Librarian Recognition Award Rubric

NAME OF INSTITUTION: / Does Not Meet All Criteria
[Low Quality]
(1 pt) / Meets Criteria
[Average Quality]
(2 pts) / Exceeds Criteria
[High Quality]
(3 pts)
Nomination packet complete
-Letter of nomination
-Candidate CV
-3 Letters of support / Fewer than three supporting letters included or nominating packet does not speak positively about candidate’s qualifications for award. / Three supporting letters included. Nominating packet materials clearly indicates candidate’s qualifications for award. / Nominating packet materials make strong case for candidate’s qualifications. Three supporting letters included which make strong and emphatic case for candidate.
Contributions to library literature related to instruction/information literacy
  • # of Formal Instances (publications, presentations, workshops etc.
  • # of Informal Publications (blogs, workshops, videos, etc.)
/ Candidate has produced little formal/informal research given the stage of their career:
<5 years = <3 instances
5-15 years = <6 instances
15+ years = <10 instances / Candidate has contributed a satisfactory amount of formal/informal research given the stage of their career:
<5 years = 3-6 instances
5-15 years = 6-10 instances
15+ years = 10-20 instances / Candidate has greatly contributed research formally and/informally given stage of career or has made a highly influential contribution to library literature related to instruction/information literacy
<5 years = 6+ instances or at least 1 high impact
5-15 years = 10+ instances or at least 1 high impact
15+ years = 20+ instances or at least 1 high impact
Key contributor to the creation of an instruction/information literacy program or project. / No evidence of program creation or candidate’s contributions seem superficial or program does not appear effective/impactful. Project not easily reproducible. / Candidate was a key contributor to program creation and program exemplifies best practices and/or demonstrates originality. Project is able to be replicated at other institutions. / Candidate was driving force behind program creation and program serves as a model program and/or demonstrates innovative practice. Project has potential for wide-spread modeling & sharing.
Impactful participation within professional organizations at local, regional, national and/or international levels devoted to the support and promotion of library instruction/information literacy. / Candidate has demonstrated minimal participation in professional organization. Candidate has served on few committees and has not held any leadership position (project lead, officer, chair, president, etc.). / Candidate has served in several professional organizations as a member. Candidate has demonstrated multiple instances of leadership in professional organizations (Project lead, officer, chair, president, etc.). / Candidate has served in high number of professional organizations. Candidate has numerous instances of leadership in professional organizations. Candidates service has resulted in positive impact on committees served.

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