Regional Representative Information

LFLTA Mission:
The mission of the Louisiana Foreign Language Teachers' Association is to provide leadership in the teaching and learning of other languages.

The Regional Representatives, working together by region, shall be responsible for

  1. aiding to organize foreign language conferences and other activities, enlisting presentations for state conferences,
  2. encouraging LFLTA membership, and
  3. forwarding to the Editor of the Communicator, Web Master and to local new media all newsworthy information pertaining to foreign language activities occurring in their districts.

The Regional Representatives shall also be responsible for encouraging and abetting local and district festivals and other appropriate activities and for calling and presiding at regional meetings, naming district committees where needed, and otherwise seeking to achieve the state purpose of the Association within their districts.

Regional meetings

The overall objectives of the Regional Meetings are to:

  1. provide a social and professional network for world language teachers
  2. encourage LFLTA membership
  3. disseminate information about the upcoming conference
  4. advocate world languages in our region
  5. promote the development of regional meetings into mini conferences by creating professional development and award CLU hours

The Regional Representatives, with help from the Executive Board Members and others, need to begin planning their gathering as soon as possible. The hope is that all regional meetings will be completed by the end of September. The format for the meetings has varied but they usually include time for socializing, exchanging ideas (roundtables), workshops (speakers and/or presenters) discussing challenges and learning about LFLTA and its activities. The Board has identified a budget of $50 per region per year if necessary. (All receipts should be submitted to the treasurer.) However, we encourage you to seek support from community and educational sponsors. An ultimate goal is to include speakers or presentations for which LFLTA can offer CLU's. If you plan to offer CLU's, contact Terri Hammatt at for specific guidance.

The Regional Meeting Team developed the following process as a guide for your preparations:

  1. Communications via e-mail, postal mail, regional telephone tree with regional teachers
  2. Prepare name tags
  3. Provide an attendance sheet and pass on to the newsletter editor - the information should include e-mail addresses and schools
  4. Provide refreshments
  5. Offer door prizes
  6. Involve the community and local universities, schools, businesses.
  7. Follow up with a report to the local newspaper and to the newsletter editor to be included in the LFLTA Communicator and the Web Master.

Each Regional Representatives will serve on two of the following committees:

As a member of a Conference Committee, Regional Representatives will arrive at the Conference the evening before the conference to help launch the conference and will work throughout the Conference as needed. They will also attend the “Post-Conference” board meeting.

Regional representatives will attend the Summer retreat and the Board Meetings in August, October, and December.

All board members are responsible for their own conference, travel, and hotel expenses.