Learn Smart Chapter 1 Review with Answers
- Combining vowel is used when joining a root of a suffix that begins with...
- Consonant ( not a vowel)
- Ending of a term that gives the word essential meaning
- suffix
- Neuralgia relates to what part of body
- nerves
- Global language of scientific revolution
- latin
- When defining a term define which part first
- suffix
- What 2 languages serve the foundation of medical language?
- Greek and latin
- Cardiology relates to what body organ
- heart
- When do you use a combining vowel?
- To join to a consonant and to join a root to a root
- What is the most common vowel used when using a combining vowel?
- O
- Using a persons name of who discovered or invented a body part or procedure...
- Eponym
- What century did the scientific revolution begin?
- 16th
- Second the last syllable of a word is called?
- penult
- 3rd to last syllable of a word is called?
- antepenult
- MRI is an example of what?
- acronym
Identify the correct word element for the following definitions:
- away
- ab
- around
- peri
- through (2)
- Trans and dia
- Out
- ex
- against (2)
- contra and anti
- vessel
- angi/o
- skin
- cutane/o derm/o dermat/o
- lung
- puneum/o
- specialist
- ist
- softening
- malacia
- enlargement
- megaly
- toward
- ad
- hernia
- cele
- presence of
- iasis
- resembling
- oid
- dry
- xer/o
- foreign
- xen/o
- fungus
- myc/o
- nourishment
- troph/o
- narrowing
- sten/o
- hard
- scler/o
- pus
- py/o
- instrument used to look
- scope
- process of measuring
- metry
- instrument used to measure
- meter
- process of recording
- graphy
- instrument used to produce a record
- graph
- written record
- gram
- puncture
- centesis
- not
- a or an
- half
- semi or half
- over
- hyper
- large
- macro
- tumor
- oma
- disease
- pathy
- drooping
- ptosis
- involuntary contraction
- spasm
- binding
- desis
- removal
- ectomy
- surgical fixation
- pexy
- reconstruction
- reconstruction
- creation
- gen/o
- death
- necr/o
- eat
- phag/o
- slow
- brady
- after
- ante
Identify the definition of the following word roots
- Ule
- small
- ary
- pertaining to
- tachy
- fast
- post
- after
- re
- agaom
- iasis
- presence of
- cele
- hernia
- ia
- pertaining to
- gram
- written record
- meter
- instrument used to measure
- geno
- creation
- cutane/o
- skin
- hydr/o
- water
- morph/o
- change
- necr/o
- death
- orth/o
- straight
- phag/o
- eat
- plas/o
- formation
- penia
- deficiency
- rrhage
- excessive flow
- rrhexis
- rupture
- ole
- small
- hyper
- over
- hypo
- under
- semi
- half
- troph/o
- nourishment
- xen/o
- foreign
- ac
- pertaining to
- itis
- inflammation
- eal
- pertaining to
- sten/o
- narrowing
- trans
- through
- anti
- against
- sym
- together
- algia
- pain
Identify if the following word is plural or singular
- vertebrae
- plural
- ova
- plural
- biopsy
- singular
- appendix
- singular
- larva
- singular
- diagnoses
- plural
- bronchi
- plural
- thrombus
- singular
- spermatozoon
- diagnosis
- singular
- ovum
- singular
- throax
- singular
- vertebra
- singular
Chapter 2 Learnsmart Review
Subjective – tells the story of the patient’s health issue. Anything the patient TELLS you goes in this section (PATIENTS OWN WORDS)
- A record of habits like smoking, drinking, drug use and sexual practices
- Social history
- Any significant illness that runs in patients family
- Family history
- Description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem
- Review of Systems
- The main reason for the patients visit
- Chief complaint
- The story of the patients problem
- History of present illness
- Started recently, sharp sever problem
- acute
- It has been going on for a while
- chronic
- It is getting worse
- exacerbation
- All of a sudden
- abrupt
- To have a fever
- Febrile (to NOT have a fever is afebrile)
- Not feeling well
- malaise
- More and more each day
- progressive
- Something a patient feels
- symptoms
- Decrease in level of consciousness, indication that patient is really sick
- lethargic
- It runs in the family
- Genetic/ hereditary
Objective- data that is collected during the health care provider’s interaction with the patient
- Able to answer questions, responsive, interactive
- alert
- Another way of saying normal
- unremarkable
- To feel
- palpation
- To listen
- auscultation
- Being aware of who he or she is
- oriented
- It really stands out
- marked
- To hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel for the vibration
- percussion
Assessment- to reach a conclusion on the nature of the problem
- To have again
- recurrent
- Dangerous, a problem
- malignant
- Another way of saying assessment
- impression
- The cause
- etiology
- Safe
- benign
- List of conditions the patient may have based of symptoms exhibited and the results of exams
- Differential diagnosis
- Stays in a certain part of the body
- localized
- To risk for dying
- mortality
- Hidden
- occult
- Diseased tissue
- lesion
- What health care professionals think the patient has
- diagnosis
- To get better or improve, does not mean cure
- remission
- All over the body
- Systemic or generalized
- The organism that causes the problem
- pathogen
- No known cause
- Idiopathic
- Waiting for
- pending
- A problem resulting from a disease of injury
- sequelae
- The risk for being sick
- Morbidity
Plan- lays out what the provider recommends to do about the patients current health status
- To send home
- discharge
- To watch or keep an eye on
- observation
- Extremely clean, germ free conditions
- sterile
- Preventative treatment
- prophylaxis
- To tell the patient that the problem is not serious
- reassurance
- Treat the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause
- palliative
- Treat the symptoms and make the patient feel better
- Supportive care
- What happened to the patient at the end of the visit
- disposition
- After medical history and physical exam are done, professional writes a …..
- Admission summary
- Second line of prescription (Sig)
- Patients instructions
- Which line on a prescription is the dispense line- to tell how much
- 3rd line
- Plane that divides body into left and right viewing parts
- sagittal
- Plane that divides body into front and back viewing parts
- coronal
- Plane that divides body into top and bottom viewing parts
- transverse
- Closer to the center
- proximal
- Farther away from the center
- distal
- Toward the top
- cranial
- Toward the bottom
- caudal
- The back
- Dorsal or posterior
- The front
- Ventral or anterior
- Toward the middle
- medial
- Above
- superior
- Below
- inferior
- Lying down on belly
- prone
- Opposite side
- contralateral
- Same side
- ipsilateral
- Both sides
- bilateral
- Top of hand/foot
- dorsum
- Sole of foot
- plantar
- Palm of hand
- palmar
- CCU- coronary care unit
- ECU- emergency care unit
- ER- emergency room
- ED- emergency department
- ICU- intensive care unit
- PICU- pediatric intensive care unit
- SICU- surgical intensive care unit
- PACU- postanesthesia care unit
- L & D- labor and delivery
- OR- operating room
- Post-op- after surgery
- Pre-op- before surgery
- ROS- review of systems
- PMHx- past medical history
- FHx- family history
- PE- physical exam
- NEC- not elsewhere classified
- NOS- not otherwise specified
- WNL- within normal limits
- WDWN-well developed, well nourished
- A&O- alert and oriented
- VS- vital signs
- T- temperature
- BP- blood pressure
- HR- heart rate
- RR- respiratory rate
- Ht- height
- Wt- weight
- I/O- intake/output
- f/u- follow-up
- PCP= primary care provider
- y/o- years old
- h/o- history of
- PR- per rectum
- QID- four times daily
- Dx- diagnosis
- DDx- differential diagnosis
- Tx- treatment
- Rx- prescription
- H&P- history and physical
- Hx- history
- CC- chief complaint
- HPI- history of present illness
- SOB- shortness of breath
- NPO- nothing by mouth
- NAD-no acute distress
- CTA- clear to auscultation
- RRR- regular rate and rhythm
- PEERLA- pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
- AC- before meals
- SC- subcutaneous
- IM- intramuscular
- PICC- peripherally inserted central catheter
- Ad lib- as desired
- Sig- instructions
- IV- intravenous
- CVL- central venous line
- PC- after meals
- prn- as needed
Chapter 3 Learnsmart Review
- Pertaining to the skin
- epidermal
- Below the skin
- hypodermal
- Inside the skin
- intradermal
- Black
- melan/o
- Yellow
- xanth/o
- Blue
- cyan/o
- Red
- erythr/o
- Hidden
- crypt/o
- Scaly
- ichthy/o
- Hard, horny
- kerat/o
- Thick
- pachy/o
- Dry
- xer/o
- Wrinkle
- rhytid/o
- White (2)
- Alb/o leuk/o
- Sweat
- Hidr/o
- Fat (3)
- Adip/o lip/o steat/o
- Skin (3)
- Dermat/o derm/o cutane/o
- Hair (2)
- Trich/o pil/o
- Drug that prevents relieves itching
- antipruritic
- Drug that prevents rotting flesh by killing microorganisms
- antiseptic
- Drug that temporarily blocks sensation
- anesthetic
- Inflammation of skin caused by skin exposure
- Actinic dermatitis
- Lack of sweat
- hypohidrosis
- Inability to see yellow
- axanthopsia
- Lack of skin pigmentation
- albinism
- Person who specializes in breaking codes and deciphering secret messages
- cryptolinguist
- Solid mass deep into the skin
- nodule
- Large solid mass
- tumor
- Small blister
- vesicle
- Pus blister
- pustule
- Large blister
- bulla
- Skin disease
- dermopathy
- Loss of skin
- dermatolysis
- Redness of skin
- erythroderma
- Blue sweat
- cyanidrosis
- Hair follicle plugged with sebum
- comedo
- Inability to see yellow
- axanthopsia
- Loss of pigment
- albinism
- Skin transplant from self
- autograft
- Dried substance
- crust
- Mole with bad changes or formations
- Dysplastic nevus
- Large bruise
- ecchymosis
- Loss of skin
- dermatolysis
- A scratch
- excoriation
- Sweating blood
- hemathidrosis
- Sweat gland
- Sudoriferous gland
- Oil gland
- Sebaceous gland
- Highly contagious bacterial infection of skin
- Impetigo
- Small bruise
- petechia
- Bite nails
- onychophagia
- Soften the skin
- macerate
- Tissue death
- necrosis
- Overgrowth of scar tissue
- keloid
- Ingrown nail
- onychocryptosis
- Wrinkled skin
- rhytidoderma
- Using electricity to destroy tissue by burning it
- electrocauterization
- Skin transplant taken from a species other than the patients
- Heterograft or xenograft
- Removal of tissue that has been destroyed using chemicals
- chemosugery
- Destruction of tissue through freezing
- cryosurgery
- Using electricity to destroy by drying it
- electrodesiccation
- Crack in the skin
- fissure
- Formation of sweat
- hidropoiesis
- Skin transplant taken from a member of the patients species
- Homograft or allograft
- rubbing or scraping away the outer surface of skin
- abrasion
- A small blood vessel tumor
- Cherry angioma
- A scar
- cicatrix
- To cut into a wound to allow trapped infected liquid to drain
- Incision and drainage
- Skin disease
- Dermopathy
- Drug that destroys or opposes the growth of microorganisms
- antibiotic
- Bed sore
- Decubitus ulcer
- A sore
- ulcer
- Skin flaking off
- scale
- Baldness experienced by woman after a pregnancy
- Postpartum alopecia
- Rashes that start from the middle and work their way outward
- Centrifugal
- Rashes that spread from the outside inward
- centripetal
- An itch or itchy skin
- pruritus
- Removal of tissue in order to examine it
- biopsy
- Black head/white head
- comedo
- Yellow tumor
- xanthoma
- Unusual inflammation of the skin
- Atopic dermatitis
- Small flat discolored area- freckle
- macule
- Large flat discolored area (vitiligo)
- patch
- Small solid mass
- papule
- Solid mass on surface of skin
- plaque
- Localized collection of pus in the body
- Abscess
- Fatty tumor
- Steatoma
- Dry skin
- xeroderma
- Inflammation of skin follicles
- Acne vulgaris
- Baldness
- Alopecia
- SC- subcutaneous
- TD- trasdermal
- Bx- biopsy
- ABCDE- asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving
- derm- dermatology
- EAHF- eczema, asthma, hayfever
- SCC- squamous cell carcinoma
- XP- xeroderma pigmentosa
- BCC- basal cell carcinoma
- C & S- culture and sensitivity
- decub- decubitus ulcer
- FS- frozen section
- ID- I ntradermal
- SQ- subcutaneous
- subcut- subcutaneous
Chapter 4
- Achondroplasia means
- Defective cartilage formation
- Tumor made up of cartilage
- Tumor like cartilage growth
- The softening of cartilage
- chondromalacia
- Costochondritis means
- Inflammation of the cartilage associated with a rib
- Overdevelopment of the muscle tissue
- hypertrophy
- The C in ACL and PCL mean…
- Cruciate (anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament= both in knee)
- IF you have tarsitis what is inflamed?
- ankle
- Incision of bone
- osteotomy
- Tendinitis and tendonitis both mean…
- Inflammation of a tendon (connects muscle to bone)
- Removal of a fluid filled sac
- bursectomy
- Arthrodesis means
- Surgical fixation of a joint
- Carpectomy is removal of…
- Wrist bone
- Costectomy is removal of…
- rib
- Craniectomy is removal of…..
- skull
- Fibrous connective tissue that binds muscles together
- Fascia fasci/o
- When forming bone, the initial model is made from…. And later replaced with bone
- cartliage
- Spondylitis is inflammation of…..
- veterbrae
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects what part of the body
- wrist
- Surgery that uses an instrument to look inside a joint……
- arthroscopic
- Sway back, excessive curvature of lumbar vertebrae
- lordosis
- Hunch back, excessive curvature of thoracic vertebrae
- kyphosis
- Lateral curvature of vertebrae
- Scoliosis
- Using screws, pins or plates to hold healing bones in place from the inside is called….
- Internal fixation
- Returning a broken bone to its proper position without surgery is called…..
- Closed reducation
- List bones of the upper arm
- Humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges
- Genu valgum and varus relate to what body part?
- knee
- Knock kneed
- Genu valgum
- Bow legged
- Genu varum
- Osteodystrophy is poor development of…
- bone
- Term for bone loss
- osteolysis
- Osteonecrosis is Bone………
- death
- Abnormal hardening of bone is called
- osteosclerosis
- Place the names of the vertebrae in order, starting at the top of the head.
- Cervial, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx
- Abduction- separate this word into word elements
- Ab-duction
- Premature fusion of skull bones cause misshapen skull
- craniosynostosis
- Poor muscular development
- Muscular dystrophy
- Violent muscle contractions
- myoclonus
- Muscle disease
- myopathy
- Muscle weakness
- myasthenia
- Myosarcoma means….
- Tumor within muscle
- A loss of muscular control is a disorder called….
- Tardive dyskinesia
- The deltoid, triceps and biceps can be found where in the body
- Upper arm (shoulder and forearm)
- Slow movement
- bradykinesia
- Inability to control movement
- dyskinesia
- Increase in muscle movement
- hyperkinesia
- Decrease in muscle movement
- hypokinesia
- What connects bone to bone
- ligament
- Osteoalgia and osteodynaia both mean bone……..
- pain
- Partial dislocation of a joint
- subluxation
- Disease that causes death to the fascia
- Necrotizing fasciitis
- Polymyositis means…..
- Inflammation of multiple muscles (myositis= muscle inflammation)
- Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus and gastrocnemius all are located where in the body…..
- Lower Extremity
- Define osteometry
- Measure bone
- Procedure where you look into a joint
- arthroscopy
- Instrument that you use to look in to a joint
- arthroscope
- Spinal stenosis causes______of the spinal canal
- narrowing
- Someone with polydactyle would have…….
- More fingers than normal
- Spondylitis means inflammation of ….
- vetebrae
- Spondylomalacia means ------of the vertebrae
- softening
- Condition of fused toes or fingers
- syndactyly
- Brittle bone disease
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Abnormal softening of bone
- osteomalacia
- Loss of bone density
- osteoporosis
- Internal abdominal obliques, External abdominal obliques, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and latissimus dorsi are muscles that are located where in the body…
- Trunk and chest
- Visual record of a joint
- arthrogram
- Osteectomy and ostectomy are both terms that mean what ?
- Removal of bone
- Hyperkinesia is excessive…..
- Excessive movement
- A drug that will decrease pain
- analgesic
- Tendectomy and tenonectomy are terms that both mean what?
- Removal of a tendon
- When someone has hemarthrosis, they have ______in a joint?
- blood
- When someone has hydrarthrosis they have______in a joint?
- water
- When someone has pyarthrosis they have ______in a joint?
- pus
- What would the procedure to remove a rib be called?
- costectomy
- In a myocele, there is a ______to the muscle.
- hernia
- If someone has myolysis, they have muscle ______
- loss
- Myotasis means
- stretching
- Myotonia means
- tone
- Reconstruction of the fascia is called.
- fascioplasty
- Fasciorraphy is a ______to the fascia?
- suture
- Fasciotomy is ______of fascia?
- removal
- Fasciodesis is the ______of the fascia?
- Binding/fixing
Chapter 5 Review
- Inability to speak
- aphasia
- Lack of coordination
- ataxia
- Decrease in muscle tone
- catonia
- Brief loss of mental function
- delirum
- Loss or decline of mental function
- dementia
- Difficulty reading
- dyslexia
- The word root Myel/o means two things…….
- Bone marrow and spinal cord
- Lou Gehrigs is a disorder other wise known as……
- Negative emotional state
- dysphoria
- Meningi/o and mening/o both mean…
- meninges
- Encephalography is …..
- Studying the brain
- Cerebro and encephalo both mean….
- brain
- Abnormal large head
- macrocephaly
- Abnormal small head
- microcephaly
- Myelocele is a hernia of the ….
- Spinal cord
- Myelomeningocele is a hernia of the … and ….
- Spinal cord and meninges
- Meningocele is a hernia of the …..
- meninges
- Inflammation of a nerve
- neuritis
- Word root meaning feeling or sensation
- Esthesi/o
- Procedure where they record the electrical activity of the brain
- electroencephalography
- Drug that relieves pain
- analgesic
- ICP =
- Intracranial pressure
- Anesthesia where there is a complete loss of consciousness
- general
- Acrophobia
- Fear of heights
- Agoraphobia
- Fear of outdoor spaces
- Hydrophobia
- Fear of water
- Kleptomania
- Desire to steal
- Photophobia
- Insensitivity to light
- Pyromania
- Desire to set fires
- Drug that dissolves blood clots
- Thrombolytic
- Disorder that you have a lack of smell
- anosmia
- Painful or burning sensation
- causalgia
- Bad feeling
- dysethesia
- Increase of sensation
- hyperesthesia
- Paraesthesia
- Abnormal sensation
- Pseudoesthesia
- False sensation
- Synesthesia
- Sensation in one area is experienced as another
- Somn/o and hypn/o both are word roots meaning….
- sleep
- Accumulation of spinal fluid IN the brain….
- hydrocephaly
- 2 divisions of the nervous system
- CNS and PNS
- What does a psychotropic treat ?
- psychosis
- Word root meaning speech
- Phas/o
- Time between seizures is called
- interictal
- Time after seizure is called
- postictal
- Encephalitis refers to what part of body
- brain
- Cranial refers to what part of the body
- skull
- Head pain
- cephalalgia
- Brain pain
- encephalalgia
- Nerve pain
- neuralgia
- Paralysis to half of the body
- hemiplegia
- Partial Paralysis to half of the body
- hemiparesis
- Lack of emotion
- apathy
- Nerves that take impulse toward the CNS are called (2 names)
- Afferent or sensory
- Nerves that take impulse away from CNS and toward muscles/glands are called (2)
- Efferent or motor
- Excessive fear
- phobia
- Kinesi/o and Kinet/o are both word roots meaning…
- movement
- Nystagmus
- Involuntary back and forth eye movement
- 2 word elements pertaining to paralysis
- Plegia and paresis
- Inflammation of the brain
- encephalitis
- Word element meaning arrangement, coordination and order
- Tax/o
- Word element meaning weakness
- asthenia
- Disease having NO origin
- idiopathic
- Myelodysplasia is a deformation of what?
- Spinal cord
- Tumor like mass composed of blood.
- hematoma
- Hematoma beneath the skull
- Cranial hematoma
- Hematoma on top of the dura mater
- Epidural hematoma
- Hematoma inside the brain
- Intracerebral hematoma
- Hematoma beneath the dura mater
- Subdural hematoma
- Encephalocele is a hernia where?
- brain
- Word element meaning Excessive desire
- mania
- Word element meaning know
- Gnosi/o
- Word element meaning mind- there are 2
- Psych/o and phren/o
- Word element meaning muscle tone, tension or pressure
- Ton/o
- Fainting
- syncope
- Condition of sleep walking
- Somnambulism
Chapter 5 Review