Expression Array

Sample Submission Form


NRPGM Microarray & Gene Expression Core Facility

Version 4.0

Sep /2010

Sample Submission Form (please fill the areas below)

Customer information:

PI’s Name: ______

Name: ______Department: ______Institute: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______

Address: ______

Name of the sample(s): ______



Service ID/Array type: □ Affymetrix Expression

15~20μg for one-cycle______array

5~15μg for one-cycle ______array


□ Affymetrix Exon 6μg array

□ Agilent Expression 10μg array

Date of sample submission: ______


◎ Special request: □ I want to take back all of the remnant samples that I have delivered

after the processing of the experiment was completed.

RNA quantification and quality control performed by the customer:

The criteria of RNA integrity and quantity was shown on microarray/RNA_QC.html

RNA Integrity Test:

□ Electrophoresis gel result of the RNA sample(s)

□ Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer graphic result

**The image should show two predominant and intact eukaryotic ribosomal RNA bands -28S and 18S. If it is presence of a smear that means RNA has been degraded. If there is a sign close to loading well that means the sample has been contaminated by genomic DNA.

l  For electrophoresis, the O.D. A260 /A280 ratio should be close to 2.0 for pure RNA (ratios between 1.8 and 2.1 are acceptable).

l  For 2100 Bioanalyzer, the RIN value should be more than 8 for each RNA sample.

RNA quantity and purity test

Total RNA concentration should be near 1 μg/μl.

n  For Affymetrix System (if you use Agilent array please skip this)

Sample ID* / Conc. (μg/μl) * / OD260/280 Ratio *
(Spectrometer) / RIN value
(Agilent system)

*The column must be filled in definitely.

□ Data comparison (optional)

□ One control versus multiple experiments:
Exp. . / Exp. .
Exp. . / Exp. .
Exp. . / Exp. . / VS. Control .
Exp. . / Exp. .
Exp. . / Exp. .
Exp. . / Exp. .
□ One control versus one experiment:
Exp. . VS. Control . / Exp. . VS. Control .
Exp. . VS. Control . / Exp. . VS. Control .
Exp. . VS. Control . / Exp. . VS. Control .
Exp. . VS. Control . / Exp. . VS. Control .

n  For Agilent System (if you use Affymetrix array please skip this)

Sample ID* / Conc. (μg/μl) * / OD260/280 Ratio *
(Spectrometer) / RIN value
(Agilent system)

*The column must be filled in definitely.

The pair of samples (please fill in definitely)

Control . VS. Exp. . / Control . VS. Exp. .
Control . VS. Exp. . / Control . VS. Exp. .
Control . VS. Exp. . / Control . VS. Exp. .
Control . VS. Exp. . / Control . VS. Exp. .
Control . VS. Exp. . / Control . VS. Exp. .
Control . VS. Exp. . / Control . VS. Exp. .




感謝國立陽明大學榮陽基因體研究中心微陣列與基因表現分析核心設施,提供 ______技術服務。此基因表現分析核心設施接受國科會基因體醫學國家型科技計畫支援


The authors acknowledge the technical services (supports) provided by Microarray & Gene Expression Analysis Core Facility of the National Yang-Ming University VGH Genome Research Center (VYMGC). The Gene Expression Analysis Core Facility is supported by National Research Program for Genomic Medicine (NRPGM), National Science Council.


I’ve checked and confirmed the document of the submission form. I also realize the acknowledgement requirement of the service and I agree the requirement.

P.I. Signature: __ _

Comment: (official only) Approval □ YES □ NO

Signature: ___

Sample transportation:

l  Deliver the sample in a dry iced-container, together with [Sample Submission Form] to 台北市北投區112石牌立農街二段103號(陽明大學致和新村103號)


l  Please inform us the delivery by phone (02) 2826-7337 (02) 2826-7000 ext 5125,

by fax (02) 2826 1444, or by e-mail to