Minutes of Gayton le Marsh Parish/Windfarm Meeting

Held 7.00pm 19th Oct 2017

29 residents of the Parish were present, including the Parish Chair.

  1. Outstanding items from AGM Minutes 6 April 2017
  2. Footway Lighting – LED Lights installed by ELDC.
  3. Gayton Phone Kiosk – Confirmation Received from BT in the process of being purchased by the parish for 1£ - Management Committee under Valerie to be set up to manage its upkeep.
  4. Grass Cutting – not reported as issue with verges being cut twice by LCC.
  5. Dyke Maintenance – Pell’s engaged to perform annual maintenance starting Nov.
  6. High Speed Broadband – poles and fiber in process of being installed, connection coming to Gayton 2018.
  7. VAT Reclaim – not being progressed unless take HMRC to court
  8. External Parish Applications –Project forms updated to reflect proportional funding.
  9. Community Fund Application Forms updated as per agreed changes.
  10. Constitution updated to enable budgets to continue in event of AGM quorum (20) not being met.
  11. Parishioners reminded of their duties and responsibilities to attend AGM
  1. Financial Position
  2. Request to include Income in future status reports.No other issues raised.
  3. The meeting was informed of changes to the handling of:-
  4. Community Fund – can apply more than once up to a maximum of £250 per financial year.
  5. Will be treated in the manner of a grant.
  6. Estimate must be provided.
  7. Funds can be advanced if necessary.
  8. Invoices must be provided and payment slip signed.
  9. Parish Projects – must comply with the provision and handling of funds as covered under Local Government Finance Act.
  10. Invoices etc must be provided and finances audited.
  11. Monies can be provided to the project manager prior to purchase as they are acting on behalf of the parish and they can utilise their financial means eg credit cards to pay or the Windfarm can pay directly eg cheques/bank transfer.
  12. Third Part Projects – including Village Hall.
  13. Detailed Payment Plan with estimates is required.
  14. Windfarm can recompense directly eg cheques/bank transfer, on proof of purchase.
  15. If the 3rd party wish to buy on the internet then they can utilise their own funds or the Windfarm can advance funds to enable purchase by credit card.
  16. Invoices for all payments are required before any payments/advance funds can be provided for the next stage of the Payment Plan.
  1. Current Active Project Status
  2. Churchyard Improvements Phase 1 – recognition of the work undertaken on general maintenance received however vacancy of vicar has caused delays to project.
  3. Village Hall Improvements Phase 1 & 2 – Phase 1 storage shed installed, plans submitted to ELDC. Phase 2 Improvements using Windfarm funding being progressed. Alternative external funding options being pursued for main build.
  1. Additions to Approved Project list.
  2. General Security in Parish - approved (25 for – 4 against)
  3. Alford & District Hockey Club. – general discussion confirmed that any application from an external (to Gayton Parish) organisation would need to be progressed for proportionate funding via the other 3 Windfarm Parish beneficiaries.

It was suggested that the members of the hockey club who lived in Gayton could apply via the Community Fund for training and educational equipment.

  1. Review/Discuss New/Future Projects.

The following projects were identified as possible contenders for funding April 2018.

  1. Phase 2 – Churchyard Improvements – Peter & Robin.
  2. Gayton Phone Kiosk Adoption –Committee:-Valerie, Robin, Mick.
  3. Community CCTV – Alan.
  4. Passing Places – Tony.
  5. Village Hall Phase 3 – Village Hall Committee.
  1. New Windfarm Committee Member Nominations.
  2. Alan - approved
  3. Trish - approved
  4. No Change – Parish officials, Nadine, Collette, Alina, Taite, Peter.
  1. Any Other Business
  1. Concern expressed about:-
  2. Condition of road verges at Gayton Top likely to subside.
  3. Bollards on verges causing traffic passing difficulties.
  4. Low hanging and untrimmed trees causing damage to large vehicles.
  5. Low hanging trees impacting users of the bridleways.
  6. Back Lane especially bad for dog owners not cleaning up or leaving dog bags by side of road.
  7. Pot Holes – especially down Back Lane. (see Highways Dept website).

Action:- Mike and Tony to attend Highways Agency forum and will mention items of concern.

Action:- Responsibility of residents to address items of concern will be raised in next Gayt Post.

  1. Chair thanked all those who attended to enable a quorum to be achieved and looked forward to seeing them and those who were unable to attend for any reason at the Parish/Windfarm AGM in April 2018.