For immediate release: 7th December 2012

Breast Cancer charity gives toxic-free tips for Christmas

As Christmas approaches, Breast Cancer UK would like toshare some top tips on how to avoid toxic products to help keep your family healthy this festive season.

Clare Dimmer, Chair, Breast Cancer UK, said: “Many of the gifts and festive food we buy can contain chemicals that increase our risk of breast cancer, so we thought we’d share some toxic free tips this Christmas. With breast cancer rates at an all time high this year, choosing alternatives to these products is a great way to help protect the health of family and friends.”

Detox your Christmas – some top tips!

Think twice before you buy your gifts and festive food. Check to see if they contain harmful chemicals, some of which have been linked to breast cancer and other diseases. Opt for organic and chemical free if you can. Avoid plastic products marked with the Nos. 3, 6 or 7 in recycling arrows and follow our tips below. (1)

Food and drinks

  • Steaming your Christmas pudding or heating up that leftover turkey in the microwave? Use a ceramic or other non-plastic container. Bisphenol A (BPA) and other chemicals linked to breast cancer may leach out of plastic and into your food when you heat it.
  • Serving up pies and pickles? Try making your own. Many pre-prepared pie fillings and pickles contain parabens, chemicals which disrupt the hormone system and are linked to breast cancer and other diseases, but are commonly used as a preservative.
  • Stocking up for a lazy Boxing Day? Think twice before buying food in tins – they are often lined with a resin which contains BPA. Find alternatives or look for BPA-free tinned food. Some whole food and organic stores stock these. If you cannot find them, tell your retailer that you would prefer them.
  • Does your child have a Christmas themed plastic cup or plate? If they are scratched or have been through the dishwasher or microwave a number of times, throw them out - old plastic products are more likely to leach chemicals.


  • Planning some pampering gifts? If you are thinking about buying body care products, aftershave, cosmetics or perfumes, try to avoid strong, synthetic fragrances. Buy un-fragranced or essential oil based, organic products - or why not turnyour hand to making some body moisturiser using raw coconut or olive oil?
  • If you are buying toys or other plastic products, try to avoid PVC plastic labelled No. 6 and No. 3 because it contains hormone disrupting chemicals called phthalates. Although some phthalates are banned in toys for very young children across the EU, many soft plastic products still contain them.

With best wishes for a toxic-free Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year from Breast Cancer UK.


Contact: Matilda Bradshaw, Communications Manager, Breast Cancer UK on 0777 582 8634

Notes to Editors:

1)For more information about which chemicals to avoid, see:

For more toxic free tips, see: