Deanery Synod Report

Monksilver PCC –Monday, 27th June 2016

Churchwardens –Mrs. S Wallace and Mr D Vere Hodge

Deanery Synod Meeting held on Thursday, 12th May 2016 at Church Centre, Nether Stowey at 7.30 pm.

Present: 29

Apologies: 13

Revd Chloe Kingdon opened the evening at 7.00 pm presiding at a service of Holy Communion.

Light refreshments followed, leading into Synodical business

  1. The Rural Dean introduced Revd Mike Haslam, Chaplain, Taunton Academy and Assistant Rural Dean for the Taunton Deanery who spoke about the informal way in which Taunton Deanery conducts it business.

Sitting in groups, rather than rows, we discussed what we mean by Mission, Evangelism and Discipleship. Suggestions included considering the needs of ones neighbour, listening to and supporting them, supporting charities and act ing as street pastors.

We then considered reimagining Ministry and how ones everyday life communicates that one is a Christian, “We should preach the gospel at all times and use words when absolutely necessary.”

How has our particular church grown over the last five years and what are our hopes for the next five years? Suggestions included Bible Study groups, Messy Church, coffee mornings and Open The Book.

All churches with Action Plans are growing. We need to build on what we are good at. The drivers are good leadership, ordained and lay, extending a welcome to all, especially children. More information on this can be found on Google Search under “From Anecdote to Evidence”.

Mike's talk ended with an invitation to anyone who is interested to attend a Taunton Deanery Synod to see the different way in which it is conducted –all discussion and virtually no business.

ACTION: The Rural Dean at the Quantock Deanery Synod meeting in September, following further discussion with the Deanery Clergy Chapter, will aim to establish through Synod the start of Deanery priority plan for the year ahead with objectives and priorities which are hopefully achievable and linked to the Diocesan priorities outlined by Mike, of:

  1. Seeking the Common Good
  2. Re-imagining ministry; and
  3. Growing the Church

The Rural Dean thanked Mike for a very interesting and helpful talk.

  1. Presentation

Carole Balston was presented with a bunch of flowers and warm thanks for her four years as Secretary of Synod and, although she was not at Synod, best wishes were expressed to RevdBethanGuttridge as she and her husband leave the Watchet and Williton Benefice.

  1. The Confirmation Service with Bishop Peter is at 7.00 pm on 16 June 2016 at Nether Stowey Church. All are welcome, not just candidates and their families, and it is hoped that there will be a good attendance by Synod representatives and members of all deanery PCCs. It is an occasion for celebration for the whole church.
  1. Her Majesty the Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations

Quantock Towers has a special Order of Service which all are invited to borrow or use as a basis for their Service.

  1. Finance

The Treasurer reported a balance of £1,120 in fees. So far she has received 8 donations for the Archdeacon of Taunton's retirement present. Other dona tions may be sent to her or direct to the Diocese. There is £31.60 in the 'designated fund' and £856 so far has been received for the Deanery Missionary Project. The fund for Patrick Weld, the Youth Co-ordinator, stands at £18,061. An offer of £600 has been made towards Patrick's salary from his work at Danesfield School.

  1. Patrick Weld's Report (copy attached) was circulated at the meeting.
  1. The Rural Dean announced that from the date of Archdeacon John Reed's retirement in June until the appointment of a permanent successor Revd Dr Andrew Tatham will be acting in that capacity.

Forthcoming Dates:

18 MayArchdeacon's Visitation at St Peter's, Williton

16 JuneDeanery Confirmation Service with Bishop Peter at Nether Stowey Church

16 July10.00am-2.00pm Children's Work Taster Day at Nether Stowey Church Centre

25 JulyLicensing of The Rev. Prebendary Angela Berners-Wilson at St Mary's Stogumber

13 SeptemberNext Synod meeting at Fiddington Village Hall

2 OctoberCelebration of Reader Ministry

30 October11.00 am Deanery Communion service and bring and share lunch at Stogursey Church

20 NovemberDeanery Mission Project Closure Service at St Mary Magdalene, Stockland Bristol

The meeting closed with The Grace at 9.05 pm.

QuantockDeanery - Patrick Weld: CYP Adviser

Planned Work with Quantock Deanery Benefices –Spring/​Summer 2016

Watchet/Williton–Continuing support for Open the Book. Possible planning for Messy Church with primary aged children and parents, maybe as an ecumenical venture.

Quantock Coast –Summer holiday club coming up. In the primary planning stages. It would be good to find new volunteers if possible. Again interest in possibility of Messy Church.

Quantock Towers–One day event 'The Big Birthday Party' as a starter for collaborative children's work within the benefice (14 May). More to follow from here.

Quantock Villages –Some continuing involvement in Messy Church. Further talks to be had about the future of the Spaxton and Enmore and the possibility of Open the Book in Spaxton.

Cannington–New inroads made with Otterhampton Primary. Head is very keen for church involvement despite not being a Church school. Await arrival of the Rector for Benefice.

In all Deanery schools –continuing to visit (aim is for once per half term) for assemblies. Looking to increase possibilities for 20 Question type class involvement about Christianity. Had very successful times at Enmore School and more recently Cannington School as well.

Danesfield Middle School –continuing to visit the school weekly. Prayer week recently went very well, and from this has sprung an offering of a permanent prayer space in the school. Working with lead teacher to make it into a reality. This gives the possibility of a faith group, prayer space drop-ins, big question discussions etc. Excitingly this can be bolstered by other faith visitors too, working as a team we could cover every lunchtime with a different activity.

Haygrove–weekly visits have restarted. We are planning a series of assemblies to explain who we are and what we believe. Only one year group at a time fits in the hall so we need to do 5 assemblies.

Ignite –A monthly service for secondary age young people. It would be good to find ways to advertise this to children no longer young enough to come to events, but with whom we've had contact in the past.

Spree –Weekend camp organised by Urban Saints, but open to all, for children 8-15yrs old. Runs from 8th-10th July in Devon. I'll be going with the group but again it would be good to advertise to a wider audience.

Quantock Deanery Taster Day: Saturday 16 July 2016

The ideas are to show/illustrate/talk about:

−Messy Church

−Open the Book

−Holiday Clubs

−Easter/Christmas Journeys

−School involvement – reading with children, lesson help etc.

−Keeping contact with children past primary school

Patrick's initial planning is that we could start it mid-morning and finish in the mid-afternoon. We need to try and make a bit of a buzz about this day around the deanery.

PW/April 2016