Below are brief staffing requirements/suggestions. Next are general “job descriptions” of each. First shift (AM) Site Managers, assistants must arrive when the building opens each day. Admissions and concessions will arrive 15 minutes later. All volunteers scheduled later in the day need tocheck in with Admissions prior to their assigned shiftto allow a smooth transition.
Site Set Up:
Set up will be Friday nightand will occur in the evening after all school/gym events at that facility are completed. Specific school rotation will be announced later.
Set up spectator and player/court chairs on mats, lower hoops and curtains, place all facility/court/ bracket signs, connecting and testing clocks, set up admissions table, assist concessions staff with getting tables and electrical cords placed, placing LNGBA road signs.
Site Manager:
1 per shift
General site management, handing out awards T-shirts to coaches, first line of conflict resolution, oversight of injury occurrences, adjusting game format if needed to stay within the allotted time frame (including starting games too early if referees are shorting warm-ups), overseeing all volunteers have checked in, entering scores on bracket posters and calling into the score general, watch over cash accumulation.
Assistant Manager:
1 person per timeslot needed but prefer to have 1 person assigned to entire 8 hour shift.This person will mainly watching over admissions and concessions. Assist Site Manager as needed, assist with general site appearance as to picking up garbage and cleaning tables/player areas, fill-in for game clock if there is a no-show.
2 persons per time slotbut may need to split table if facility is being used in other areas and multiple entrances are open.
Charge the applicable entrance fees, then ink stamp or wristband. Making sure coaches sign in on the check-in form and allowing no more than two per team. Notify Assistant Site Manager when cash on hand is high or need to exchange $ for smaller bills.
Game Clock:
1 person per game slotand prefer, if slot allows, aminimum of a 3-4 game shift
Having clock/score board ready for each game, filling out score sheet prior to game, starting/stopping clock as referees indicate, notify Site Manager or Assistant if games are beginning to run late or far too early, sweeping court between games as needed. An instruction sheet will be at each clock table with more details/information.
Site Tear Down:
Removing/storing all building signage and LNGBA road signs, stacking/storing all chairs, sweeping courts, picking up all garbage, returning all completed bracket posters to Tournament Director. This is a general clean up since we are charged an hourly facility fee while custodial staff is on duty.
CUSTODIAL: Introduce yourself to the custodian(s). Ask where they will be in the event of problem or emergency 1st shift Site Managers need to try to get custodians’ cell #’s or a radio from them. Custodians will have 1 broom available per court. Make sure the clock volunteers sweep their assigned courts every two games…minimum. Have volunteers/floaters keep tables clean in the concession area and check the restrooms occasionally.
GAME RESULTS:Please keep the tournament result charts and Tourney Machine up-to-date for all grade levels. At end of each game collect score sheets/post the results/scores. Keep all score sheets for back up. Give to Tournament Director at end of day.
ASSISTANT MANAGER:There to assist in all areas but will primarily overlook admissions and concessions, fill in on late/no-show volunteers, and watch side doors for “sneak-ins”.
VOLUNTEERS: Site Manager will have a “master volunteer schedule” with phone numbers of all volunteers. Volunteers must check in at Admissions prior to their shift and sign the roster when they report. Save these sheets for our post tournament review. Call Site Manager or Assistant Manager if replacement has not shown up.
INJURIES:Ice is available at concessions for injuries or medical use only. There will be trainers at the tournament this year and a couple of interns as well.
CASH COLLECTION:Large sums of money should not be left at admissions. Regularly check the amounts. Call Tournament Director for collection and securement as needed. The Tournament Director will collect all excess money throughout the day. At end of the day, please collect and return all cash boxes to the Tournament Director or Treasurer, Mark Schwieters.
AWARDS: Awards are given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd at each level. Site Manager presents the awards immediately following game. Court schedule/time constraints do not allow anyindividual/player recognition or any official “ceremony” on court. Do off court and preferably in commons area. If larger sizes are needed, please have them contact the tournament director after they return home. He will make arrangements to get something to them where possible.
ADMISSIONS: Two coaches per team will receive free entry (must sign in at their assigned site/day to get “stamped”) Volunteers get in free. All Lakeville LNGBA Travel basketball players were given four wristbands each for family/friends to get in free. All Others: Adults: $______Senior Citizens and Students $______/ 5 yrs and Under $ ______or Free(?)
REFEREES: Jack Shawn is the coordinator of the Suburban Officials Association (cell 952-212-6006).
If a referee fails to show talk with the other official on your court and site manager has their master schedule. Then call Jason Bruce. Jack and his wife will be at sites throughout the day or have a representative overseeing officials.
GENERAL MANAGEMENT NOTES:Be visible. Walk around. Check concessions/admissions. Help where you can. Politely stop any ball bouncing or running outside the gym. Help the referees if they need something. Greet and introduce yourself to the coaches playing on each court if possible. Thank them for attending. Remind them if they have any problem/concerns with referees or injuries you are glad to help. Outside food and beverages not allowed with exception of “team water” but be reasonable/cordial on enforcement.
COURT ASSIGNMENTS/ ClockVolunteers / Site Volunteer Lists: The attached sheets will show which grade/level are assigned to each site/court, Clock volunteers, and the assigned people for admissions tables. Each shift must show up 15 min prior and check in at Admissions. Stop by there on occasion to double check.
LOST & FOUND: Figure out a common spot for LOST & FOUND items throughout the day and be sure Admissions and Concessions know where to direct people.