James Ronald Stanfield
February, 2005
Professor of Economics
Fort Collins, CO80523-1771, USA
Phone: (970) 491-6891
FAX: (970) 491-2925
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, Ph.D., Economics, 1972
University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, B.A., M.A., Economics, 1968, 1969
Major Fields
Comparative & Transitioning Economies
History of Economic Thought & Methodology
Heterodox Economics
Political Economy of the State & Public Finance
Selected Professional Offices
  1. International Advisory Board, Association for Social and Political Economics, 1998- present
  2. Executive Council, Western Social Science Association, 1994-97
  3. Guest Editor, Review of Social Economy, 1992 Associate Editor, Review of Social Economy, 1990- present
  4. Board of Directors, Association for EvolutionaryEconomics, 1981
  5. Executive Council, Association for Social Economics, 1980-82
  6. Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Issues, 1978-81
  7. Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator, Omicron Delta Epsilon, 1977-1983
Honors and Awards
  1. Thomas Divine Award for Lifetime Contributions, Association for Social Economics, 2002
  2. John H. Stern Distinguished Professor, College of Liberal Arts, 1999
  3. Nomura Foundation Plenary Speaker, Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, 1998
  4. President, Assoc. for Evolutionary Economics, 1998
  5. President, Assoc. for Institutional Thought, 1995
  6. President, Association for Social Economics, 1993
  7. ColoradoStateUniversity's Pennock Distinguished Service Award, 1988-89
  8. Fellow of the International Institute of Social Economics, Hull, England, 1979
  9. Semifinalist, Mitchell Prize Competition on Alternatives to Growth, 1977
  10. Helen C. Potter Award for Best Article in Review of Social Economy, 1975
  11. Omicron Delta Epsilon, 1969
Professional Society Memberships
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Association for Institutional Thought
Association for Social Economics
History of Economics Society
Professional Employment History
  1. Professor, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. Teaching and research, 1981-present.
  2. Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1982-1990 and 2000-2003.
  3. Associate Professor, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. Teaching and research, 1976-1981.
  4. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, ColoradoStateUniversity, Fort Collins, Colorado. Teaching and research, 1974-1976.
  5. Assistant Research Environmental Economist, Center for Marine Affairs, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, California. Research, 1973-1974.
  6. Assistant Professor of Economics, IdahoStateUniversity, Pocatello, Idaho. Teaching and research, 1972-1973.
  7. Graduate Assistant, Economics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Teaching, 1969-1972.
  8. Graduate Assistant, Economics, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas. Teaching and research, 1968-1969.
  1. John Kenneth Galbraith. London: Macmillan, and New York: St. Martin's, 1996.
  2. Economics, Power, and Culture: Essays in the Development of Radical Institutionalism. London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's, 1995.
  3. The Economic Thought of Karl Polanyi: Lives and Livelihood. London: Macmillan and New York: St. Martin's, 1986.
  4. Economic Thought and Social Change. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern IllinoisUniversity Press, 1979.
  5. Il Surplus Economico e il Neo-Marxismo. Liquori Editore, 1978. [Translated republication]
  6. The Economic Surplus and Neo-Marxism. Lexington, MA.: D. C. Heath-Lexington Books, 1973.
Edited Books
  1. Interviews with John Kenneth Galbraith. University Press of Mississippi, 2004. (Co-edited)
  2. Economy and Society at the Close of the American Century. Review of Social Economy, 50, Winter, 1992.
Chapters in Books
  1. “Polanyi, Karl.” In G. Ritzer, ed. Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Blackwell: forthcoming 2006. (co-authored)
  2. “Polanyi, Karl.” In G. Ritzer, ed. Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell: forthcoming 2006. (co-authored)
  3. “Ayres, Clarence Edwin.” In John Shook, ed. Dictionary of American Philosophy. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, forthcoming, 2005. (co-authored)
  4. “The Protective Response and the Evolution of the CapitalistState.” In S. Pressman, ed., Alternative Views of the State. Ashgate: forthcoming, 2005. (co-authored)
  5. “The Useful Economist,” in M. Keaney, ed., Economist with a Public Purpose: Essays in Honour
  6. of John Kenneth Galbraith, Routledge, 2001, pp. 7-24.
  7. “The Significance of Clarence Ayres and the TexasSchool,” in F. Louca & M. Perlman, Is Economics an Evolutionary Science, Edward Elgar, 2000, pp. 83-94. (co-authored)
  8. "Ayres’s Contribution to Economic Reasoning." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 31-3.
  9. "Disembedded Economy." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 246-8.
  10. "Galbraith’s Contribution to Political Economy." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 430-2.
  11. "Radical Institutionalism." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 1080-2.
  12. "Welfare State." In P. O’Hara, ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 1411-4. (co-authored)
  13. The Theory of the Leisure Class in Relation to Feminist Thought.” Thorstein Veblen in the Twenty-First Century. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1998, pp. 170-86. (co-authored)
  14. "Polanyi, Karl." in J. B. Davis, D. W. Hands, and U. Maki, eds. The Handbook of Economic Methodology. Northhampton, MA: Elgar, 1998, pp. 366-8.
  15. "Reconstructing the Welfare State in the Aftermath of the Great Capitalist Restoration." In W.M. Dugger, ed. Inequality: Radical Institutionalist Views on Race, Gender, Class, and Nation. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996, pp. 127-39. (co-authored)
  16. "The Ayresian Legacy." In R.J. Phillips, ed. Economic Mavericks: The Texas Institutionalists. JAI Press, 1995, pp. 7-29. (co-authored)
  17. "Marc Tool's Social Value Theory and the Family." In C.M.A. Clark, ed. Institutional Economics and the Theory of Social Value: Essays in Honor of Marc Tool. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1995, pp. 209-19. (co-authored)
  18. "Karl Polanyi," in W. J. Samuels, et al., eds. The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1994, pp. 166-9.
  19. "Radical Institutionalism and the Theory of the State," in W. M. Dugger and W.T. Waller, Jr., eds.,The Stratified State: Radical Institutionalist Theories of Participation and Duality, Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1992, pp. 35-54.
  20. "The Fund for Social Change," in John B. Davis, ed., The Economic Surplus in Advanced Economies. Brookfield, VT: Elgar, 1992, pp. 130-48.
  21. "The Crisis of the Welfare State: Lessons From Karl Polanyi," in Marguerite Mendell and David Salee, eds., The Legacy of Karl Polanyi. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991, pp. 50-65. [Co- authored]
  22. "Karl Polanyi and Contemporary Economic Thought," in Kari Polanyi-Levitt, ed. The Life and Work of Karl Polanyi: A Budapest Celebration, Black Rose Books, 1990, pp. 195-207. [Republication]
  23. "Understanding the Welfare State: The Significance of Social Economics," in Mark Lutz, ed., Social Economics: Retrospect and Prospect, Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1990, 313-34.
  24. "The Institutional Economics of Karl Polanyi," in Warren J. Samuels, ed., Institutional Economics, Vol. 1, Edward Elgar, 1989, pp. 243-64. [Republication]
  25. "Recent U. S. Marxist Economics in Veblenian Perspective," in William M. Dugger, ed., Radical Institutionalism, Greenwood Press, 1989, pp. 83-104.
  26. "Of Paradigms and Discipline," in Warren J. Samuels, ed., Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 6, JAI Press, 1988, pp. 173-179.
  27. "John Kenneth Galbraith," in David Eggenberger, ed., Encyclopedia of World Biography, McGraw-Hill, 1987, pp. 8-11.
  28. "Social Reform and Economic Policy," Marc R. Tool, ed., An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, M. E. Sharpe, 1984, 19-44. [Republication]
  29. "A Revision of the Economic Surplus Concept," J. B. Foster and H. Szlajfer, eds., The Faltering Economy, Monthly Review Press, 1984, 251-261. [Republication]
  30. "Institutional Analysis: Toward Progress in Economic Knowledge," Alfred Eichner, ed., Why Economics is Not Yet a Science, M. E. Sharpe, 1983, 187-204.
  31. "Michael Harrington, 1928 - ," Contemporary Issues Criticism, Vol. 1, Gale Research Co., 1982, 313-14. [Republication]
  32. "Kuhnian Scientific Revolutions and the Keynesian Revolution," Warren J. Samuels, ed., The Methodology of the History of Economic Thought, Transaction Books, 1980, 284-96. [Republication]
Journal Articles
  1. “Corporate Power, Legitimacy, and Heterodox Economics.” Journal of Economic Issues, 37, June, 2004. (co-authored)
  2. “The Role of the Press in Democracy: Heterodox Economics and the Propaganda Model.” Journal of Economic Issues, 37, June, 2004. (co-authored)
  3. “Social Capital, Karl Polanyi, and American Social and Institutional Economics,” Journal of Economic Issues, 37, June, 2003. (co-authored)
  4. “The Galbraithian Contribution to Political Economy,” Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics. 2002. 617-641.
  5. “The Instrumental Political Economy of Adolph Lowe,” Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, April-June, 2002, 270-83. (co-authored)
  6. “A Portfolio Allocation Approach to Sustainable Regional Development." Journal of Economic Issues, 35, June, 2001. (co-authored)
  7. "The Scope, Method, and Significance of Original Institutional Economics," Journal of Economic Issues, 33, June, 1999, 231-55.
  8. “The Place of Economy in Society With Some Notes on the Transitional Economies.” Kobe-Gakuin Economic Papers, December, 1998, 1-27.
  9. “The MonopolyCapitalSchool and Original Institutionalist Economics." Journal of Economic Issues, 31, June, 1997, 481-9. (co-authored)
  10. “The Grameen Bank as Progressive Institutional Adjustment." Journal of Economic Issues, 31, June, 1997, 359-66 . (co-authored)
  11. "Where Has Love Gone? Reciprocity, Redistribution, and the Nurturance Gap." Journal of Socio-Economics, 26, (April, 1997): 111-26. (co-authored)
  12. "Institutions and the Significance of Relative Prices." Journal of Economic Issues, 29, June, 1995, 459-66.
  13. "Learning from Japan about the Nurturance Gap in America." Review of Social Economy. 52, April, 1994, 2-19.
  14. "Underground Economics: A Review Article." Review of Social Economy. 52, April, 1994, 122-33.
  15. "Economy and Society at the Close of the American Century: Introduction," Review of Social Economy, 50, Winter, 1992, 366-73.
  16. "The Dichotomized State," Journal of Economic Issues, 25, September, 1991, 765-80.
  17. "Economic Power, Financial Instability, and the Cuomo Report," Journal of Economic Issues, 25, June, 1991, 347-54. [co-authored]
  18. "Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: A Review Article," Journal of Economic Issues, 24, December, 1990, 1139-46.
  19. "Veblenian and Neo-Marxian Perspectives on the Cultural Crisis of Late Capitalism," Journal of Economic Issues, 23, September, 1989, 717-734.
  20. "Karl Polanyi and Contemporary Economic Thought," Review of Social Economy, 47, Fall, 1989, 266-279.
  21. "Social Reform and Economic Policy," "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," Journal of Economic Issues, 18, March 1984, 19-44.
  22. "The Affluent Society After Twenty-Five Years," Journal of Economic Issues, September 1983, 589-607. [Lead article]
  23. "The Institutional Crisis of the Corporate-WelfareState," "Festschrift in Honour of George F. Rohrlich," International Journal of Social Economics, 10, 1983, 45-66.
  24. "Toward an Ecological Economics," International Journal of Social Economics, 10, 1983, 27-37.
  25. "Radical Economics and Resource Scarcity: A Comment," Review of Social Economy, 41, April 1983, 68-71.
  26. "Toward a New Value Standard in Economics," "Special Issue on Value Theory," Economic Forum, 13, Fall 1982, 67-85.
  27. "Learning from Primitive Economies," Journal of Economic Issues, 16, June 1982, 471-479.
  28. "The Instructive Vision Of John M. Clark," "The Social Economics of John Maurice Clark," Review of Social Economy, 39, December 1981, 279-287.
  29. "The Social Economics of Karl Polanyi," International Journal of Social Economics, 8, Winter 1981, 3-20. [Lead article]
  30. "The Institutional Economics of Karl Polanyi," Journal of Economic Issues, 14, September 1980, 593-614. [Lead article]
  31. "Institutional Economics and the Test of Anxiety," "Reflections on the Future of Institutionalism," Economic Forum, 11, Summer 1980.
  32. "Consumption in Contemporary Capitalism: The Backward Art of Living," Journal of Economic Issues, 14, June 1980, 437-451. (Co-authored)
  33. "Phenomena and Epiphenomena in Economics," "Methodology in Economics Symposium, Part I," Journal of Economic Issues, 13, December 1979, 885-898.
  34. "Marx's Social Economics: The Theory of Alienation," "Karl Marx: Social Economist," Review of Social Economy, 37, December 1979, 349-361.
  35. "The Neoclassical Synthesis in Crisis," International Journal of Social Economics, 6, Winter 1979, 3-17. [Lead article]
  36. "The Anguish of Affluence: A Comment," Forum for Social Economics, Fall 1979, 87-92.
  37. "On Social Economics," "Continuing Perspectives on the Nature of Social Economics," Review of Social Economy, 36, December 1978, 349-361.
  38. "Liberalism and Capitalism: A Reply," Review of Social Economy, 36, October 1978, 209-211.
  39. "On Teaching Social Economics," Forum for Social Economics, Summer 1978, 50-61.
  40. "Social Economics: A Place in the Sun," International Journal of Economic Issues, 5, Summer 1978, 112-123.
  41. "Radical Economics, Institutionalism, and Marxism," "Institutional Economics: The Quest for Relevance in the Economic Science," Social Science Journal, 14, January 1978, 47-54.
  42. "Institutional Economics and the Crises of Capitalism," Journal of Economic Issues, 11, June 1977.
  43. "Limited Capitalism, Institutionalism and Marxism," Journal of Economic Issues, 11, March 1977.
  44. "Capitalist Evolution and Soviet Evolution," Review of Social Economy, 34, October 1976, 201-215.
  45. "On the Crisis of Liberalism," Review of Social Economy, 33, October 1975, 153-165.
  46. "The Concept of Man in Marx's System of Thought and Behaviorism, Alienation, and Democracy," Review of Social Theory, 3, September 1975, 13-19.
  47. "Legitimacy and Value in Corporate Society," Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 14, Winter 1975, 3-18. [Lead article]
  48. "Science and Society in the New IndustrialState," Review of Social Theory, September 1974, 33-40.
  49. "A Revision of the Economic Surplus Concept," Review of Radical Political Economics, 6, Fall, 1974, 69-74.
  50. "Soviet Technostructural Development: An Open Systems Approach," Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 11, October 1974, 75-90.
  51. "Kuhnian Scientific Revolutions and the Keynesian Revolution," Journal of Economic Issues, 8, March 1974, 97-109.
  52. "Social Wants, Merit Wants, and Pluralism," Rendezvous, 8, Summer 1973, 45-51. (Co-authored).
  53. "A Suggested Form of Benefit-Cost Analysis for the Evaluation of Urban Renewal Projects," Land Economics, 44, February 1973, 81-86. (Co-authored).
  54. "Slum Classification and the Urban Planner," Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 10, January 1973, 85-92.
  55. "Veblen's Revolutionary Overturn and the New IndustrialState," Review of Social Theory, 1, September 1972, 12-18.
Book Reviews
  1. “Review of The Welfare State in Transition edited by R. B. Freeman, R. Topel, and B. Swedenborg.” Southern Economic Journal.
  2. “Review of Values, Nature, and Culture in the American Corporation by William C. Frederick. ” Journal of Socio-Economics. 27, April, 1998: 468-71.
  3. “Review of Liberal Economics and Democracy by Conrad Waligorski.” The Annals. January, 1998:.
  4. “Review of A Soaring Eagle: Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924 by Peter Groenewegen." Southern Economic Journal 65, July, 1997.
  5. “Review of Economic Analysis of Institutions and Systems" by Svetozar Pejovich.” Journal of Economic Issues : 31, March, 1997.
  6. “Review of The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism, by N.S. Arnold." Southern Economic Journal 63, July, 1996.
  7. Review of From Political Economy to Anthropology: Situating Economic Life in Past Societies, by C.M. Duncan and D.W. Tandy, eds.” Journal of Economic Issues : 30, September, 1996: 911-3.
  8. "Review of The Rise and Fall of Capitalism," by Y.S. Brenner, Review of Social Economy, 51, October, 1993, 378-80.
  9. "Review of Reaching for Heaven on Earth, by R.H. Nelson, Southern Economic Journal, 60, July, 1993, 268-9.
  10. "Review of The Road to Freedom, by Janos Kornai," Southern Economic Journal, 58, October, 1991, 562-3.
  11. "Review of Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State by Simon Clarke," Southern Economic Journal, 58, July, 1991, 304.
  12. "Review of German Neo-Liberals and the Social Market Economy, ed. by Alan Peacock and Hans Willgerodt," Southern Economic Journal, 57, April, 1991, 1211.
  13. "Review of Germany's Social Market Economy, ed. by Alan Peacock and Hans Willgerodt," Southern Economic Journal, 57, April, 1991, 1211.
  14. "Review of Economies Across Cultures, by Rhoda Halperin," Review of Social Economy, 38, Summer, 1990, 202-204.
  15. "Review of Critics of Capitalism, edited by Elisabeth Jay and Richard Jay," Journal of Economic History, 48, March, 1988, 227-230.
  16. "Review of Economics as Culture, by Stephen Gudeman," Journal of Economic Issues, 22, March, 1988, 279-281.
  17. "Review of Accumulation Crisis, by James O'Connor," Southern Economic Journal, 52, January 1986, 898-899.
  18. "Review of Beyond the Wasteland, by Samuel Bowles, D. M. Gordon, and T. E. Weisskopf," Journal of Economic Issues, 18, December 1984, 1233-1238.
  19. "Review of Capital and Exploitation, by John Weeks," Kyklos, Fasc. 4, 1983, 689-690.
  20. "Review of The Politics and Philosophy of Economics, by T. W. Hutchison," Southern Economic Journal, 49, April 1983, 1208-1210.
  21. "Review of Contemporary Political Economy, edited by D. A. Hibbs, et al.," Kyklos, 35, Fasc. 2, 1982, 351-354.
  22. "Review of Welfare, Justice, and Freedom, by Scott Gordon," Journal of Economic Issues, 15, December 1981, 1066-1069.
  23. "Review of The Collapse of Welfare Reform, by Christopher Leman," Social Science Quarterly, 62, June 1981.
  24. "Review of Family Policy, edited by Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn," Journal of Economic Issues, 15, March 1981.
  25. "Review of On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge, by T. W. Hutchinson," Economic Forum, 11, Winter 1980-1981, 138-140.
  26. "Review of The Conscript Army, edited by Frank Field," Journal of Economic Issues, 14, September 1980, 789-791.
  27. "Review of Economic Systems, by Rolf Eidem and Staffan Viotti," Southern Economic Journal, 46, January 1980.
  28. "Review of Economics and Sociology, edited by Tjerk Huppes," Review of Social Economy, 37, October 1979, 247-249.
  29. "Review of Alternatives to Growth: I, edited by Dennis L. Meadows," Journal of Economic Issues, 13, September 1979, 851-853.
  30. "Review of Politics and Professors, by Henry J. Aaron," Journal of Economic Issues, 13, September 1979, 844-6.
  31. "Review of Social and Business Enterprises, by J. Boswell," South African Journal of Economics, 47, September 1979.
  32. "Review of Method and Appraisal in Economics, edited by Spiro Latsis," Economic Forum, 10, Fall 1979.
  33. "Review of The Case for the Welfare State, by Norman Furniss and Timothy Tilton," Public Finance Quarterly, 7, July 1979, 391-392.
  34. "Review of Social Economics, by Cedric Sanford," Forum for Social Economics, Special Issue, 1979, 64.
  35. "Review of Political Economy Past and Present, by Lord Lionel Robbins," History of Political Economy, 11, Spring 1979, 174-177.
  36. "Review of Welfare State and Welfare Society, by William A. Robson," Review of Social Economy, April 1979, 133-134.
  37. "Review of Economists at Bay, by Robert Lekachman," American Economist, 23, Spring 1979, 88-89.
  38. "Review of On Economic Knowledge, by Adolph Lowe," Southern Economic Journal, 45, January 1979, 990-1.
  39. "Review of Late Capitalism, by Ernest Mandel," Review of Social Economy, 36, October 1978, 226-227.
  40. "Review of The Livelihood of Man, by Karl Polanyi," Southern Economic Journal, 45, October 1978, 668-670.
  41. "Review of The Subtle Anatomy of Capitalism, edited by Jesse G. Schwartz," Journal of Economic Issues, 12, September 1978, 709-711.
  42. "Review of The Third Way, by Ota Sik," Journal of Economic Issues, 12, September 1978, 701-705.
  43. "Review of Knowledge and Ignorance in Economics, by T. W. Hutchison," Southern Economic Journal, 45, July 1978, 328-330.
  44. "Review of The Limits to Satisfaction, by William Leiss," Manchester School, 46, June 1978, 170-172.
  45. "Review of The Public Use of Private Interest, by Charles L. Schultze," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 18, Summer 1978, 115-118.
  46. "Review of Red Tape, by Herbert Kaufman," Southern Economic Journal, 44, April 1978, 1048-1049.
  47. "Review of Corporate Social Accounting, by Ralph Estes," Review of Social Economy, 36, April 1978, 104-105.
  48. "Review of The Gamesman, by Michael Maccoby," Journal of Economic Issues, 12, March 1978, 218-220.
  49. "Review of Twilight of Capitalism, by Michael Harrington," Review of Social Economy, 35, October 1977, 217-220.