Be able to Identify, Use, and Recognize the Following Terms:

Cultural Diffusion / Syncretism / Caliph; Caliphate / Dhimmi; Mawali; Jizya / Damascus; Baghdad / Wazir / Jihads / Sunni; Shi’a / Shari’a; Hadiths / Umayyad Caliphate; Abbasid Caliphate
Stateless Societies / Animism / Sundiata; Mansa Musa / Benin; Kongo; Great Zimbabwe / Justinian; Theodora / Constantinople / Justinian Code / Hagia Sophia / Eastern Orthodox Church / Kiev
Rurik / Russian Orthodox Church / Boyars / Tatars / Middle Ages / Vikings / Manorialism; Feudalism / Serfs / Carolingians; Charles Martel;
Charlemagne / Holy Roman Empire
William the Conqueror / Limited Government; Magna Carta; Parliaments; Three Estates / Gothic Architecture / Hanseatic League / The Crusades; Pope Urban II / Guilds / Black Death; Bubonic Plague / Tenochtitlan / Chinampas / Montezuma I; Montezuma II
Split Inheritance / Grand Canal / Footbinding / Neo-Confucianism / Changan / Empress Wu / Sinification / Tribute System / Taika Reforms (646 CE) / The Tale of Genji
Samurai / Seppuku / Trung Sisters (Vietnam) / Genghis Khan / Kublai Khan; Chabi / Khan; Khanate / Division of Genghis Khan’s Empire / The Golden Horde (Russia) / Ilkhanate of Persia (Middle East) / Mongols in Central Asia

Be Able to Answer the Following Questions:

  1. Be able to answer any of the questions on the Chapter 6-11 Take Home Test.
  1. The two major themes of the Post-Classical Period are Religion and Trade. Analyze how religion influenced the development of Western Europe, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Americas, and East Asia.
  1. The two major themes of the Post-Classical Period are Religion and Trade. Analyze how trade influenced the rise and fall of empires in the Post-Classical Period.
  1. How did the Sui, Tang, and Song Dynasties set about repairing the damage that followed the decline of the Han Dynasty? What were the major aspects of each of the three dynasties? Were the successful in their goals? Why or why not?
  1. How did China influence the political, cultural, economic, and social aspects of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam in the Post-Classical Period?
  1. Analyze the rise and administration of the following empires in the Post-Classical Period:
  2. The Byzantine Empire
  3. West African Kingdoms (Ghana, Mali, Songhay)
  4. The Aztec or Incan Empires
  5. The Mongol Empire