evolution," Review of Social Economy, 34, October 1976, 201-215.
- "On the Crisis of Liberalism," Review of Social Economy, 33, October 1975, 153-165.
- "The Concept of Man in Marx's System of Thought and Behaviorism, Alienation, and Democracy," Review of Social Theory, 3, September 1975, 13-19.
- "Legitimacy and Value in Corporate Society," Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 14, Winter 1975, 3-18. [Lead article]
- "Science and Society in the New IndustrialState," Review of Social Theory, September 1974, 33-40.
- "A Revision of the Economic Surplus Concept," Review of Radical Political Economics, 6, Fall, 1974, 69-74.
- "Soviet Technostructural Development: An Open Systems Approach," Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 11, October 1974, 75-90.
- "Kuhnian Scientific Revolutions and the Keynesian Revolution," Journal of Economic Issues, 8, March 1974, 97-109.
- "Social Wants, Merit Wants, and Pluralism," Rendezvous, 8, Summer 1973, 45-51. (Co-authored).
- "A Suggested Form of Benefit-Cost Analysis for the Evaluation of Urban Renewal Projects," Land Economics, 44, February 1973, 81-86. (Co-authored).
- "Slum Classification and the Urban Planner," Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 10, January 1973, 85-92.
- "Veblen's Revolutionary Overturn and the New IndustrialState," Review of Social Theory, 1, September 1972, 12-18.
- “Review of The Welfare State in Transition edited by R. B. Freeman, R. Topel, and B. Swedenborg.” Southern Economic Journal.
- “Review of Values, Nature, and Culture in the American Corporation by William C. Frederick. ” Journal of Socio-Economics. 27, April, 1998: 468-71.
- “Review of Liberal Economics and Democracy by Conrad Waligorski.” The Annals. January, 1998:.
- “Review of A Soaring Eagle: Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924 by Peter Groenewegen." Southern Economic Journal 65, July, 1997.
- “Review of Economic Analysis of Institutions and Systems" by Svetozar Pejovich.” Journal of Economic Issues : 31, March, 1997.
- “Review of The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism, by N.S. Arnold." Southern Economic Journal 63, July, 1996.
- Review of From Political Economy to Anthropology: Situating Economic Life in Past Societies, by C.M. Duncan and D.W. Tandy, eds.” Journal of Economic Issues : 30, September, 1996: 911-3.
- "Review of The Rise and Fall of Capitalism," by Y.S. Brenner, Review of Social Economy, 51, October, 1993, 378-80.
- "Review of Reaching for Heaven on Earth, by R.H. Nelson, Southern Economic Journal, 60, July, 1993, 268-9.
- "Review of The Road to Freedom, by Janos Kornai," Southern Economic Journal, 58, October, 1991, 562-3.
- "Review of Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State by Simon Clarke," Southern Economic Journal, 58, July, 1991, 304.
- "Review of German Neo-Liberals and the Social Market Economy, ed. by Alan Peacock and Hans Willgerodt," Southern Economic Journal, 57, April, 1991, 1211.
- "Review of Germany's Social Market Economy, ed. by Alan Peacock and Hans Willgerodt," Southern Economic Journal, 57, April, 1991, 1211.
- "Review of Economies Across Cultures, by Rhoda Halperin," Review of Social Economy, 38, Summer, 1990, 202-204.
- "Review of Critics of Capitalism, edited by Elisabeth Jay and Richard Jay," Journal of Economic History, 48, March, 1988, 227-230.
- "Review of Economics as Culture, by Stephen Gudeman," Journal of Economic Issues, 22, March, 1988, 279-281.
- "Review of Accumulation Crisis, by James O'Connor," Southern Economic Journal, 52, January 1986, 898-899.
- "Review of Beyond the Wasteland, by Samuel Bowles, D. M. Gordon, and T. E. Weisskopf," Journal of Economic Issues, 18, December 1984, 1233-1238.
- "Review of Capital and Exploitation, by John Weeks," Kyklos, Fasc. 4, 1983, 689-690.
- "Review of The Politics and Philosophy of Economics, by T. W. Hutchison," Southern Economic Journal, 49, April 1983, 1208-1210.
- "Review of Contemporary Political Economy, edited by D. A. Hibbs, et al.," Kyklos, 35, Fasc. 2, 1982, 351-354.
- "Review of Welfare, Justice, and Freedom, by Scott Gordon," Journal of Economic Issues, 15, December 1981, 1066-1069.
- "Review of The Collapse of Welfare Reform, by Christopher Leman," Social Science Quarterly, 62, June 1981.
- "Review of Family Policy, edited by Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn," Journal of Economic Issues, 15, March 1981.
- "Review of On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge, by T. W. Hutchinson," Economic Forum, 11, Winter 1980-1981, 138-140.
- "Review of The Conscript Army, edited by Frank Field," Journal of Economic Issues, 14, September 1980, 789-791.
- "Review of Economic Systems, by Rolf Eidem and Staffan Viotti," Southern Economic Journal, 46, January 1980.
- "Review of Economics and Sociology, edited by Tjerk Huppes," Review of Social Economy, 37, October 1979, 247-249.
- "Review of Alternatives to Growth: I, edited by Dennis L. Meadows," Journal of Economic Issues, 13, September 1979, 851-853.
- "Review of Politics and Professors, by Henry J. Aaron," Journal of Economic Issues, 13, September 1979, 844-6.
- "Review of Social and Business Enterprises, by J. Boswell," South African Journal of Economics, 47, September 1979.
- "Review of Method and Appraisal in Economics, edited by Spiro Latsis," Economic Forum, 10, Fall 1979.
- "Review of The Case for the Welfare State, by Norman Furniss and Timothy Tilton," Public Finance Quarterly, 7, July 1979, 391-392.
- "Review of Social Economics, by Cedric Sanford," Forum for Social Economics, Special Issue, 1979, 64.
- "Review of Political Economy Past and Present, by Lord Lionel Robbins," History of Political Economy, 11, Spring 1979, 174-177.
- "Review of Welfare State and Welfare Society, by William A. Robson," Review of Social Economy, April 1979, 133-134.
- "Review of Economists at Bay, by Robert Lekachman," American Economist, 23, Spring 1979, 88-89.
- "Review of On Economic Knowledge, by Adolph Lowe," Southern Economic Journal, 45, January 1979, 990-1.
- "Review of Late Capitalism, by Ernest Mandel," Review of Social Economy, 36, October 1978, 226-227.
- "Review of The Livelihood of Man, by Karl Polanyi," Southern Economic Journal, 45, October 1978, 668-670.
- "Review of The Subtle Anatomy of Capitalism, edited by Jesse G. Schwartz," Journal of Economic Issues, 12, September 1978, 709-711.
- "Review of The Third Way, by Ota Sik," Journal of Economic Issues, 12, September 1978, 701-705.
- "Review of Knowledge and Ignorance in Economics, by T. W. Hutchison," Southern Economic Journal, 45, July 1978, 328-330.
- "Review of The Limits to Satisfaction, by William Leiss," Manchester School, 46, June 1978, 170-172.
- "Review of The Public Use of Private Interest, by Charles L. Schultze," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 18, Summer 1978, 115-118.
- "Review of Red Tape, by Herbert Kaufman," Southern Economic Journal, 44, April 1978, 1048-1049.
- "Review of Corporate Social Accounting, by Ralph Estes," Review of Social Economy, 36, April 1978, 104-105.
- "Review of The Gamesman, by Michael Maccoby," Journal of Economic Issues, 12, March 1978, 218-220.
- "Review of Twilight of Capitalism, by Michael Harrington," Review of Social Economy, 35, October 1977, 217-220.