Sekretariat der ständigen Konferenz

Der Kultusminister der Länder

In der Bundesrepublik deutschland

(Secretariat of The Standing Conference

of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs

of the Laender in the federal republic of Germany)

Synoptic Presentation of Possibilities of Access to Higher Education

in the Laender

for Applicants with a Professional Qualification

but without the Higher-Education Entrance Qualification from the Education System

on the Basis of Regulations of Higher Education Related Legislation


- as per October 2000 -

Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
Baden-Württemberg / Fachhochschulen (FH) [i]
-Fachhochschule Act (FHG) Baden-Württemberg (BW) as amended on 01.02.2000. § 53 (7) in conjunction with the Eignungsprüfungsverordnung Sozial- und Pflegewesen Fachhochschulen of 21.05.1993 (GBl. 1993, page 269)
Teacher-training colleges (PädagogischeHochschulen)
-§ 58 (7) Teacher-Training Colleges Act as amended on 01.02.2000
All universities and Berufsakademien[ii]
-§ 85a University Act BW as amended on 01.02.2000
-§ 85 (6) Teacher-Training Colleges Act BW as amended on 01.02.2000
-§ 61a Kunsthochschulgesetz BW as amended on 01.02.2000
-§ 53 (6) Fachhochschule Act BW as amended on 01.02.2000
-§ 8a Berufsakademie Act BW as amended on 01.02.2000
-Verordnung des Kultusministeriums über die Eignungsprüfung für den Zugang besonders qualifizierter Berufstätiger zu den Hochschulen und Berufsakademien des Landes of 04.03.1996
N.B.: § 85a University Act also applies to the study courses of medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and dentistry. / Fachhochschulen
Youth and child care workers (Erzieher), remedial teachers (Heilpädagogen), integration teachers (Arbeitserzieher), etc.
-recognition by State
-a minimum of three years of relevant work experience
-permanent or normal residence in BW for at least three years
Geriatric nurses (Altenpfleger), nurses (Krankenpfleger), etc.
-successful completion of the secondary course of education (mittlerer Bildungsabschluss)
-completion of relevant technical and vocational training pathway
-a minimum of five years of work experience in the occupational field
-permanent or normal residence in Baden-Württemberg (BW) for at least three years
Teacher-training colleges (PädagogischeHochschulen)
-completion of a State, State-regulated or State-recognised course of vocational training of at least two years' duration in accordance with the Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) or the German Craft Code (Handwerksordnung) or in a skilled occupation with equivalent regulations, as well as school-based vocational education and training (VET) pathways and VET pathways in an employment relationship under public law
-followed by two years of work
All universities and Berufsakademien
-main residence and work in the Federal Republic of Germany for at least one year
-completion of a technical and vocational training pathway of at least two years' duration
-master craftsperson examination (Meisterprüfung) or equivalent advanced VET course in accordance with the Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) or the German Craft Code (Handwerksordnung) or completion of a technical college (Fachschule) or equivalent advanced VET course with an average mark of 2.5
-a minimum of four years of work experience in the occupational field where applicants were trained
Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-Pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
Bayern (Bavaria) / 1.1No
1.2None / ___
(as of December 1997) / -Berliner Hochschulgesetz (Berlin University Act) as amended on 12.10.1990, § 11 / -completion of Realschule[iii] or equivalent school education
-completion of relevant technical and vocational training pathway
-a minimum of four years of work experience
-master craftsperson examination (Meisterprüfung), qualification as state-certified technician (staatlich geprüfter Techniker), state-certified business economist (staatlich geprüfter Betriebswirt) in an adequate area
-comparable training
-possibility of credit transfer of substitute periods of training (Ersatzzeiten)
Brandenburg / 1.1§ 25 (3) Brandenburgisches Hochschulgesetz (Brandenburg University Act) of 20.05.1999 (GVBl. 1 S. 130)
1.2none / -minimum age of 24
-completion of secondary level I and of a technical and vocational training pathway adequate for the study course
-proof of several years of work experience or successful completion of the master craftsperson examination (Meisterprüfung) in an occupation adequate for the study course
Bremen / a)§ 33 (6) No. 1 in conjunction with § 55 Bremisches Hochschulgesetz (Bremen University Act): placement test
b)§ 35 (2) Bremisches Hochschulgesetz (Bremen University Act): probationary period of study / a)Placement test:
-minimum age of 24
-completed technical and vocational training pathway
-minimum of three years of work experience
-main residence in the Land of Bremen or in neighbouring rural districts for at least one year
-participation in further training and CET measures
b)Probationary period of study (Probestudium):
-minimum age of 24
-completed technical and vocational training pathway
-additional training for master craftspersons (Meister), state-certified technician (staatlich geprüfter Techniker), state-certified business economist (staatlich geprüfter Betriebswirt) or comparable examination
-main residence in the Land of Bremen or in neighbouring rural districts for at least one year
Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-Pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
c)§ 33 (6) No. 2 in conjunction with § 58a Bremisches Hochschulgesetz (Bremen University Act): Kontaktstudium
1.2 The mentioned study courses are not offered in Bremen. / c) Post-graduate studies (Kontaktstudium):
-minimum age of 24
-a minimum work period of three years during which participants have acquired the aptitude required for participation
-main residence in the Land of Bremen or in neighbouring rural districts for at least one year
Hamburg / 1.1§ 31a Hamburg University Act in conjunction with the Verordnung für den besonderen Hochschulzugang für Berufstätige of 24.11.1992. For the older regulation of the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik, the legal basis is § 31 (2) sentence 2 Hamburg University Act in conjunction with the Prüfungsordnung für die Aufnahmeprüfung.
1.2As of the 2000/2001 winter semester, applicants have the additional possibility of studying medicine, dentistry or pharmacy at the Hamburg University via the procedure provided for in § 31a Hamburg University Act. / First alternative
Entry examination (§ 31a (2) Hamburg University Act)
-minimum age of 24
-completed technical and vocational training pathway or a minimum of four years of relevant work experience (family help [Familienarbeit] must be credited with up to two years)
-main residence in Hamburg for a minimum of three years or professional activity in Hamburg for at least two years
-For the entry examination at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik, comparable but not identical conditions apply (e.g. minimum age of 20).
Second alternative:
Counselling talk (Beratungsgespräch) (§ 31a (5) Hamburg University Act)
-same requirements as first alternative
-successful completion of an examination of a subject-specific course of further training as master craftsperson (Meister) or commercial administrator (Fachwirt) that is adequate for the desired study course or an equivalent subject-specific TVE examination
Hessen / 1.1Universities
-§ 35 (6) Hessian University Act in conjunction with the Verordnung über den Zugang besonders befähigter Berufstätiger zu den Universitäten im Lande Hessen of 30.07.1993
-§ 35 (6) Hessian University Act in conjunction with the Verordnung über den Zugang besonders befähigter Berufstätiger zu den Universitäten im Lande Hessen
1.2In accordance with the Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung über den Zugang besonders befähigter Berufstätiger zu den Universitäten im Lande Hessen of 30 June 2000 (GVBl. I S. 361) these study courses are treated as equivalent. / Universities
-final examination in a related recognised training profession
-a minimum of four years of relevant work experience after the final examination
-proof of relevant further training qualifications
-minimum age of 24
-final examination in a related recognised training profession
-proof of relevant CET qualifications
Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) / 1.1In accordance with § 62 of the Landeshochschulgesetz MV (University Act of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), a higher-education entrance qualification (Studienberechtigung) may be obtained both for university-based study courses and for courses at Fachhochschule.
1.2At present, there is no possibility of access for specially qualified people under employment. Access is planned to be facilitated as of the 2001/2002 winter semester. / -completed technical and vocational training pathway
-they must have practised the respective occupation as their main occupation for a minimum of three years
-minimum age of 21
Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) / 1.1First alternative
-§ 32 (3) Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz (Lower Saxon University Act, NHG) as amended on 24.03.1998 (Nds.GVBl. page 300) last amended by Art. 2 of the Law of 11.11.1999 (Nds.GVBl. page 304), in conjunction with the Verordnung über Erwerb der fachbezogenen Hochschulzugangsberechtigung durch Prüfung of 13.04.1995 (Nds.GVBl. page 108)
Second alternative
-§ 32 (1) sentence 2 No. 3 NHG (for amendment, version and reference see above)
Third alternative
-§ 32 (1) sentence 2 No. 3 in conjunction with subsection (4) NHG (for amendment, version and reference see above) / -completed technical and vocational training pathway, followed by a minimum of two years of relevant activity in the occupational field where applicants were trained or
a minimum of three years of activity in different occupational fields or
a minimum of years of activity in an occupational field whose requirements are comparable to a skilled occupation
-responsibility for the care of a person in need of education or care may be treated as equal to previous vocational training periods
-a minimum of one year of residence in Lower Saxony
-certificate on exam preparation
Access to Fachhochschulen
-master craftsperson examination (Meisterprüfung) or
-completion of training for state-certified technicians (staatlich geprüfte Techniker) or state-certified business economists (staatlich geprüfte Betriebswirte) or
-for some specific courses of study: qualification obtained by completing training for state-recognised youth and child care workers (staatlich anerkannte Erzieher), or
-any qualification previously acquired which the Ministry has specified as equivalent for specific study courses
Access to university-based courses of study:
-previous education and training in accordance with § 32 (1) sentence 2 No. 3 NG must be relevant for the selected course
-enrolment of indeterminate duration requires successful completion of usually two semesters of study
Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
1.2First alternative
A draft amendment of the Regulation already exists. It is expected that it will be possible to hold the examination also in the four mentioned study courses as of early 2001.
Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine/Westphalia) / 1.1Universities
-Gesetz über die Hochschulen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (University Act – HG) of 14 March 2000 (GV. NRW page 190)
-Verordnung über die Zulassung zur Einstufungsprüfung according to the University Act of 09.03.1994 (GV. NRW page 137)
-Verordnung über die Zulassung zur Einstufungsprüfung according to the Fachhochschule Act of 09.03.1994 (GV. NRW page 136)
1.2So far no possibility. / Placement test
-age 24
-completed technical and vocational training pathway
-minimum of five years of relevant work, also if it was not carried out for commercial purposes
§ 66 (5) HG
According to this section, also applicants who do not have the qualification as provided for by § 66 (2) HG (Fachhochschulreife[iv]) and without taking a placement test as provided for by § 67 (2) HG may take up a study course in a corresponding area at Fachhochschulen in the framework of model pilot studies if they are either master craftspeople (Meister) in accordance with the Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) and the German Craft Code (Handwerksordnung), or graduates of a two-year technical college (Fachschule) of the Land of Nordrhein-Westfalen (NW), or nurses (Pflegekraft) entitled to bear the vocational training title in accordance with § 2 of the Training Act for Geriatric Nurses and Nurses (Weiterbildungsgesetz Alten- und Krankenpfleger, WGAukrpfl.).
Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) / Subject-related higher-education entrance qualification (fachbezogene Studienberechtigung)
-§ 61 (1) sentence 3 University Act of 23.05.1995 (GVBl. page 85)
Provisions also apply to the study courses of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy (veterinary medicine is not offered in Rhineland-Palatinate). Due to requirements in accordance with State Church legislation, admission to the study course of catholic theology is not possible.
-§ 53 (1) Fachhochschule Act of 06.02.1996 (GVBl. page 71) / -completed technical and vocational training pathway with a qualified result, average mark of 2.5 or better
-work in the learned occupation or a comparable activity for more than three years (university) or two years (Fachhochschule)
-close connection between training, work and chosen subject of studies
Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
Saarland / 1.1Universities
-§ 82 (5) University Act of 23.06.1999 (Official Journal page 982) in conjunction with the Verordnung über die Studienberechtigung für die Hochschulen des Saarlandes durch besondere berufliche Qualifikation of 28.04.1995 (Official Journal page 540)
-§ 65 (6) Gesetz über die Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes of 23.06.1999 (Official Journal page 1014) in conjunction with the Verordnung über die Studienberechtigung für die Hochschulen des Saarlandes durch besondere berufliche Qualifikation of 28.04.1995 (Official Journal page 540)
1.2So far no possibility. / -successful completion of final examination in a subject-related and recognised training occupation
-a minimum of four years of practice in the learned or a related occupation as main occupation (running the household in a self-employed manner and as the main occupation with responsibility for the upbringing of at least one child or the care of at least one person in need of care may be recognised fully for occupations in education and social education, in other cases up to two years as the main occupation. Part-time work of at least 50% is considered the main occupation.)
-subject-related further training
-a minimum of two years of main residence in the Land of Saarland or a minimum of two years of occupational activity in the Land of Saarland
Sachsen (Saxony) / 1.1§ 13 (11) of the Gesetz über die Hochschulen im Freistaat Sachsen (Saxon University Act – SächsHG) of 11.06.1999
1.2see 1.1 / -completed technical and vocational training pathway followed by at least three years of relevant work
-successful completion of an entrance examination whose details are regulated in a Prüfungsordnung[v]
Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt) / 1.1§ 54 (5) Hochschulgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt as amended on 01.07.1998 (GVBl. LSA p. 300), last amended by the Viertes Gesetz zur Änderung des Hochschulgesetzes of 08.08.2000 (GVBl. LSA p. 520) in conjunction with a corresponding provision in the Matriculation Ordinance of the university concerned.
1.2see 1.1 / -Realschulabschluss[vi] or equivalent qualification
-completion of a recognised technical and vocational training pathway adequate for the selected study course
-several years of occupational activity
-proof of special skills and knowledge in an examination whose details are regulated in a Prüfungsordnung
Land / 1.1 Are there any possibilities for applicants with a professional qualification who did not obtain any higher-education entrance qualifications in the education system to take up a study course at tertiary level which leads to professional qualifications?
1.2 Which possibilities do they have regarding the study courses of
-medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine?
-pharmacy? / 2. Which requirements must applicants fulfil in each case?
Schleswig-Holstein / 1.1Yes
The following three possibilities exist according to the Gesetz über die Hochschulen und Klinika im Lande Schleswig-Holstein (Hochschulgesetz – HSG) as amended by the Notice of 04 May 2000 (GVOBl. Schleswig-Holstein p. 416):
  1. Probationary period of study (Probestudium) according to § 73 (5) HSG and § 3 (2) StuQuaVO1
  2. Aptitude interview (Eignungsgespräch) according to § 73 (6) HSG and § 3 (a) StuQuaVO2
  3. Aptitude test (Eignungsprüfung) at Fachhochschulen according to § 73 (3) HSG and § 2 No. 5 StuQuaVO as well as LVO3
1.2For the study courses of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy (veterinary medicine is not offered in Schleswig-Holstein) there is the option of an aptitude interview.
Landesverordnung über die Qualifikation für ein Studium an einer Hochschule des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (Studienqualifikationsverordnung – StuQuaVO) as amended on 03.05.1991 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. p. 315), last amended by the Verordnung of 24.10.1996 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. p. 652)
Landesverordnung über den Zugang zu den Hochschulen für Personen ohne schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung as amended on 20.12.1991 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. p. 35)
Landesverordnung über die Eignungsprüfung für Bewerber ohne Fachhochschulreife um das Studium an einer Fachhochschule in Schleswig-Holstein (Eignungsprüfung (FH)) as amended on 19.08.1982 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. p. 315), last amended by the Verordnung of 24.10.1996 (GVOBl. Schl.-H. p. 652) / a)Probationary period of study (Probestudium):
-qualified completion of a technical and vocational training pathway
-average mark of at least 3.0
-five years of professional experience (or substitute periods) upon completion of training period
-a minimum of three years of main residence in Schleswig-Holstein (counted back from the desired beginning of study)
as well as
-previous work placement, if specified,
-if appropriate, subject-relevant link between learned profession and chosen study course (e.g. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
b)Aptitude interview (Eignungsgespräch)
  1. proof of especially high qualification level
-in vocational training: Berufsfachschule[vii] certificate (good overall mark or average mark of 2.0) and certificate furnishing proof of at least two years of occupational activity (with at least good performance)
-in advanced VET:
master craftsperson examination (Meisterprüfung) and additional work experience
further training examination equivalent to the master craftsperson examination (Meisterprüfung) with a good overall mark
completion of a technical college (Fachschule) with good overall mark or average mark of 2.0 and additional work experience
-in further training
completed re-training in recognised skilled occupation as well as one of the previously mentioned requirements (advanced VET)