Class 4 Long Term Planning – Year A
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2History/Geography / Ancient Greece (H) / Natural Disasters – Volcanoes and Earthquakes (G) / Roman Empire (H)
Science / Animals including humans / Living things and their habitats / Earth & Space / Forces / Animals including humans / Electricity
Music / Roundabout – Exploring rounds / Songwriter – Exploring lyrics and melody / Stars, hide your fires – Performing together
PE / Invasion Games
Team building / Invasion Games
Dance / Net and wall games
Gymnastics / Net and wall games
Dance / Striking and fielding
Tag rugby / Striking and fielding
PSHCE / New beginnings / Philosophy for children (decision making, bullying etc.) / Going for goals / Meet and Talk (police, fire service, school nurse, aid organisations, vicar) / Relationships / Choices (health – smoking, drugs, behaviour, equality, e-safety, friends)
RE / 2.1 What makes Jesus an inspiration to some people? / Christianity
Christmas / 2.5 Christian Aid, Islamic relief: Can they change the world? / Christianity
Easter / 2.2 Does a beautiful world mean there is a wonderful God? / 2.6 Why are there now over 50 mosques in Yorkshire?
French / Le petite dejeurner / Vive le temps libre / A la plage
Class 4 Long Term Planning – Year B
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2History/Geography / Europe (G) / The Mayan Civilisation (H) / Water – rivers, coasts, mountains and the water cycle (G)
Science / Living things and their habitats / Light / Properties and changes of materials / Living things and their habitats / Sound / Animals including humans
Music / Journey into space – Exploring sound sources / Cyclic patterns – Exploring rhythm and pulse / Who knows? – Exploring musical processes
PE / Invasion Games
Gymnastics / Invasion Games
Dance / Net and wall games
Gymnastics / Net and wall games
Dance / Striking and fielding
O and A activities / Striking and fielding
PSHCE / Our school expectations and systems / Getting on and falling out / Safety (stranger danger, road safety, child-line, e-safety) / Good to be me / Enterprise / class fundraiser / Changes
RE / 2.8 What makes our community more tolerant and respectful. / Christmas / 2.3 How do Hindus and Christians see life as a journey? / Easter / 2.4 Why do people love their sacred places? (Including visit to church and/or Hindu temple)
French / Ma Famille / On fait la fete / Cher Zoo
Class 4 Long Term Planning – Year C
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2History/Geography / Anglo-Saxons (H) / Our Environment – Fairtrade and recylcling (G) / Vikings (H)
Science / Animals including humans / Evolution & Inheritance / States of Matter / Living things and their habitats / Animals including humans / Electricity
Music / Journey into space – Exploring sound sources / Cyclic patterns – Exploring rhythm and pulse / Who knows? – Exploring musical processes
PE / Invasion Games
Gymnastics / Invasion Games
Dance / Net and wall games
Gymnastics / Net and wall games
Dance / Striking and fielding
O and A activities / Striking and fielding
PSHCE / New beginnings / Philosophy for children (decision making, bullying etc.) / Going for goals / Meet and Talk (police, fire service, school nurse, aid organisations, vicar) / Relationships / Choices (health – smoking, drugs, behaviour, equality, e-safety, friends)
RE / 2.7 Values that matter most to Christians, Humanists and me. / Christmas / The Islamic Tradition (old syllabus) / Easter / 2.3 How do Christians and Muslims see life as a journey? / RE Today: In a community with many differences, how should we live?
French / Ma Famille / On fait la fete / Cher Zoo
Sutton–in–Craven CE Primary School